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Cornish Steve

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Shame on the UN for passing this vote. Imagine if the UN had demanded a ceasefire when the Allies were striving to defeat the Nazis. What was needed then was for the Nazi powers to surrender. What's needed now is for Hamas to surrender and an immediate release of all hostages. Until that happens, Israel should strive to defeat them. Yes, the suffering of those living in Gaza is tragic, but don't blame Israel: responsibility lies wholly with Hamas.
Incidentally, Hamas is under a Fatwa from the Arab League. Among the many stated reasons is their cynical use of misinformation. In other words, you can't believe anything put out by Hamas. I'm sure the number killed in Gaza numbers in the thousands, just as many died when the Allies strove to defeat the Nazis, but Hamas is inflating numbers and even staging some videos. We shouldn't believe a single word that emanates from Hamas. All numbers need independent confirmation.
And antisemitism around the world really must stop.
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55 minutes ago, Cornish Steve said:

And antisemitism around the world really must stop.

It should stop but it won’t, it’s been with us for thousands of years, all we can do is to keep calling it out and prosecuting were we can. 
All forms of racism and oppression needs to stop, only wish I had the answers.  

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I worked for a global bank, in excess of 50000 employees.   For some unknown reason I was accidentally included on emails that were sent by people in India to each other.   The emails were jokes about other Indians from different reasons and the jokes were like Bernard Manning jokes from the 80s - absolutely shocking.

Humans are very strange creatures when it comes to territory/culture. 

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4 minutes ago, Romey 1878 said:

The original video was obviously taken down due to how gruesome it was.

Apparently it was 3 vehicles that were hit and the dead is now at 7.


Does it in someway go to prove that they are targeting civilians, or just kill anything that moves in the hope that they maybe Hamas fighters. 
I don’t rightly know and don’t suppose we will ever know what the truth is behind this continuing senseless killing, but what I do know is them children stood there talking should not be subjected to witness such slaughter at their age and in their lives ever. 
And sadly there stands before us the terrorist or freedom fighters of the future, because they will grow up with a hatred for is Israel and Jews, cemented in their hearts by the Israelis themselves, this is why peace will never happen when people so young have to bear witness to such atrocities, it just fuels the hatred for the next generations. 

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  • 1 month later...

The Allies made mistakes when bombing Nazi Germany, but does that mean they should not have defeated Hitler? If the UN had existed and issued a ruling for the Allies to stop the destruction of German cities, would we have listened? This is the comparison we should make. Yes, it's tragic to see such loss of life, but let's not assume that Israel is the guilty party; they are not.

In the meantime, Jews (who've never lived in Israel) are being attacked on college campuses all over the US. Yes, students are renowned for having a conscience, but they're also renowned for being very naive and easily led.

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2 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

The Allies made mistakes when bombing Nazi Germany, but does that mean they should not have defeated Hitler? If the UN had existed and issued a ruling for the Allies to stop the destruction of German cities, would we have listened? This is the comparison we should make. Yes, it's tragic to see such loss of life, but let's not assume that Israel is the guilty party; they are not.

In the meantime, Jews (who've never lived in Israel) are being attacked on college campuses all over the US. Yes, students are renowned for having a conscience, but they're also renowned for being very naive and easily led.

If Israel is not guilty for Netanyahu's 'tragic mishap', then who is?

You're saying that the innocent Jews on college campuses are being targeted by association with a state they have no affiliation with, whilst simultaneously arguing that the innocent Palestinians who died in the refugee camp are being targeted by association with a state they have no affiliation with yet have to live with?  

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1 hour ago, Cornish Steve said:

Yes, it's tragic to see such loss of life, but let's not assume that Israel is the guilty party; they are not.

At what point will Israel become the guilty party? How many deaths is enough for them to be satisfied their "self defence" action is complete? When everyone in Gaza is dead it would seem.

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1 hour ago, Cornish Steve said:

The Allies made mistakes when bombing Nazi Germany, but does that mean they should not have defeated Hitler? If the UN had existed and issued a ruling for the Allies to stop the destruction of German cities, would we have listened? This is the comparison we should make. Yes, it's tragic to see such loss of life, but let's not assume that Israel is the guilty party; they are not.

In the meantime, Jews (who've never lived in Israel) are being attacked on college campuses all over the US. Yes, students are renowned for having a conscience, but they're also renowned for being very naive and 

But we shouldn’t be defending atrocities against people by judging them against other atrocities, as if to say it’s no different so therefore what’s the problem. 

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2 hours ago, MikeO said:

At what point will Israel become the guilty party? How many deaths is enough for them to be satisfied their "self defence" action is complete? When everyone in Gaza is dead it would seem.

Draw the comparison again with WW-II. After the terrible bombing of Dresden, did that make the Allies the guilty party?

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2 hours ago, Palfy said:

But we shouldn’t be defending atrocities against people by judging them against other atrocities, as if to say it’s no different so therefore what’s the problem. 

Compare with WW-II: Were Allied bombings atrocities?

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4 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

The Allies made mistakes when bombing Nazi Germany, but does that mean they should not have defeated Hitler? If the UN had existed and issued a ruling for the Allies to stop the destruction of German cities, would we have listened? This is the comparison we should make. Yes, it's tragic to see such loss of life, but let's not assume that Israel is the guilty party; they are not.

In the meantime, Jews (who've never lived in Israel) are being attacked on college campuses all over the US. Yes, students are renowned for having a conscience, but they're also renowned for being very naive and easily led.

Yes, they are guilty. All 3 sides are guilty, Israeli, Palestinian, Hamas. There's a long history before and since October 7th and to say Israel is blameless here is just ludicrous.

Its infuriating to see Jewish people attacked but it's not uniquely Jews. Palestinians are being lumped in with Hamas and attacked, that's ok?Anyone who dares sympathises with them are attacked. Protests asking for a ceasefire have been labeled hate marches... for a fucking ceasefire. None of it is ok.

Not sure what your point is here. Dresden is the usual example of the allies in WW2 and it was an absolutely appalling activity. It was a phase of the war that focused on logistical strategic targets and lasted 2 days killing 25000. Nearly 4000ton total vs the use today, where bombs weighing 2000kg each with precision guidance systems... It wasn't an objective that lead to the outcome of the war either, it was precautionary because there were fears of the Russians stalling and with already 6 years of war, which ended several months later, they could not allow the Nazis to fortify their final positions.  So it's really not comparable. Best comparison was 9/11 and that war went really well and resolved everything, right?

Also to this ridiculous WW2 comparison; there wasn't a global satellite network that can read your newspaper in the park, there wasn't bunker buster bombs that explode underground targeting supposedly safe reinforced concrete bunkers 30m underground, there wasn't half the world's most powerful intelligence agencies coordinating instantly with supercomputers, there wasn't night vision, there wasn't laser guided missiles... All of which Israel has access to, but instead chooses mowing down civilians in the hopes of getting some terrorists. Israels defence ministry were given intelligence and dismissed it, 3 days before. They could and should have prevented this but his arrogance, and I put it on BN rather than Israel, blinded him and because of his decision, Hamas were allowed to carry out their attack. Had he paid attention to the warnings, this may have all been avoided. 

Sorry Steve but you're seemingly blind to the bigger picture here. There is no right, there's only wrong and trying to defend 1 side which is complicate in genocide is genuinely baffling to me.

People need to stop choosing a fucking side to defend as if this is supporting a team. It's not. Blame lies across decades and centuries, across Jews, Arabs and Christians. It's a failing of humans and the sooner we realise we don't have to pick a fucking side and instead defend good over evil, he better. It's that simple and applies to much more than this topic.

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Whilst doing some fact checking, thought this was a recent article. Sadly it's 10 years old.

This is just putting information out there to discredit this notion that the Israeli state is innocent and justified in its genocide. 

I'm still waiting for a dirty bomb/tactical nuke to be planted and set by Hamas, murdering their (supposedly) people to put more pressure on Israel too. 

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45 minutes ago, Cornish Steve said:

Draw the comparison again with WW-II. After the terrible bombing of Dresden, did that make the Allies the guilty party?

The difference being that back then bombs were notoriously inaccurate, so we were carpet bombing...today the weapons Israel has could take your eye out from ten miles away.

You didn't answer my question, at what point (if ever) will Israel become the guilty party? Or are you content for them to carry on until there are no Palestinians left for them to kill?

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Just now, MikeO said:

The difference being that back then bombs were notoriously inaccurate, so we were carpet bombing...today the weapons Israel has could take your eye out from ten miles away.

You didn't answer my question, at what point (if ever) will Israel become the guilty party? Or are you content for them to carry on until there are no Palestinians left for them to kill?

To be fair, it's an impossible question to answer. If Benni wants to eliminate Hamas, he needs to perform ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people so that Hamas can't recover. Except it will, and it'll come back stronger under a different name being much more violent and making October 7th look, well... 

2% of the Gaza population killed in 8 months, it's not a good look.

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there are populations of people who will without conscience kill people from another country - that from the time they should be reading fairy tales they are being taught to hate people of another culture to the point that they would bring honour to their family if they killed even at the expense of their own life. 

This exists - and whilst it does there is no end to the troubles.  The hatred is caused by death and in turn that hatred results in more death that perpetuates the hatred.  Really don't know what the solution to this is. 



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21 hours ago, Matt said:

To be fair, it's an impossible question to answer. If Benni wants to eliminate Hamas, he needs to perform ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people so that Hamas can't recover. Except it will, and it'll come back stronger under a different name being much more violent and making October 7th look, well... 

2% of the Gaza population killed in 8 months, it's not a good look.

I'm not asking about the reality of the situation, or Netanyahu's thought processes, it's a purely theoretical question about how many dead Palesinians satisfies the definition of "self defence".

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1 hour ago, MikeO said:

I'm not asking about the reality of the situation, or Netanyahu's thought processes, it's a purely theoretical question about how many dead Palesinians satisfies the definition of "self defence".

Well in that case, since apparently Palestinians and Hamas supporters are the same people, and Benni has promised to kill Hamas, I'm gonna assume that 2% needs to be 100%

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Gaza is 365 sq. km. Israel has a superior and technically advanced army. If they wanted to end this quickly and efficiently they could infiltrate Gaza with tanks from all sides and kill whoever stays in their way. They could seize control of the whole strip in a matter of days. But they chose to bomb from outside, even though we know and they know that Hamas fighters are hiding in underground bunkers. They cannot do much harm to Hamas this way. It is obvious that the whole plan is to exterminate Palestinians and the Western world is cheering them on.

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