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Longest Thread For Drivel (or the Romelu Lukaku thread)

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so Costa scores more and creates equal?

So far this season, yes. Last 2.3 seasons, not really.


Don't know what that's got to do with Rom though, the point being made is that Lukaku is involved in most of Evertons goals and deserves credit for that. Nothing more, nothing less.

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So far this season, yes. Last 2.3 seasons, not really.


Don't know what that's got to do with Rom though, the point being made is that Lukaku is involved in most of Evertons goals and deserves credit for that. Nothing more, nothing less.



again as I have said - it is something I would expect given the way the team is set up. The complete lack of rotation is the root cause of this.


Are we reliant on him? Absolutely. Should we be? Not at all because he lacks consistency.


In over 3 years the closest rival he has had is Naismith and Kone - 2 players who's knees are shot whose combined transfer fee is just under a 5th of what we spent on Rom.


All our eggs are in the Rom basket and they shouldn't be.


If Everton only scored 6 goals and Rom got 3 of them would that be a great stat? Whilst he would be able to say he has 50% of the goals its only 3 goals.


Personally I want to be looking at a team who is scoring goals like Liverpool and Chelsea - where the strikers are playing like attacking midfielders - pressing, dropping, drifting wide - dragging defenders. Defending from the front like a pack of dogs. Which is why a talented finisher like Sturridge isn't getting game time. He scores goals - he doesn't play for the system.


For me this too will not happen with Rom in the side. He wants to play off the centre half's shoulder with balls played in front of him.


I actually think Koeman may be playing a clever game in getting the price bumped up for Rom. I'm pretty sure he wants a striker in the mould of a costa.

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I'd take that.


I recall Henry being quite critical of Lukaku prior to his appointment




I also remember clearly a game where Henry and Ferdinand were exasperated with him - both of them saying his movement was poor.... this is something I had banged on about for ages as quite a few had said "he wasn't getting the service". Which I disagreed with as his runs were very straight line - like a relay runner getting ready to take the baton.


I remember a training session I had years ago - I was playing up front and the coach told me I needed to be on my toes more and vary my movement. I wasn't getting it. He put me as a central defender against one of our lads who had been at Everton and it was a nightmare..... dragged me out of position - sprinted into the pockets, dropped off and went round the back - all sorts.


Suarez is the best at it by an absolute mile - he doesn't just move for himself, he sees how he can create space for team mates - he's a genius. Kane is very good as to is Vardy but the best around are the south americans... aguero, higuain, suarez, costa, sanchez, etc

I read an article about why they think this is - the answer is how they played as kids..... 20 a side on a tiny patch of dusty land, every inch needed to be fought for. Makes sense.


If Henry continues to push Lukaku it can only be good. Probably one of the best 3 strikers we will have seen in the premier league. Him, Shearer and Bergkamp IMO


If he sharpens up his movement and pressing then he will score more goals - probably get to the 25 prem goals. I just think undortunately it takes a coach that he will listen to and respect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you watch us, and would you agree?

Good goalscorer for me, one of the best.

But hardly a created.

Question I would ask is who is he creating for?

I've said plenty of times that he's more than a goal scorer for us. The facts speak for themselves that he gets a pretty good amount of assists for us every season, so he's definitely better than some think in that regard.

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He's spot on regarding the work rate in my book. The stats are pretty damning:-



"Consider this: so far this season, he has been on the pitch for 1,017 minutes. Liverpool's Roberto Firmino has played 1,067 minutes.

In that time, Firmino has run 23.6 miles further than Lukaku and made 490 more high intensity sprints. The difference is colossal."

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Firmino has Coutinho, Mane, and Lallana giving him a reason to run as well as creating space for him.

Complete bollocks and you know it is. Firminho sprints when the opponents have the ball - lukaku jogs.


There is absolutely no justification for such a variance in running between two players of the same position. The difference in sprints is greater than that of what Rom has actually done. Appalling.


Just glad the stats have come out to prove what it is I have been saying that I'm seeing.

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Complete bollocks and you know it is. Firminho sprints when the opponents have the ball - lukaku jogs.


There is absolutely no justification for such a variance in running between two players of the same position. The difference in sprints is greater than that of what Rom has actually done. Appalling.


Just glad the stats have come out to prove what it is I have been saying that I'm seeing.

Firminho plays for a team that plays a different style that means they run more than all the teams in the league. Hardly fair to judge one player in a different set up against them. Firminho swaps positions often with Coutinho and Mane. Lukaku has to drop back to even see Barkley's still in the pitch.

Compare him to a lone striker in a similar system and you'll have an argument.

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Firminho plays for a team that plays a different style that means they run more than all the teams in the league. Hardly fair to judge one player in a different set up against them. Firminho swaps positions often with Coutinho and Mane. Lukaku has to drop back to even see Barkley's still in the pitch.

Compare him to a lone striker in a similar system and you'll have an argument.

That's already been done with Aguero... he out works him despite being left very central and on the shoulder of the defender.


Reality is you will defend him no matter what - i had these criticisms based on observations before the facts.


They support something I see. Lazy lazy player.

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Firminho plays for a team that plays a different style that means they run more than all the teams in the league. Hardly fair to judge one player in a different set up against them. Firminho swaps positions often with Coutinho and Mane. Lukaku has to drop back to even see Barkley's still in the pitch.

Compare him to a lone striker in a similar system and you'll have an argument.

I have already replied to this in the other thread but hopefully we can bring it back to just this one.


Pete is completely right, different teams, different style of play and different levels of successful teams.


Think of the Chelsea game for example, I would have expected Costa to have run at least twice as much as Lukaku. Costa had space and a team with lots of possession. We were playing useless long balls, and not getting a sniff.


I would never say that Lukaku is a workhorse because we don't want him to be one. Get him in the game and he will work his arse off.

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Costa averages 65 sprints vs roms 40 over 90 minutes.... that's a 60% uplift over Rom....


You often see me say that he trots around.... he does! Watch him when a defender has a ball.... jogs over and the defender just passes it calmly. Costa sprints over and forces the defender to get rid quick.


I always say you can tell his mood by his "intent"... the manner in which he runs says alot about how he feels.


All this talk of him not having opportunity to run is nonsense. Every single time we have thd ball or the opposition have the ball is an opportunity. Excuses excuses for this lad.


ISOLATED... that annoying word. As if he has no control over his isolation... I watched him play his best game in a tough tight game against Liverpool where he had Emre caan dropping deep and sakho man marking him.... he was outstanding. Not because we managed to unisolate him.... because he did that himself! He moved well... he pressed, he ran the channels, he won the ball.... he was arsed. He knows what he needs to do... he just doesnt do it.


Oh yeah and he scored bit his contribution that day was much more than the goal... much more.

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Think about when you sprint as a striker... generally when the ball is played in front of you or down the channel. You don't do it as much with your back to goal. Now going back to that Chelsea game how many times did Rom get the chance to get in behind or get onto the end of a cross? How many did Costa? That is why Costa has much more impressive stats.

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Think about when you sprint as a striker... generally when the ball is played in front of you or down the channel. You don't do it as much with your back to goal. Now going back to that Chelsea game how many times did Rom get the chance to get in behind or get onto the end of a cross? How many did Costa? That is why Costa has much more impressive stats.

Just watching man city v Chelsea.... both Aguero and Costa are sprinting when the opponents defence has the ball.... sprinting to close down and press. It's not just through balls.


How many through balls does a striker get to run onto? 2 or 3 in a game if lucky. The sprinting isn't indicative of the teams ability to create... it's indicative of the strikers intensity.


Costa just got man of the match.... not because he had chances to run on the ball... not because he had amazing service. He single handedly put the city defence is under pressure. A defence who like to play from the back never got a seconds peace.

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Pete is completely right, different teams, different style of play and different levels of successful teams.



Thanks Bailey. Of those mentioned I'd agree with your Chelsea comparison, even then (as you've said) it's a little unfair considering the players behind them.
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