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Nah by the look of McCarthy for that last goal we should have maybe brought Besic on for his energy. Osman was playing in a position where he didn't need too much energy... Don't get me wrong I would have preferred someone else there, but that's not where we lost it.


We lost it because Barry and McCarthy were goosed at the end.

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Osman for pienaar, mgeady for Rom, atsu for mirallas. Am gonna point the finger firmly at Bobby here. An aging mid for a winger. One sub wasted. He said we would learn a lot from this game. We have learned that the formidable distin, Jags is no longer. One year older, more off the pace. They can't play from the back either just side to side to each other. Neither bring it out. They are only good in moyes back against the wall, last ditch tackles game. We have also learned that osman is in the same category as hibbert and should no longer step foot on the pitch. And the final thing we have learned is that no matter who says we play attractive football, you need to be able to do it when seeing a game out and when you are really under pressure. The only possession game was by our defenders and in our own half.

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Nah by the look of McCarthy for that last goal we should have maybe brought Besic on for his energy. Osman was playing in a position where he didn't need too much energy... Don't get me wrong I would have preferred someone else there, but that's not where we lost it.


We lost it because Barry and McCarthy were goosed at the end.


Osman just never got involved in the game at all. Should have put McGeady on when Pienaar had to go off.

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I'm fuming and if I was Roberto, I'd light a fire under these players asses. We can not see a freaking game through. Again, we controlled that first half and had the game under reasonable control for the 1st half of the second but after that, the players simply looked finished. How can we give up 2 goals in less than 10 minutes, that makes no sense at all. Think Jags needs a trip to the bench, he's had 2 pretty poor games so far. Not to single him out but these last 2 performances have been a joke. Pre-season was terrible and this is just pissing me off.

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I cant believe that. We looked fairly comfortable, we had weathered the storm and I actually thought we were going to score again but the first goal was a shocker. What the fuck Coleman and McCarthy were doing I dont know. They had excelled defensively down that side all game and then they both looked like they had done their job and let Cazorla cross. We should have done better to track Ramsey but Osman doesnt have any legs as I mentioned before and in truth it was a matter of time before he was caught out. Its not his fault and IMO he shouldnt have been on the pitch because at the end of the game it was going to cause us problems and it did.


The second goal wasnt much better, McGeady couldnt be arsed to track back, Osman couldnt cover because he doesnt have the legs leaving Baines overrun. The first cross was crap but Jags misjudges the header dreadfully which should have been bread and butter and Distin isnt anticipating that Jags will miss it. McGeady let his man run again later in the game as well and he really fucks me off. I almost dont care how many chances he creates because he fucks up twice as much. He isnt a player we can rely on IMO. Its those moments that his fresh legs should be so important to us and in some fairness he was doing alright on the right but bringing Atsu right and McGeady left alongside Osman fucked us over.


I do think Martinez dropped a bollocks in the subs department but not for the reasons mentioned by others. Osman did alright early on but you just knew the game would pass him by in the last 20-30 and it might have even been earlier than that. Besic surely must be a better option. The second issue was bringing Mirallas off. He was a little frustrating but he should have stayed on ahead of switching McGeady because he was doing his job, even though he was knackered.


Its so frustrating seeing more individual fuck ups costing us points.


Its a shocker. We had done a lot well without being brilliant and we should have been home and hosed.

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I hate slagging our players off but Osman just hasn't got it anymore. 2 great examples of where his pace and energy ( even coming on as sub) isn't there. Baines cut back and the goal was at his mercy just too slow. Defending too slow to track Ramsey for Arsenals first.


I know pace isn't everything as Barry showed today. Thought him and Naismith were the best players on the pitch.


Again defending really let us down. I don't know what's happened to jags and DIstin but they are a liability at the moment.


Arsenal deserved their draw in the end and after how below par they played says a lot for our second half performance.

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I defended Osman in the first half because he did alright but the end of that second half showed why he is no longer more than a 45 min player. He just doesn't have the legs. And I agree he shouldn't have come on for pienaar because he was never going to be able to play 80+ mins.


McGeady was poor when he came on as well IMO.


Gutted. We need to be a lot more clinical if we want to progress. We need to do what the shite do and just go all out in a blitz and get 3-4 and then start with the patient possession game.

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Osman was playing in an inside left channel so Besic would have been my man.


Think that might see the team fall apart in an offensive and a defensive compartment. I've seen people suggest playing a three man midfield of Barry, McCarthy and Besic as well and I don't think we're gonna be able to get the ball forward effectively if we do play them together.


Mirallas was playing in that space before Pienaar had to go off though. Pienaar was the left wide man, so McGeady should have come on for me.

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Think that might see the team fall apart in an offensive and a defensive compartment. I've seen people suggest playing a three man midfield of Barry, McCarthy and Besic as well and I don't think we're gonna be able to get the ball forward effectively if we do play them together.


Mirallas was playing in that space before Pienaar had to go off though. Pienaar was the left wide man, so McGeady should have come on for me.


I think Besic is better going forward than expected. He certainly would have done more than Osman in that role. He has quick feet, better passer and reads the game better plus he has the physical attributes to make things happen. I wouldnt want to see 3 holding players in there generally but I think Besic has more in his locker, especially in comparison to Osman. I would prefer to have someone in there who will take the responsibility and can control possession rather than McGeady who constantly turns the ball over.

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What a load of fucking shite. Walking up Carisbrook Road now as I type this and Jagielka needs a rocket up his arse.


To be honest I think the result was harsh on us we deserved to win but we have to learn to close games out.


2-0 with 8 mins to go we should have been cruising but again sloppy passing and poor defending have cost us two points.


It's that simple really.

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We played 3 upfront almost all game Mirallas/Atsu Lukaku/Mcgeady. He brought Osman on who after 70 minutes was absolutely fucked. Barry hasn't got legs anyway. This allowed Arsenal to box us in. It was crying out for more legs in midfield!! and for the wide players to drop back for a good half an hour!!!


The formation was far to attacking for the last 20mins. I have to question Martinez tactics in the second half I haven't seen us under pressure like that for a good 3 seasons. It was nerve racking and I could see it coming a mile off.


Mcgeady offers no protection at all, both their goals came from wide positions. We were far too narrow with only 8 men behind the ball.Jagielka on the first 20mins was absolutely shocking and I'm not convinced that is the best partnership anymore.


Positives: Naismith ran his socks off he was brilliant again. He did half of Lukakus work as well. McCarthy had a great game.


All in all very disappointed.

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The way to summarize everton at the moment is...... We would have only felt truelly comfortable watching them at 3-0. That doesn't sit right with me and shows me the defensive frailties under Bobby


The system on the whole worked well though, we just had a couple of idiots that switched off at key times. Martinez will be lighting rockets up Coleman and McCarth arse for the first as that ball should NEVER have come in and the same with at least Jags and Distin for the second. We have done everything almost everything else right but unfortunately you cant manage poor decision making unless you want to bring in new players.

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