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Longest Thread! for Everton Discussion


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I am finding the fallout rather amusing. Like Matt, I enjoyed it.


The points about regenerating two areas of the city, otherwise in decline, shouldn't be understated. Especially in light of their deliberate ploy to run down the areas outside Anfield to accomplish their goal of building 1 stand.


We used to be the quiet, older brother, proud and true, who looked on as the younger brother (with ADHD) ran around at 100 mph. We lurked in the shadow for a while (during the younger's crazy post puberty stage) but now the younger brother's years of drug abuse and party lifestyle is finally effecting his health, memory and general grasp on reality (our year this year). The older brother meanwhile has returned from Uni, with a degree, gotten himself a new job and a great boss. He now has ambition to succeed at board level (CL), while the younger brother is pissed (figuratively and literally) and can only throw insults. The older brother will have a beautiful bride, the younger brother will be fumbling around the 'easy' bridesmaid hoping for a score.

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Edit: First time i've seen that for years and for the life of me, I cannot see a single infringement. Absolute disgrace.

Edited by Lowensda
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We've been here before, we look at the squad and we have Coleman, Bolasie, and Besic long term injured (I am far from convinced Bez is any closer to even 45 minutes than he was 8 weeks ago)

We suffered a trio of injuries close to one another some years back when Yakubu's achilles popped, and both Jagielka and Arteta were cutdown with the dreaded ACL injury/surgery.


What makes the current situation rather difficult is that Lukaku is making noises about having his mind made up about his future ambitions, and Barkley is getting to the final year of his contract. Baines is struggling to maintain his mid to late 20's form now he's in his early 30's (acknowledgement to his injury and surgery) we've a couple of keepers that perform in a pattern I can only describe as bipolar. We have been very lucky yet again that the youth programme has coughed up a handful of players to flesh out the first team and we have options in the middle of the park, but we now find ourselves extremely lacking in defenders (can't remember the last time I'd thought/said that) and our forwards are almost non existant after Romelu.


There has been some grandstanding about Koeman and his wholesale approach to chopping up and shipping out of players that are excess to his requirements, do he and Walsh have a plan to eclipse last summer because the forecast is suggesting a rebuild on a scale that I am fairly sure in my near 40 years I have never seen Everton go through, in fact could Holgate, Baines, Schneiderlin, Gueye and Davies be all thats left from this season starting next season for us?


Worrying times ahead.

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To any foreign fans that haven't had a chance to visit the Grand Old Lady, please do all you can to get there before it's too late. Every blue should have the pleasure.


yeah once i get my finances together i'm going to plan a trip over there, hoping to do a week or so, maybe try and find one that would catch 2 matches, either both weekends or cup match and a league match. gotta start saving the pennies now.

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yeah once i get my finances together i'm going to plan a trip over there, hoping to do a week or so, maybe try and find one that would catch 2 matches, either both weekends or cup match and a league match. gotta start saving the pennies now.

If you do Mark, and you can't get a ticket you can take my ticket for one game. And I genuinely mean that.

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