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Samuel Eto'o

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Wasn't keen to start with but slowly growing on me and I'll always give anyone who wears a blue shirt full support. The headline is still a bit surreal though - Everton sign Samuel Eto'o! Ha ha! Dare I say that he's probably the biggest name to ever sign for us?

Edited by Geth
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Really mixed feelings about this one. Was once a world class striker, but is definitely past his prime. He still had a decent Premier League scoring record with Chelsea last season (9 goals in 21 apps), but wasn't as good in Europe and the cups. He definitely still has his poachers instincts, but he's still a bit of a gamble.


If the deal is structured well (not absurd wages, an option for a second year), this could be a really prudent move.

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ok...let's eto'o the crap outta chelsea this weekend :)


thoward18 - how could it be a disaster? i ask b/c i am new to this whole crazy world of soccer :)


will this signing prevent us from making moves next year? what are the final details of the contract? is the 2nd year guaranteed?

Edited by djsunyc
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ok...let's eto'o the crap outta chelsea this weekend :)


thoward18 - how could it be a disaster? i ask b/c i am new to this whole crazy world of soccer :)


will this signing prevent us from making moves next year? what are the final details of the contract? is the 2nd year guaranteed?


Imagine if a middle-budget baseball team in the US like the Milwaukee Brewers or Kansas City Royals gave a 2 year, 35-million dollar contract to a 36-year-old Alex Rodriguez.


It would kind of be like that. Eto'o was once one of the best goal scorers in the world. He was the the premiere striker on Barcelona about a decade ago. Ever since he made a move to play in Russia (which is, like, the 10th best league in Europe) in order to become the highest-paid player in the world questions have risen about his intentions. Now he is 33, so he's slowed down a bit.


On the other hand, he still clearly has plenty of talent. He scored 9 goals in 21 appearances for Chelsea just last season. Everton were pretty bare at the striker position after Lukaku, and Steven Naismith now being forced into the attacking midfielder role due to Barkley's injury makes it that much worse. Eto'o, if the production matches his inherent talent, is a massive upgrade over Arouna Kone as the second striker and gives Everton a legitimate option off the bench or for cup matches or if Lukaku is hurt.


Going back to the baseball analogy. If a team like the Yankees threw a bunch of money at a risky player like that and it didn't work out then whatever. Barely a blip on their bottom line. But a team like Milwaukee or Kansas City? That's going to hurt them financially. Everton aren't poor but they're not a team with much room for financial error. Presumably, Eto'o is going to be on an expensive contract, and if he doesn't provide the production to justify it then it's going to be a massive anchor on the payroll. Given how Eto'o's career has played out over the last 5 or so years, it seems like it could go either way.

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Imagine if a middle-budget baseball team in the US like the Milwaukee Brewers or Kansas City Royals gave a 2 year, 35-million dollar contract to a 36-year-old Alex Rodriguez.


It would kind of be like that. Eto'o was once one of the best goal scorers in the world. He was the the premiere striker on Barcelona about a decade ago. Ever since he made a move to play in Russia (which is, like, the 10th best league in Europe) in order to become the highest-paid player in the world questions have risen about his intentions. Now he is 33, so he's slowed down a bit.


On the other hand, he still clearly has plenty of talent. He scored 9 goals in 21 appearances for Chelsea just last season. Everton were pretty bare at the striker position after Lukaku, and Steven Naismith now being forced into the attacking midfielder role due to Barkley's injury makes it that much worse. Eto'o, if the production matches his inherent talent, is a massive upgrade over Arouna Kone as the second striker and gives Everton a legitimate option off the bench or for cup matches or if Lukaku is hurt.


Going back to the baseball analogy. If a team like the Yankees threw a bunch of money at a risky player like that and it didn't work out then whatever. Barely a blip on their bottom line. But a team like Milwaukee or Kansas City? That's going to hurt them financially. Everton aren't poor but they're not a team with much room for financial error. Presumably, Eto'o is going to be on an expensive contract, and if he doesn't provide the production to justify it then it's going to be a massive anchor on the payroll. Given how Eto'o's career has played out over the last 5 or so years, it seems like it could go either way.

If the money wasn't there this board would not have done the deal!

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If the money wasn't there this board would not have done the deal!


I never said the money wasn't there. I said there's little room for error. If Tottenham had splurged for a gamble like this and it totally failed then, whatever. It wouldn't really affect their business going forward. They'd bury the player in the reserves for a year and find another player. Everton are hardly going to go bankrupt from this but there's not much maneuverability from here on out if it doesn't work.

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It's also on a Bosman and just for two years. Even if he's shit it wouldn't be a colossal disaster.


agree totally, could be a disaster, but could just as easy end up the best deal of the transfer window. He is used to playing at the highest level with top players.


Liverpool has signed a 32 year old Ricky Lambert for £4M+ add on. I know which one I thinks the better player to bring of a bench


Strikers are such a premium - so could be a shrewd move.

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For example:




I've seen Barkley dive a few times, I still think he's fantastic, and while that headbutt can't be defended, it's also not the worst thing I've seen a footballer do on the pitch. It's not even the worst headbutt! With that said, I wouldn't want Zidane coming to Everton after what he did to Materazzi...

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Check these out, sexy:

1997-present - Cameroon - 118 (56)

2000-2004 - Mallorca - 120 (48)

2004-2009 - Barcelona - 145 (108)

2009-2011 - Internazionale - 67 - (33)

2011-2013 - Anzhi - 53 (25)

2013-2014 - Chelsea - 21 (9)


Played on the wing for Inter and Anzhi as well I believe rather than as a real centre forward. Of course he's past his best now but if he wasn't then a "Eto'o signs for Everton" story would be a hoax to unrealistic to make for a good on April's Fools' Day joke. Questioning his character because he accepted to go play in Russia for €20m a year or whatever people claimed he was making is pretty silly as well imo. Every one of our players would have done the same.

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