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It's a pity it's taken the media this long, but better late than never where that man is concerned


“The perfect partner to take the club forward,” was Bill Kenwright’s description of Moshiri when the initial investment was announced. Moshiri was the perfect partner for Kenwright, not Everton, allowing the chairman to remain in the role to this day when his first act should have been to clear out the underperforming board he inherited. Everton’s decline predates Moshiri. It just accelerated under him.


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13 hours ago, StevO said:


If you don’t like clickbait this link is to the original article. 

What makes you believe it’s clickbait?


Clickbait typically refers to the practice of writing sensationalized or misleading headlines in order to attract clicks on a piece of content. It often relies on exaggerating claims or leaving out key information in order to encourage traffic. The term is generally used in a dismissive sense.

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32 minutes ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

What makes you believe it’s clickbait?


Clickbait typically refers to the practice of writing sensationalized or misleading headlines in order to attract clicks on a piece of content. It often relies on exaggerating claims or leaving out key information in order to encourage traffic. The term is generally used in a dismissive sense.

It’s a website only set up to put adverts in front of Evertonians, by people who have made up stories in the past to purely get us to look at the website so they can generate money from ad revenue. 

The only time they actually report on a story is when they make it up. If you haven’t noticed yet, all of the stories you have linked from that website are them telling you about a story on another website. Not them telling you actual news. So they get to link you to a Twitter account, or a newspaper website, only when they do that you see adverts on their site and they get paid off the back off someone else’s work.  

So I’m quite happy to open your link, find who is actually telling the story, and try to stop these middlemen making money from a fan base who are constantly desperate for news. 

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2 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

I do love the shouts of wait and see.

I obviously hope those people are right and 777 don't turn out to be what a lot of us fear but if they're wrong it'll be far too fucking late once we wait and see.

True, but in reality what is the other option, do we all remortgage everything we own and make it a people’s club?

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2 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

I do love the shouts of wait and see.

I obviously hope those people are right and 777 don't turn out to be what a lot of us fear but if they're wrong it'll be far too fucking late once we wait and see.

Not much else we can do mate. If it’s going to happen we can’t stop it, personally I’m just happy to get rid of these two. 

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1 hour ago, Formby said:

I think we should take some heart in the fact they're not called 666 Partners. 🙂

If they were then I'd at least say that was a bit of honesty on their part :lol:.

1 hour ago, Wiggytop said:

True, but in reality what is the other option, do we all remortgage everything we own and make it a people’s club?

Actually sell to someone/a group that will put money in and try to make a success of things?

1 hour ago, StevO said:

Not much else we can do mate. If it’s going to happen we can’t stop it, personally I’m just happy to get rid of these two. 

I'm happy to be rid of Moshiri too (I don't think we'll be getting rid of the other just yet though) but I'm not happy about the newbies quite possibly being even worse for the clubs future.

My fears are big ones - selling the stadium (the only thing we have left to sell really) so that we're paying an extortionate rental to one of their mates, which we'll be stuck paying long after they've fucked off, which also then means not getting the benefit of the extra revenue because it's not ours (that silver bullet that is going to change our fortunes apparently). And I also feel they're going to milk the clubs biggest asset, the fans, for every penny they can in the mean time. Yes we need to improve our commercial streams but this lot will just be looking to make as much money as possible, as quick as possible, before they leave with the hefty profit.

I really hope I'm wrong but I genuinely feel like this is the start of even worse things for EFC.

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6 minutes ago, Shukes said:

People have mentioned this asset stripping a few times. 
Is this because they have a history of doing this?

Partly that for me, but also investment groups are about making money, not losing it, and football clubs are famous for losing money. In fact, I don't know of another industry where its considered acceptable to post losses of £105m and be within a "normal" situation still.

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9 minutes ago, Matt said:

Exactly mate, I expect the trend to continue 

777 are just vultures ready to feast on the dying animal that is Everton after it’s near 20 year infestation of parasite bill.  I’m pretty sure some people will call out the nasty vultures for being vultures when the real damage was done by the parasite that some people  thought was friendly. 

the irony will be that when the carcass is examined, there will be no sight of the parasite…. It will have fucked off before being eaten itself. 

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37 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

777 are just vultures ready to feast on the dying animal that is Everton after it’s near 20 year infestation of parasite bill.  I’m pretty sure some people will call out the nasty vultures for being vultures when the real damage was done by the parasite that some people  thought was friendly. 

the irony will be that when the carcass is examined, there will be no sight of the parasite…. It will have fucked off before being eaten itself. 



Just gonna leave these here. Second one was quite interesting. But the point is we were up shit creek long before Kenwright. Now we're up shit creek with a river side stadium. 

I know this is going to kill you, but they are irrefutable facts. Still hope we get rid of him though, he's still been the constant element of the clubs failures. 

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27 minutes ago, Matt said:



Just gonna leave these here. Second one was quite interesting. But the point is we were up shit creek long before Kenwright. Now we're up shit creek with a river side stadium. 

I know this is going to kill you, but they are irrefutable facts. Still hope we get rid of him though, he's still been the constant element of the clubs failures. 

We were in far less debt under Johnson than we were with kenwright….. “we had to sell Duncan for £8m to appease the banks” and the fans revolted cos Johnson the kopite went behind smiths back. 

I’ll see you and raise you a “Kenwright actively tried to sell Wayne Rooney behind his back to Chelsea and got £23m plus add ons on the drip for a generational talent”.

Under Johnson we won a trophy, he developed the park end, opened a mega store, restored prince ruperts tower. 

when fans protested Johnson had the honour to resign….. kenwright blamed fans for a headlock that didn’t happen. 

We were on a downward trajectory before Johnson took over. We survived last day vs Wimbledon when he was only just one or two months in control. So you could argue that he actually took a sinking ship, won a trophy and then walked when it was going downwards again.

plenty of humble pie has needed to be eaten by too many when it comes to blue bill… cos he kidded everyone that he was Everton’s friend.  No amount of Peter Johnson whataboutery will come close to comparing the absolute shit show of fucked up opportunities that is bill kenwright 




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On 16/09/2023 at 20:04, Hafnia said:

We were in far less debt under Johnson than we were with kenwright….. “we had to sell Duncan for £8m to appease the banks” and the fans revolted cos Johnson the kopite went behind smiths back. 

I’ll see you and raise you a “Kenwright actively tried to sell Wayne Rooney behind his back to Chelsea and got £23m plus add ons on the drip for a generational talent”.

Under Johnson we won a trophy, he developed the park end, opened a mega store, restored prince ruperts tower. 

when fans protested Johnson had the honour to resign….. kenwright blamed fans for a headlock that didn’t happen. 

We were on a downward trajectory before Johnson took over. We survived last day vs Wimbledon when he was only just one or two months in control. So you could argue that he actually took a sinking ship, won a trophy and then walked when it was going downwards again.

plenty of humble pie has needed to be eaten by too many when it comes to blue bill… cos he kidded everyone that he was Everton’s friend.  No amount of Peter Johnson whataboutery will come close to comparing the absolute shit show of fucked up opportunities that is bill kenwright 




You're again missing the point. Debt is relative and at the time Kenwright bought the club, we were selling the clubs best players to stay afloat. Now Bill hasn't really changed that but only because he (eventually) found us the billionaire who's been incredible in his ineptitude of running a club and we've got a stadium on the docks. 

You go after him like he's the root of all our problems and he's just not. He's been the sole constant figure in the demise I will acknowledge but the club were financially fucked before he took over, a time where bilionaires and investment groups still had some actual common sense, and now we're fucked because a billionaire with no common sense has had enough and is selling us on. But with a lot of potential as well as a lot of risk. 

Some of the shit Kenwright gets lumped with is 100% justified, and there's a lot of it. Some of it is clearly horseshit. 

Let's just hope this sale goes through and he moves on to retirement. 

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1 hour ago, Matt said:

You're again missing the point. Debt is relative and at the time Kenwright bought the club, we were selling the clubs best players to stay afloat. Now Bill hasn't really changed that but only because he (eventually) found us the billionaire who's been incredible in his ineptitude of running a club and we've got a stadium on the docks. 

You go after him like he's the root of all our problems and he's just not. He's been the sole constant figure in the demise I will acknowledge but the club were financially fucked before he took over, a time where bilionaires and investment groups still had some actual common sense, and now we're fucked because a billionaire with no common sense has had enough and is selling us on. But with a lot of potential as well as a lot of risk. 

Some of the shit Kenwright gets lumped with is 100% justified, and there's a lot of it. Some of it is clearly horseshit. 

Let's just hope this sale goes through and he moves on to retirement. 

You say debt is relative…..  kenwright overseen the biggest net loss of players out the door plus the sale of bellefield, sale of finch farm….. at a time when tv money was putting club’s historically miles away from us - on a par. 

he lumbered us with crippling loans which have likely been a leveraged buyout for want of a better explanation. we have had opportunities to sell the club way before moshiri - we had opportunities to put the club in a far stronger position if he was to walk away but he didn’t. 

there is absolutely no comparison the disaster that is bill kenwright to any other owner in our history.


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If these guys come in, get the stadium done, and then flip it as suggested, then isn’t that ‘ok’.

I mean that in the sense that, the stadium gets done then maybe they don’t invest too much in the team, which may be difficult enough with FFP anyway, but keep us in the League, we then at least become an attractive investment for someone who might be willing to invest in taking the club forward.

I’m clutching at straws I know, but surely that is a better situation to be in than the status quo?

It’s going to be a long time before we are fighting for Europe again, that much is obvious. But a new stadium and perhaps better people behind the scenes inc. at board level is the best we can hope for at the moment? 

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