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14 minutes ago, RPG said:

Breaking news: Johnson expected to stand in leadership contest!!

Graham Brady says that new leader is expected to be in place by 28/10/22. That will be some logistical selection exercise if there is more than one candidate.

Or its been wrapped up for weeks. 

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7 minutes ago, RPG said:

I don't think that is likely.

Sunak is popular with MPs but not with the wider membership. Johnson wasn't popular with MPs but was popular with the wider membership so as soon as one of them stands I think it will flush the other one out into also standing.

Hunt has ruled himself out, Wallace has not said anything yet. The only thing that the tory MPs seem to be able to agree on is that it is highly unlikely that they will be able to coalesce behind one unopposed leadership candidate so some form of election process (online voting maybe? - the Russians would love to hack into that) is likely to be necessary.

The entire situation reminds me of a very realistic military exercise I was involved in almost 40 years ago. We had a German exchange officer with us and everything (as usual) was going sereiously pear shaped. He came out with the quote:

'Now I know why you Brits are so good in wartime. In peacetime you practice chaos!'

You think it's more likely that there's not a candidate ready to be announced within a week? 

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1 hour ago, RPG said:

I suppose it is possible if done online but there would be little or no opportunity for the candidates to get out on the hustings and to state their manifesto to those that would potentially vote for them.

All a bit pointless if they follow Truss principles and do the opposite of what they were elected to do once in power.

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Looking at this objectively, the PM was forced into a U-turn and lost the nation's confidence for pursuing the very policy that will soon win Republicans control of the US House and Senate: cut taxes on corporations and the ultra-wealthy and cut benefits and help for the needy at the very time they need them most - even while racking up the nation's debt during a time of high interest rates.

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4 hours ago, RPG said:

Breaking news: Johnson expected to stand in leadership contest!!

Graham Brady says that new leader is expected to be in place by 28/10/22. That will be some logistical selection exercise if there is more than one candidate.

Not a chance. He still has the privileges inquiry to face for lying to the commons, it is looking likely he is going to be found guilty so the Tories won't survive having him found guilty as PM. 

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1 hour ago, Hafnia said:

They can’t have the confidence of the country, 3rd leader in a space of months after episode after episode of incompetence.

not a huge fan of starmer but they have got to have a general election. 

Neither am I really, I'd prefer Angela Rayner; the difference between her and Truss is eye watering. I realise it's easier to speak while in opposition but we've been talking about "grown ups," and she certainly fits the description for me.


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1 hour ago, MikeO said:

Neither am I really, I'd prefer Angela Rayner; the difference between her and Truss is eye watering. I realise it's easier to speak while in opposition but we've been talking about "grown ups," and she certainly fits the description for me.


Mark austin interrupted her there, she was spot on in all she said. Austin another Tory brownoser like schofield and co. 

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8 hours ago, RPG said:


I think Truss wanted to be true to her manifesto pledge but had to face the harsh reality that the markets rejected her economic policies and she had to then U turn accordingly - while demonstrating very poor leadership qualities, it has to be said.

By setting the bar at 100 MPs showing support to enter the leadership contest, the 1922 committee will be hoping (I think) that it becomes a one horse race. Sunak is now probably favourite but if another MP gets over 100 supporters then the other MP would probably become favourite when the vote is opened up to wider membership.

That would definitely be putting self interest before the country if they allowed Boris back. A long shot I know but I was hoping that who ever they appoint as PM they allow that person to call a general election, and put the interests of the country and their constituents a head of party and personal politics and try to remember the real reason they entered the political arena, which was hopefully to make a better difference to peoples lives. As a party they have run out of ideas and credible people to lead them, and form a functioning government with a tenable strategy to move on, the infighting and divisions are to great for any individual to fix, this Tory party are far too devided to ever come together. As a nation they owe us the right to a general election. 

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I’m a big believer in working culture, because I really think a toxic culture is absolutely one of the worst obstacles to performance. As we have seen in our own club.

the tories are the most toxic group out of all politicians, that takes some doing because I believe many mps are not fit for service. If you want to be a politician - you probably shouldn’t be one. A bit like referees. 

id love to see Andy burnham at number 10.

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18 hours ago, RPG said:

My concern about an immediate GE is that the backlash against the tory party would be so great that Labour would secure a huge majority and would be able to force through the more extreme policies previously espoused by Jeremy Corbyn if they wished. Unilateral nuclear disarmament might be put on the agenda again for example. So, for that reason alone I would like to see a GE held only when Labour are still likely to win but when there can also be a reasonable expectation of an effective opposition in the HoC so that Labour aren't tempted to force through any extreme policy measures.

On UND, I think the Russia situation will have fundamentally changed Labour's (the old left, anyway - if it still exists) thinking. They won't go near it.

On forcing through extreme policies people don't like, haven't the Tories been doing that for 12 years? They can hardly complain if Labour do the same.

The tribal politics in this country is getting as bad as the Democrat / Republican schism in the US. The fact is there are good ideas and bad ideas and it doesn't really matter if they are from the left or right. You go with the best idea. I do wish we had more cross-party talking, some rational discussion by politicians on both sides.

I also wish we had PR. Never once has my vote counted for anything. We're run by fools and I am utterly powerless to affect change or register my discontent.    

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35 minutes ago, Formby said:

On UND, I think the Russia situation will have fundmentally changed Labour's (the old left, anyway - if it still exists) thinking. They won't go near it.

On forcing through extreme policies people don't like, haven't the Tories been doing that for 12 years? They can hardly complain if Labour do the same.

The tribal politics in this country is getting as bad as the Democrat / Republican schism in the US. The fact is there are good ideas and bad ideas and it doesn't really matter if they are from the left or right. You go with the best idea. I do wish we had more cross-party talking, some rational discussion by politicians on both sides.

I also wish we had PR. Never once has my vote counted for anything. We're run by fools and I am utterly powerless to affect change or register my discontent.    

Agree with all of that.

I've been represented since June by the guy I voted for, first time in my life!

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