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3 hours ago, Palfy said:

There you go Pete holystove’s snap poll post should tell you what most  Labour voters thought of Corbyn, yes I’m left but centre left not far left bordering on communism. 
Corbyn is the reason the Labour Party capitulated, he wouldn’t condemn any Labour MP for antisemitism he was weak and fudged the issue, the independent review show’s this he deserves to lose the whip for his part in the whole sordid affair, thank goodness for Starmer a man of principles and balls unlike Corbyn. 

The snap poll shows exactly what I said, the electorate majority (mostly made up of idiots and racists) are now believing Corbyn, a man who has vehmently faught for equality is racist. Just look at the current leader to see what the average brit is. Personally I'm embarrassed to be English and not once in my lifetime have I ticked that box on an application. British, European, earthling. Anything but English because this country and the average person is a fucking disgrace.

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3 hours ago, Palfy said:

thank goodness for Starmer a man of principles and balls unlike Corbyn. 

Principals? He's broke the human rights act going against Corbyn. Corbyn had every right to stand up for himself. What is Corbyn guilty of? How is Starmer in the right?

Personally been unsure from Starmer from the off, but couldn't place it. He's been great at sticking it to Boris, but I'm any of us in here could tie that lump a shit in a knot. This with Corbyn stinks, a real leader would stand with him, not throw an innocent to the wolves to further their own career. He might as well were a blue tie.

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8 hours ago, pete0 said:

Principals? He's broke the human rights act going against Corbyn.

I don’t think so he is a lawyer who specialised in human rights so obviously wouldn’t make such a school boy error. 
Longbailey made a very distasteful statement with references to the Jews with fellow MPs condemning her and asking for her to be removed by the party, she wasn’t she wouldn’t even apologise and Corbyn did nothing, because he held the same distasteful beliefs, and the problem is when you hold beliefs like antisemitism and truly believe them you see no wrong in  what you believe. 
Starmer my friend hasn’t taken Corbyn’s human rights away, he’s given the Jewish voters in this country who want to be part of a Labour Party that cares for all, rich poor white black Muslim Jewish their rights back, by getting rid of the prejudices that were clearly in the party. 
I won’t be drawn into this anymore so have your reply, and then we will call it a day between us on this subject. 

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On 31/10/2020 at 09:49, Palfy said:

I don’t think so he is a lawyer who specialised in human rights so obviously wouldn’t make such a school boy error. 
Longbailey made a very distasteful statement with references to the Jews with fellow MPs condemning her and asking for her to be removed by the party, she wasn’t she wouldn’t even apologise and Corbyn did nothing, because he held the same distasteful beliefs, and the problem is when you hold beliefs like antisemitism and truly believe them you see no wrong in  what you believe. 
Starmer my friend hasn’t taken Corbyn’s human rights away, he’s given the Jewish voters in this country who want to be part of a Labour Party that cares for all, rich poor white black Muslim Jewish their rights back, by getting rid of the prejudices that were clearly in the party. 
I won’t be drawn into this anymore so have your reply, and then we will call it a day between us on this subject. 

Didn't have time to reply the other day.

Starmer was completely out of line.


And a Tory scum like worm in his attempts to justify it. 


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Yet another reminder. Tory's are scum. No way the ones voting for this disgraceful decision will be the ones eating it.

Voting against food being of at least the standard were used to. Who the fuck would want worse food, less hygienic more dangerous food? 


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21 minutes ago, Bailey said:

For what its worth, the information at the time was that Cummings was someone that wanted the first lock down sooner.

It worries me that Lammy is the Shadow Secretary of State for Justice and Shadow Lord Chancellor and yet he talks so much shit. This is prime Lammy:



Cummings is the one who pushed for herd immunity, the policy that has destroyed the country and affected nearly every person I know. He's a murderer.

Haha, that's brilliant. 

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1 hour ago, Bailey said:

For what its worth, the information at the time was that Cummings was someone that wanted the first lock down sooner.

It worries me that Lammy is the Shadow Secretary of State for Justice and Shadow Lord Chancellor and yet he talks so much shit. This is prime Lammy:



He's also a massive racist. Lammy, not Cummings. Cummings is a cunt.

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On 13/11/2020 at 14:52, pete0 said:

Cummings is the one who pushed for herd immunity, the policy that has destroyed the country and affected nearly every person I know. He's a murderer.

Haha, that's brilliant. 

I don't think there is any evidence of that and instead it was a media portrayal.

If anything it was the scientist / SAGE view that talked more about herd immunity and its principles. Furthermore, it is more or less what has happened all over the world. The countries lucky enough not to have a lot of cases have been able to shutdown hard and quickly, or countries in Asia that have draconian Governments have successfully ordered people to stay at home.

The majority of other countries that don't fall into either one of these categories have followed very similar principles and they have all suffered, whether than be in the first wave, or in the second.

It should also be noted that the vaccine is also a part of the "herd immunity" strategy. There is nothing else you can really do about the virus at the moment. It isn't going to fizzle away and suddenly leave. It has to be managed until there is immunity whether that be by contraction or vaccine.

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1 hour ago, Bailey said:

I don't think there is any evidence of that and instead it was a media portrayal.

We watched what happened in Italy and didn't take action quickly enough. By not locking down we persued herd immunity. By our government not advising to wear masks. The government portrayed it to be no worse than the flu with the prime minister going round hospitals shaking hands.

Add to this that Cummings alone even managed to undermine the first lockdown. Then pushed for people to eat out to help out for People to go mingle and catch it.

If anything it was the scientist / SAGE view that talked more about herd immunity and its principles. Furthermore, it is more or less what has happened all over the world. The countries lucky enough not to have a lot of cases have been able to shutdown hard and quickly, or countries in Asia that have draconian Governments have successfully ordered people to stay at home.

What scientists? The advice was to lockdown and shut the borders. Use proper ppe. The government didn't follow the science, they pursued herd immunity against advice otherwise.

No idea why you're on about Draconian countries and luck. Nothing to do with luck at all, bar Italy no European country has a reasonable excuse not to act swiftly. We are unfortunate that we live in a country filled with idiots who voted Tory. Corbyn was challenging them every week, but not only would we not lockdown, we wouldn't even close the borders. 

The majority of other countries that don't fall into either one of these categories have followed very similar principles and they have all suffered, whether than be in the first wave, or in the second.

It should also be noted that the vaccine is also a part of the "herd immunity" strategy. There is nothing else you can really do about the virus at the moment. It isn't going to fizzle away and suddenly leave. It has to be managed until there is immunity whether that be by contraction or vaccine.





This is how little the government followed the scientist, it led to 200 of them saying we need a stronger approach. Disgusting that the Tories kept hitting behind the response that they were following the science. They clearly weren't otherwise they wouldn't redact the advice they received or dictate to the scientists what they want the answer to be.

And Dr Margaret Harris from the WHO told the BBC's Today programme on 14 March: "We don't know enough about the science of this virus. We can talk theories, but at the moment we are really facing a situation where we have got to look at action."

That day, more than 200 scientists - ranging from experts in mathematics to genetics - signed an open letter to the government urging it to introduce tougher measures to tackle the spread of Covid-19.

"We consider the social distancing measures taken as of today as insufficient, and we believe that additional and more restrictive measures should be taken immediately."



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On 19/11/2020 at 15:12, pete0 said:





This is how little the government followed the scientist, it led to 200 of them saying we need a stronger approach. Disgusting that the Tories kept hitting behind the response that they were following the science. They clearly weren't otherwise they wouldn't redact the advice they received or dictate to the scientists what they want the answer to be.

And Dr Margaret Harris from the WHO told the BBC's Today programme on 14 March: "We don't know enough about the science of this virus. We can talk theories, but at the moment we are really facing a situation where we have got to look at action."

That day, more than 200 scientists - ranging from experts in mathematics to genetics - signed an open letter to the government urging it to introduce tougher measures to tackle the spread of Covid-19.

"We consider the social distancing measures taken as of today as insufficient, and we believe that additional and more restrictive measures should be taken immediately."



That isn't evidence of anything.

1. Participating doesn't mean he stopped lockdown.

2. The Guardian article has no names or references. As far as we all know it is BS which I suspect it is.

3. "Experts in mathematics to genetics" tells you everything. What did the people with specialisms in their field say and how many? You act as if the UK Govt has done things completely different to the rest of Europe and it is all their fault this came around.



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11 minutes ago, Bailey said:

That isn't evidence of anything.

1. Participating doesn't mean he stopped lockdown.

2. The Guardian article has no names or references. As far as we all know it is BS which I suspect it is.

3. "Experts in mathematics to genetics" tells you everything. What did the people with specialisms in their field say and how many? You act as if the UK Govt has done things completely different to the rest of Europe and it is all their fault this came around.



:huh: they did a lot of things differently and much later than Europe

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