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Southampton (Away)


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FUCK OFF..... I'm sick and tired of these draws. Past two weeks we could've gotten two wins and gained points on Spurs, now we've stayed level and will likely lose ground to them when we play Manchester United. Fuck off. Seriously, our finishing has been abysmal. So Agitated.

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Well that was pathetic. Beggars belief that we record two 0-0 draws against Swanse and Southampton after our run of what, 16 games scoring and conceding? We certainly improved with the substitutions, but at least 8 of the first 11 were on another planet today and that's just not good enough.


End of the day I think we lost out on Champions league sometime in November with our string of draws. But two more like this from totally winable games is now looking likely to cost us even being able to make a fight out of it.


Jelly, sadly, needs to be sat now. Start bringing him back on with 10-15 left in games.


Two positives from this game. Vic looks like he's set to carry on some decent form and Kev appears to have escaped without injury.

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Ani needs to start up top next game. Everton looked a different team when he came on. Even if it was briefly.

Southampton made us look bad to be honest. They had our number and DM needs tomstart mixing it up. We are read by the opposition. They know exactly how we are going to play.

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Not sure where to even start with that, Jelavic needs taking out of the firing line, Pienaar looks a shadow of the player that started the season(it must be the hair thing) plus i think other teams have him and Baines sussed out now, which worries me as thats always been our best option. Good to see Mirallas back in the team we really need him, and im sick to the back teeth of our back 4, namely Jags and Distin hoofing it, thats sunday league stuff, just fuck off with it will you.

Edited by Simon
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Very frustrating... I knew we were going to be in trouble as soon as I saw the team sheet. We had 4 slow, small midfielders playing against 5 quick, young and eager Saint players and they completely shat all over us. We didnt move, we played too slowly & we gave Soton the chance to close us down. They were always going to harry and harras us but we looked as though we werent expecting it. All we did was panic and hoof. Osman got caught on the ball so many times and in really bad positions, maybe we need to send him out on loan as well! IMO that was his worst game for a while.


There were positives in the second half as we actually came out and looked to put a bit of pace into the game. It only lasted 5 mins but it was a start. It wasnt until Coleman came off and we re-jigged that we actually found second gear. Fellaini drove forward, picked up a lot of loose ball and started us going forward. Still Jags, Distin and Neville wanted to punt it long even when they had good short options but at least we did keep the ball on the floor more. The main concern for me is how long would Moyes have left it until he changed things has Seamus not picked up an injury? Vic should have been on at half time (if he didnt start) and its decisions like that which win games and yet again Moyes doesnt learn. Mirallas then came on and looked lively but showed a lack of sharpness which is understandable. Jela missed a sitter but I dont know why he went off. Naismith contributed nothing all game, slowed us down and wasted possession constantly. Jela isnt going to score goals and find form from the bench and I think with him and Vic both up top and Mirallas on the wing then we would have created more good chances. I think Moyes was more worried about the threat of the 17yo left back than he was about scoring goals.


At least this game highlights exactly what we have been doing wrong and the remedies which will help.


Firstly we actually defended decent in the 2nd half because we set up with the 2 banks of four. 1st half we were all over the place, but 2nd half we were much more organised and we squeezed the game much better, Fellaini especially made several challenges to win the ball. We still defending too deep for my liking considering the pace of the back four and the aerial strength of Lambert but at least it was better.


Secondly it was clear as day that we play better when we pass the ball more positively. That means in terms of quickness of passing and also the attacking intent of our passing. When we dawdled, took too many touches, knocked it sideways & backwards Soton got organised and jumped all over us. Naismith, Osman, Neville, Pienaar, Jags & Distin were the worst for this. We played side to side and either got tackled or laid it back for Jags/Distin to aimlessly hoof forward. When Fellaini dropped back he picked the ball up more, took a touch and looked forward for a pass or dribbled forward into space before passing to a team mate in space. Its such a small thing but it made the world of difference. Pienaar, Baines, Jela, Vic and Mirallas all come alive when we do that and all of a sudden they are making runs and we are getting the ball into dangerous areas.


Finally we need to start using Vic more. The lad is on fire at the moment and when a player is on form he should be played. I dont know what happened to Jela for that chance but dont forget that even when he was scoring last season, he was still missing chances. Not everything he touched went in, we just created much more chances than we are at the moment. He only had one sniff today (albeit a tap in!) but give him 5 and he will score 2 or 3. Him and Vic looked lively together and I think they should be started alongside each other as a strike partnership. The space opens up when they both play, whereas it doesnt with Jela & Felli because they are on different wave lengths and they spend far too much time apart. Fellaini is a dominant midfielder and that is where he should be used from the start week in week out (bar the odd exception).

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On Southampton... they have some really good young players in Shaw, Schniderlin, Ramierez, Clynne and Lallana - another reason I liked them - always have lots of exciting prospects. (I still don't like them after treatment of Adkins!!!)


Shaw really impressed me actually. He wasnt afraid to have a go, which is nice to see in a 17yo.

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The Southampton supporters were really awfull last night but they were quite funny around the 70 minute mark.

Did anyone else notice? (swedish commentators did not mention it, dunno if the english did)

Jason Puncheon sneaked on the pitch, hidden by another substitution and the fans started singing. 'Jason Puncheon, shits when he wants'

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