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I'm over the fucking moon with that performance. Fucking amazing. I'll do my match report tomorrow once I've come back down to earth.


Quick, get me a wife so I can let Fellaini shag her!





am i the only person who wasn't all that impressed with kagawa? Seems everyone is bummin him...



also..the atmosphere in the ground tonight...had me close to tears



jagielka was 2nd in the motm for me..he was absolutely awesome..and that clearance off the line was brilliant

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jagielka was 2nd in the motm for me..he was absolutely awesome..and that clearance off the line was brilliant

It was great to see Phil on form hopefully he is taking his criticism to be the best he can.

and the goal..never seen a player celebrate a goal like that..there is love in that man for this club..of that i have no doubt

Yeah and Jelli looked just as happy for him.

Good touch and vision, him and De Gea are the only 2 United players who showed up.

De Gea was fantastic. Maybe the best match I have seen him play.

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jagielka was 2nd in the motm for me..he was absolutely awesome..and that clearance off the line was brilliant


100% agree with this I've had my doubts bout him last couple of years, I know it's only 1st game of the season but here's hoping he's gonna become the player I thought he could be

Edited by Blue Oz
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Kagawa? You can say he did this and that, but if United fans and Fergie claim him to be their answer to Eden Hazard, they have another thing coming. Many tend to laugh at EH17, but he became MOTM, setting up both goals for Chelsea against Wigan. Kagawa was pretty invisible. IMO Rooney was even a bit more dangerous.

Edited by Mirallas
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I thought Kagawa was the best player in a Utd shirt by some way. Rarely lost possession, played a lot of good passes but maybe a couple of flicks too many. Considering that was his first game in the league I fully expect him to improve a lot as the season goes on.


As for Hazard he may have set up both goals but I think I could have turned Ramis and then got past him for the penalty because he was that poor. I didnt watch much after that so dont know how he did for the rest of the game, but I would be reserving judgement until he plays a few more games.


Back to Everton, it was nice to hear both Moyes & Neville after the game being positive about our chances this year!

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I agree with Bailey.


I thought the guy looked a footballer. Our defence were outstanding yesterday though, and little got through. I've heard folk talking about Jags, but Distin was equally impressive, and Hibbert showed why he is one of the best defensive Right Backs in the game, smothering out much of their attack on his flank.

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Surprised Distin didn't come up as a MOTM candidate to be fair. He bossed that defence throughout the game and if Jags was out of position he covered. In fact it was a brilliant defensive partnership. I gave MOTM to Felli but in all honesty if Felli had not got the vote I would be deluding myself. BUT there were many lads out there who left everything on the pitch. I am going to enjoy this as much as I can simply because I know we will not have 38 games like this, and we will soon get a lot of folks criticising a 'poor' performance.

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Felli was the best player on the pitch followed by Jags. Their best player was De Gea which is a compliment to us. Kagawa looked tidy (I was left underwhelmed by him) but he did no more than Leon Osman! A special mention must go to Tony 'Tiger' Hibbert - some of his challenges were brilliant - a good old fashioned rb!!!


Re. Fergie's comments... meh! He'd love to hoof it to felli rather than dilly-dally around the box without creating anything - they played like Arsenal... nice passing/possession but no penetration. The only time they bossed possession was when we went ahead and they bought on 3 players worth more than our entire squad!


The better team won on the night - end of story!

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Still feeling FAN-TAS-TIC! guns.gif Even it was just a season opener. Ive been hyping myself with reading blue moon and red cafe all morning ^^ Come On You Blues! You made us very proud yesterday! Now, just need to carry on about this.


PS. Transfer deadline come on asap! Otherwise some1 will rob Felli from us.

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If anything, I think it's the "lesser" teams Fellaini should be more dominant against more often. He's usually well on his game against the likes of Utd, City, Chelsea...


BTW, I loved where he controlled the ball on his chest, then turned Cleverley away from him when he seemed to push the ball out wide with his second touch, then just pulled the ball back towards him with his third. :D

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Thought he was off the pace when he first came here, blimey look at him now. It was like watching a 15 year old kid play against 10 year olds.


Any teams who fancy taking him better be looking at starting their bids in the £40m region. Last night was a landmark in his development. It was a performance that stands out like Gerrards when he made his legacy at Liverpool. With added maturity, focus and the ability to erase the odd poor performance out, he should be a contender for player of the year.

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Have to agree with Bill. it's a bit too early for that, Fellaini will be useless if he does fuck all for the other 37 games this year.


He was however fantastic yesterday so I'll be looking forward to watching him in action again soon when we come to play Newcastle.

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"he should be a contender for player of the year".



ffs Haf, he's a good player but its only one game, give me another 30 like that and i might agree with you.



I don't think he's saying that Fellaini's a contender for POTY based on one game, more that he should be a contender if he keeps this up.

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Missed the entire match to the wife having the biggest blobstrop I have ever had the misfortune to endure, but if we get a result like that every time, may the blobstrops roll on. Well done lads - a hell of a lot better than losing QPR first time out last season.


blobstrop..fuckin ace


It's the biggest Manchester United fan site on the planet apparently. Usually hundreds on at the same time, but didn't look at participant count on my last visit but you can imagine there must have been more on than usual.


They have a designated 'lets all laugh at Liverpool FC' thread as I understand it, so they can't be all bad. Such a shame they didn't have it all their own way the last couple of days. I'll always prefer City of the two clubs though, been that way for as long as I can remember it. Maybe tonights defeat could prove pivotal again at end of season, those three points tonight they missed out on, and we deserved, could prove crucial when it's all said and done, but far too premature to make actual judgments.


their rawk goes into meltdown thread is hilarious..i'm still reading through last season's..



"He (Fellaini) is a handful: he is a big, tall, gangly lad and they just lumped the ball forward to him, that's all they did,"


"We were the better football team, they had eight shots on target and De Gea did very well for us in that way,"


Graceless cunt.


he's such a prick...and it seems ingrained in most united fans i know to act the same..they lost so it can only be because they failed...no you got outplayed..look at the stats at half time we dominated the first half..got our goal and annoyingly sat back...but they still couldn't score...and van persie did FUCK ALL


Kagawa? You can say he did this and that, but if United fans and Fergie claim him to be their answer to Eden Hazard, they have another thing coming. Many tend to laugh at EH17, but he became MOTM, setting up both goals for Chelsea against Wigan. Kagawa was pretty invisible. IMO Rooney was even a bit more dangerous.


no chance...not seen him have a good game at goodison for years now..somethin just seems to be wrong with him mentally whenever he comes here


"he should be a contender for player of the year".



ffs Haf, he's a good player but its only one game, give me another 30 like that and i might agree with you.


he said With added maturity, focus and the ability to erase the odd poor performance out, he should be a contender for player of the year..meanin he still has to improve to be a contender...read it first :P

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Start bidding at £40m, Last night was a landmark, Like the Gerrard legacy at L.pool, Should be contender for POTY.


After one game it seems to be an hysterical over the top reaction is all.smile.png


sayin games like last night are how legacies start i don't think is goin ott..it's true..if barkley played like that in a game we'd be hailing the next messiah..and why not 40m? some of the shite you see goin for close to the 30 mark makes fellaini easy worth that..and the should be a contender comment is explained above


i don't often agree with haf but i can't see why he's gettin jumped on for that comment


poor haf...he's negative everyone calls him a miserable bastard..

he's positive everyone acts like he's mental

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Start bidding at £40m, Last night was a landmark, Like the Gerrard legacy at L.pool, Should be contender for POTY.


After one game it seems to be an hysterical over the top reaction is all.smile.png



Tbf, last night isn't the only time Fellaini has put in a stonking performance like that. They were few and far between for much too long but he showed last season that he's getting the consistency to his game too.

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