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13 minutes ago, Matt said:

I keep getting asked this and no idea :lol: 

Apparently he's a pedigree but he's not going to be a show dog. 

I have a working Cocker they were bred for shooting mainly pheasant they are trained for flushing and collecting from the peg, sounds like you are getting a show Cocker mate less hyper than a working Cocker, both are very friendly and great with kids, their fur isn’t coarse it’s got the feel of silk to the touch. 

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15 minutes ago, Palfy said:

I have a working Cocker they were bred for shooting mainly pheasant they are trained for flushing and collecting from the peg, sounds like you are getting a show Cocker mate less hyper than a working Cocker, both are very friendly and great with kids, their fur isn’t coarse it’s got the feel of silk to the touch. 

One of my daughters has two pooches that do whatever you're talking about at shoots, her partner's mum has a farm and is big in stuff like that; lovely dogs but bloody hyper, as you suggest! Not cockers though I'm pretty sure.



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11 minutes ago, MikeO said:

One of my daughters has two pooches that do whatever you're talking about at shoots, her partner's mum has a farm and is big in stuff like that; lovely dogs but bloody hyper, as you suggest! Not cockers though I'm pretty sure.



They are probably Springers or could be Sprockers, but they are definitely from a working breeder because the tails have been docked and only breeders of working dogs can have the tails docked.  

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One of my sons' colleagues is an anti-vaxer and believes everyone should just be willing to get this virus. He showed up for work on Monday, clearly sick, and is now diagnosed with COVID. Now, my son and his family are quarantined for the holidays. Our well-laid plans, with all six children and their families flying or driving in from other parts of the country, and a photographer arranged for an extended family photo, have largely gone by the wayside. Our grandchildren won't see or play together, and so on.

Still, it's Christmas, it's a time off work and together with most of the family, and we will have fun - and already have. It's just so disappointing, though, that the selfish act of one extreme conservative, who insists on passing along the implications of his politics, can spoil the plans of everyone in that office.

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33 minutes ago, MikeO said:

One of my daughters has two pooches that do whatever you're talking about at shoots, her partner's mum has a farm and is big in stuff like that; lovely dogs but bloody hyper, as you suggest! Not cockers though I'm pretty sure.



Sent you a couple of Videos by email mate of my dog catching rabbits, don’t know how to post to site. 

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2 minutes ago, Cornish Steve said:

One of my son's colleagues is an anti-vaxer and believes everyone should just be willing to get this virus. He showed up for work on Monday, clearly sick, and is now diagnosed with COVID. Now, my son and his family are quarantined for the holidays. Our well-laid plans, with other children flying in from other parts of the country and a photographer arranged for an extended family photo, have largely gone by the wayside. Our grandchildren won't see or play together, and so on.

Still, it's Christmas, it's a time off work and together with most of the family, and we will have fun - and already have. It's just so disappointing, though, that the selfish act of one extreme conservative, who insists on passing along the implications of his politics, can spoil the plans of everyone in that office.

That’s a shame Steve, these people need to be brought to task and pay in someways for their actions. 

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Not got a clue about dogs other than if I go to the mother in laws her two always leave my clothes covered in hair. So can’t go round there in nice clothes, so why go at all? The the excuse and I’m sticking with it!!

Matt and Steve, I feel for you. We got lucky that my wife was over it pretty quickly and we’ve both been lucky enough to work from home (and gone no where else) since then and up until Christmas to reduce our risk. I hope you both manage to have a good, if somewhat limited, Christmas. 

To the rest of you, have a good one, make the most of it. The last few years have shown that we can’t take anything for granted and enjoy anything we can, while we can! 

I’ll raise a glass to you all on the day. 🥃

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48 minutes ago, Cornish Steve said:

One of my sons' colleagues is an anti-vaxer and believes everyone should just be willing to get this virus. He showed up for work on Monday, clearly sick, and is now diagnosed with COVID. Now, my son and his family are quarantined for the holidays. Our well-laid plans, with all six children and their families flying or driving in from other parts of the country, and a photographer arranged for an extended family photo, have largely gone by the wayside. Our grandchildren won't see or play together, and so on.

Still, it's Christmas, it's a time off work and together with most of the family, and we will have fun - and already have. It's just so disappointing, though, that the selfish act of one extreme conservative, who insists on passing along the implications of his politics, can spoil the plans of everyone in that office.

Sorry to hear that, Steve. I think we're all pretty fed up with people like that. Doesn't make it any easier though, glad to hear you're making the best of a shitty situation.

I just went and bought 6 at-home tests. Gonna take one before I go over to my family's on Friday, and I basically demanded that they all do as well. Did the same for Thanksgiving. Told them I won't be coming unless everyone gets tested beforehand.

Stay safe and warm everyone.

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No Christmas here, it's a little better than last year in that I can eat (five hours in A&E last Christmas Day when my feeding tube broke:mad:) but hard to find any joy, always an empty chair to cope with. Abattoir on the edge of the village give out 200 chickens at random locally every year and this time I have one....but no idea how to cook it:crying:Every roast I've ever eaten has been cooked by my mum (unmatched), my wife or one of my daughters so I'm a virgin but I'll give it a go; wish me luck.

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12 hours ago, MikeO said:

No Christmas here, it's a little better than last year in that I can eat (five hours in A&E last Christmas Day when my feeding tube broke:mad:) but hard to find any joy, always an empty chair to cope with. Abattoir on the edge of the village give out 200 chickens at random locally every year and this time I have one....but no idea how to cook it:crying:Every roast I've ever eaten has been cooked by my mum (unmatched), my wife or one of my daughters so I'm a virgin but I'll give it a go; wish me luck.

Are you with Josh on Christmas day Mike?


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7 hours ago, MikeO said:

Certainly am, it'll be OK. Landlady at my "local" (it's actually a few miles away but my local local is crap) actually asked me if I'd like to have lunch there (gratis) which was really nice of her as I only go in a couple of times a week and only ever have one pint, apart from the rare occasions when somebody else is driving. Had to politely refuse though, eating is still not easy and big meals are impossible. Will drop down for a pint with Josh though.

Sounds a lovely pub Mike. And maybe get Josh to Google how to cook the chicken. 😂

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