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Martinez - Direction?


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Thanks lads, I've not u know Newty, I've just marked rverything read and started again.


I had to come back and have a whine about Martinez.

Well even I have turned on him now mate.

I think his ideals are right, but his realism is flawed.


I can't see how we could fix this with him staying.

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Well even I have turned on him now mate.

I think his ideals are right, but his realism is flawed.


I can't see how we could fix this with him staying.

He's not good enough mate, he's never been good enough. His football philosophies are flawed and he wont bend. His positive spin has worn thin he can polish a turd all he likes it's still a turd at the end of the day. His stubborn refusal to play players he doesn't like and play others out of position is just shocking. He's lost the dressing room and the fans he has to go.

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Thanks lads, I've not u know Newty, I've just marked rverything read and started again.


I had to come back and have a whine about Martinez.

Is everything all good with you though? Had no problems or anything? Just choose to take some time away?

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It's funny you know. I speak to pals who support other clubs and they obviously ask about Martinez. They still think he's a good manager because all they see are his interviews and his good guy reputation. I have to explain that from the outside, that's how it is but once he's managing your club and you hear what he says against what you see on the pitch, it's a different kettle of fish.


As someone who backed him so much, it's quite a weird experience. Both from having to explain your different angle and hearing how others still view him.


It just seems that every time he speaks, he puts another nail in his coffin. His new one is that the squad needs rebuilding. Seriously? It doesn't. I've been angry with the players this last few months, and I despise that such richly paid players choose not to perform because they may not like the manager but give no thought to the fans. But I do believe that a new guy can use most if these players to get back into the top 6 area. I'd even like to see how our Kev does under a new guy. Everybody should be given a chance.

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It's funny you know. I speak to pals who support other clubs and they obviously ask about Martinez. They still think he's a good manager because all they see are his interviews and his good guy reputation. I have to explain that from the outside, that's how it is but once he's managing your club and you hear what he says against what you see on the pitch, it's a different kettle of fish.


This. I'm getting wound up repeating the same thing to mates. They say things like "but I think he's a top manager", "comes across well" blah. He isn't but it does come across talking a crock of shite.


I'm finding it desperately amusing that our board are hanging him out to dry.


I also think this situation optimises what sort of a man he is. Most managers (if they had any ounce of dignity or pride), who have lost the loyalty of most fans and return such terrible results AND performances, would resign or walk. He's either so deluded that he believes he's doing the right thing or just so stubborn, that he's willing to wade through the shit he's getting from the players, fans and industry experts alike because he's being paid well.


Most would have walked, i'm telling you. Never known a situation like this in all my (relatively young) years.

Edited by Lowensda
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I get the same. People telling me that we have to be patient as he is trying to build.

Then they ask what happened to Barkley, Mirralas and Stones.


Well...Martinez happened.

Spot on. He got their growth to a certain point and then he's not able to get them farther, so they're stagnant or regressing. Time for the next phase with a new manager.

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It's funny you know. I speak to pals who support other clubs and they obviously ask about Martinez. They still think he's a good manager because all they see are his interviews and his good guy reputation. I have to explain that from the outside, that's how it is but once he's managing your club and you hear what he says against what you see on the pitch, it's a different kettle of fish.


As someone who backed him so much, it's quite a weird experience. Both from having to explain your different angle and hearing how others still view him.


It just seems that every time he speaks, he puts another nail in his coffin. His new one is that the squad needs rebuilding. Seriously? It doesn't. I've been angry with the players this last few months, and I despise that such richly paid players choose not to perform because they may not like the manager but give no thought to the fans. But I do believe that a new guy can use most if these players to get back into the top 6 area. I'd even like to see how our Kev does under a new guy. Everybody should be given a chance.


That's what I get as well. I went to see Space in Newcastle recently and was talking football with a couple of Geordies, and they genuinely couldn't understand why I was mad about Martinez. Well, maybe he looks like a good manager when you're Newcastle or a neutral, but if you actually support Everton...yeah, not so much.


I really wish I knew what went down between him and Mirallas.


ETA: and the players switching off infuriates me. I don't give a shit if they don't like Martinez, it's not an excuse to play badly. A loss is a loss, whoever the manager is. People are paying to see them, the least they could do is suck it up and actually make an effort.

Edited by Kankurette
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I'm going to like my own post because that article is spot on, IMO.


There's so many things fundamentally wrong with this article I don't know where to start, but the amount of people online now in despair because they are attempting to live vicariously through their football club is at crisis point. The clubs success is not your success and neither are it's failures


References to the pre- EPL era are pointless, Football is now a global business and mediocrity has a much different context, if you are in the EPL you are not mediocre by definition, and given its in a country of rich white people and the favourite league of countries full of other rich white people that is only going to become more pronounced.


There is nothing mediocre about Everton football Club and there never has been, seems a lot of fans wish it on us though with their constant negativity.

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There's so many things fundamentally wrong with this article I don't know where to start, but the amount of people online now in despair because they are attempting to live vicariously through their football club is at crisis point. The clubs success is not your success and neither are it's failures


References to the pre- EPL era are pointless, Football is now a global business and mediocrity has a much different context, if you are in the EPL you are not mediocre by definition, and given its in a country of rich white people and the favourite league of countries full of other rich white people that is only going to become more pronounced.


There is nothing mediocre about Everton football Club and there never has been, seems a lot of fans wish it on us though with their constant negativity.


The amount of Everton fans that are looking down on other Everton fans for their opinions is at crisis point. That's very much how this post comes across.


I'm not saying it's just you by the way. Fans who have let the current situation get to them look down on those who aren't spitting feathers over it too. It's really quite annoying and just not right. If you want to lose your mind over what's happening then go for it. If you want to just go with the flow and not get caught up in it then go for it. But don't judge, don't make it out like either way means you support Everton any more or less. And neither viewpoint is wrong in my eyes.

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Everyone is pissed off with events this season but people react differently. Personally I would never heckle or abuse Martinez some have rightly or wrongly. Others grumble over a pint others on social media.


If were honest with the team we had nobody expected us to be in this position especially at Goodison where we've been quite frankly shocking. The top 4 was mooted a cup win was talked up and it just hasn't materialised.


Then we've had the manager whose made his own problems. His chirpy we played well but lost, this player is fantastic next England saviour, he's the best of his generation bullshit has annoyed everyone. It's plainly obvious for all to see we need a defensive coach as he's not capable or doesn't care about defending.


Add to that his inability to lift players and their lack of fitness which is surely down to him and it's been a season of failure. I think we need a change its plain to see let's hope the board see it the same because I don't think many will put up with another season as bad as this.

Edited by smeghead1
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Although I feel Martinez has bought this situation onto himself, I still don't like the fact that the majority of players have been overlooked in their efforts and attitude.


Haf has alluded to the fact many of them have not put in even the smallest amount of effort the last couple of months and that's something the fans shouldn't tolerate.


IF there is a new guy, a new era, I hope he tells these players the "what's what" before getting them to actually try and play competitive football again.

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Imagine our same guys with the pace, chemistry, and urgency of Leicester and Tottenham.....a good manager should be able to get this out of them. They are lazy. spoiled fucks right now with zero desire to do well for RM with his flawed and boring tactics. They don't care, and subsequently a bunch of us now don't care. A loss used to be a major event - screaming, yelling, throwing stuff - now I just smirk ironically because its expected - the norm - and its too far gone to get bothered about it.


Its the same in the classical world - orchestras that were at a low point in their history are like different beasts when a new, competent conductor comes along. We need that new guy, and hopefully with the amount of time they are taking they will get it pinned down correctly. At least I really, really hope so.

Edited by chalkpie
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Makes you wonder why so many of the players have lost interest!


The same players who at the beginning of the season worked together so well now look like they haven't played together for more than a couple of weeks.


They haven't, some of them have been miles offside.

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The fact is, that most teams who play Everton, play a pressing game. They work hard at closing down, not only the player with the ball but also the likely receiver of the next pass. Everton struggle against this type of opposition because their natural passing game is at a slow tempo, no zip. Where the lack of Everton's fitness shows is when these opposition teams have possession. Everton drop back, almost to their own penalty area. We just do not have the fitness to press the opposition all over the pitch.

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The fact is, that most teams who play Everton, play a pressing game. They work hard at closing down, not only the player with the ball but also the likely receiver of the next pass. Everton struggle against this type of opposition because their natural passing game is at a slow tempo, no zip. Where the lack of Everton's fitness shows is when these opposition teams have possession. Everton drop back, almost to their own penalty area. We just do not have the fitness to press the opposition all over the pitch.

Why tho? I hate to bring it up but Moyes teams won more games in the last 10 minutes than we've lost in the last 10 under Martinez! It's a game of 90+ minutes the players are paid 50+ thousand a week surely they can be fit enough and train hard enough to see the game thru!!


Then again depending on how hard they are being pushed in training..........

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The amount of Everton fans that are looking down on other Everton fans for their opinions is at crisis point. That's very much how this post comes across.


I'm not saying it's just you by the way. Fans who have let the current situation get to them look down on those who aren't spitting feathers over it too. It's really quite annoying and just not right. If you want to lose your mind over what's happening then go for it. If you want to just go with the flow and not get caught up in it then go for it. But don't judge, don't make it out like either way means you support Everton any more or less. And neither viewpoint is wrong in my eyes.


And yet you post a link to the most judgemental, POS article that does nothing except attempt to figuratively shit all over the club and then laud its genius.


If I didn't know any better I'd say that article was written by a koppite, oh surprise surprise, he writes for the Daily (hate) Mail.

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And yet you post a link to the most judgemental, POS article that does nothing except attempt to figuratively shit all over the club and then laud its genius.


If I didn't know any better I'd say that article was written by a koppite, oh surprise surprise, he writes for the Daily (hate) Mail.


I said I agreed with it, yes, but I'm not discounting anyone who thinks differently or belittling anyone who thinks differently. That seems to be your job.

Edited by Romey 1878
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Why tho? I hate to bring it up but Moyes teams won more games in the last 10 minutes than we've lost in the last 10 under Martinez! It's a game of 90+ minutes the players are paid 50+ thousand a week surely they can be fit enough and train hard enough to see the game thru!!


Then again depending on how hard they are being pushed in training..........

I don't get this whole fitness thing.

They don't look unfit to me at all. Look at the semi final, we were by far the more lively and fitter team in the second half.

In fact most matches I watch sees us come to life with 15 minutes to go when we are 2-0 down.


Read through the match threads and see how comments are written along the lines of...well it's too late to make an effort now!


It's motivation for me.

The players aren't motivated enough.

Watch the body language of Jags, Baines and Robles....they look at thier own players with disbelief at times.


Manager is No1 to blame...along with the pussy whipped players that need a cuddle and telling how great they are to be arsed.

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