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Disgustingly biased reporting from a paper that is supposed to be neutral and represent both clubs from the city. Can you imagine this being the other way round?



He's one of the biggest bellends in football journalism. He did the tips in the Mirror, came across as a unfunny, full of himself, gobshite. I for one wont be reading that shite.

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He's one of the biggest bellends in football journalism. He did the tips in the Mirror, came across as a unfunny, full of himself, gobshite. I for one wont be reading that shite.

Can you imagine that fucking rag printing an insult about Liverpool like that? Not a snowballs chance in hell- blatantly biased crab of a paper.

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Tbh it's a typical response from that lot because they have not got what they want. They think that they are the greatest club ever and can't understand how a player won't be playing for them. They seem to forget though that Leipzig is owned by Red Bull and they have more money than Liverpool will ever have so don't need to sell the player. Seriously need to grow the fuck up!!

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Not only offensive but ignorant.


"... they are the most hated outfit in Germany since the SS."


The SS were loved by the Germans; not all obviously, there were still a few good guys around, but the majority supported and revelled in their actions.

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I get the humour behind it. I laughed inside at some of the snippets. But that's me...I find very little offensive, it's a choice emotion for me.


But it's humour that is best kept amongst your 'allies' rather than in a publication within an area with a hotbed football rivalry.


Talking about the Redshite....fuck me, that lot got excited last night! Laughable how OTT my Redshite pals get!!!

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espn reporting coutinho has agreed with barca. 82m fee up to 108m with add ons.


i hope this is true, cue the meltdowns :rofl:

I've got a facebook screenshot of one of my Redshite pals saying how Coutinho won't leave, he loves the club, he's not like the other c*nts etc.


It's ready and waiting to be used.


It's simple. If Barca want him, he goes.

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