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Martinez - Direction?


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He looks totally defeated in his post match interview.

His voice has no optimism in it at all. Very short low tone answers. Nothing like what we are used to seeing/hearing from him.

I feel bad for him just now because I'm a soft twat. A good candidate who can't do the job. I know he has give it his all, done good things off the pitch.

Please don't allow him to take on the final home game if we are going to sack him. If we are going to keep him...someone come out and say so...reveal a master plan that will ease the feeling for the final home game.

This just doesn't feel good to me. Doesn't feel like Everton.

Yeah I agree with that. Top post lets do the right thing, we are Everton
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Based on what I seen he knows he's gone. The board want a fucking bollocking... this is inhumane. I want those gobshites wearing the shirts are called to question.

You touch bang on a good point.


See these protesters? How's about they give the players a bit if shit too? The players are getting off lightly here.


There should be banners out for several of those players with their name on and a simple line...'This is not good enough. NSNO'.


Some of those wearing that short are hiding behind the Martinez banners and they know it.

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He looks totally defeated in his post match interview.


His voice has no optimism in it at all. Very short low tone answers. Nothing like what we are used to seeing/hearing from him.


I feel bad for him just now because I'm a soft twat. A good candidate who can't do the job. I know he has give it his all, done good things off the pitch.


Please don't allow him to take on the final home game if we are going to sack him. If we are going to keep him...someone come out and say so...reveal a master plan that will ease the feeling for the final home game.


This just doesn't feel good to me. Doesn't feel like Everton.


He looks absolutely broken. I don't care how much money he has, he can keep his job. I have mental health problems and if I was in his brown shoes, I would either be dead, an alcoholic, or sectioned.


Fuck Kenwright and the board for carrying this farce on as long as they have.

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Stubbornness? I'd be stubborn about a few million quid too. But that's his choice if he doesn't like it. Not trying to be harsh on the guy, but he's not done a good job and will be paid a few million when he gets sacked. There is no sympathy from me.

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It can't be in humane, he can quit and walk away anytime he wants.

Its the boards responsibility to put an end to this, like a trainer stopping his fighter from suffering, they have to end this to stop the damage to Martinez and us.


Yes he could walk but he wont, the board appointed him, they must take responsibility and sack him. They could make it "By mutual agreement" and save him whats left of his dignity.

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How long does this go on for? It's complete insanity. The guy hasn't had the side playing for 24 months.


A complete and utter charlatan. This is a complete and utter disaster. But remember Kendall in 84.

Yeah I do but I can't see an Oxford game coming up any time soon

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I watched us at Goodison under Mike Walker with Brett Angel leading the line. I was one of the thousands who couldn't get into Goodison on the final day in 94 when we had to win to stay up. I was 17 during Kendall's last spell in charge when we stayed up on goal difference from Bolton. I watched Walter Smith field an over-the-hill David Ginola and Paul Gascoigne in what had by then become a sick parody of ambition.


This, the last two or three months, is the worst I have ever seen an Everton team play. I have never seen us so gutless, so disorganised, so lacking in character, so unlike a team and so easy to beat. Even in the darkest days, we had fighters. No one in that team has the bollocks to put their hand up and be counted when the chips are down. It fucking sickens me. Martinez has instigated it, but that so-called 'best side in a generation' now look like a rabble, and should hang their heads in shame for what they have let happen this season. I wouldn't give a fuck if none of them played for the club again. I have never felt so disillusioned and empty about this club. It needs sorting, now.

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when you lose the players that's it. It seems as though Martinez has had his fair share of fall out with senior players. Unfortunately hanging Baines out to dry was the final nail.


Baines will always be bigger than you Martinez. You took on the wrong player. Whilst also single handedly trying to ruin Mirallas.


Now do1

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Most of them probably see us as a small team and a means to an end. Lukaku definitely does and I bet Mirallas and Stones do too. Baines and Barkley are the only ones with actual ties to the club.

They probably do now. When Lukaku and Murallas signed we weeny far off the top 4.Martinez has done the rest

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it's not panic button time.


I know its only 24 hours but I take this back.


There's no path back after that performance, its almost certain he already knows he's gone and they are just trying to negotiate a settlement, had a bit of a look around at the contract law on those types of contracts this morning and it's plausible that they are disputing whether its termination for convenience or for breach of contract. (would makes sense, were not Abramovich, Bill's a nice guy but a tightarse by nature and his new accountant mate would be the same)


Also read this interesting paper on the study of Managerial Performance.




This below conclusion is certainly true of all three seasons if you look at them in isolation.


"It is evident that managerial performance can plausibly be gauged after 10 games with outstanding managers shining right from the start and the underperforming managers rarely being able to reverse their teams’ early failures. Managers who begin as mediocre performers tend to remain there as well, although their future fortunes could also go into either extreme. The lesson, therefore, is that managers who perform below expectation usually remain that way and therefore it may be optimal to remove them from office sooner rather than later; on the other hand, those managers who are merely somewhat disappointing should be given time to further develop their teams."



Right to have been given the third season, but on performance metrics definitely time to go now.

Edited by Chach
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I know its only 24 hours but I take this back.


There's no path back after that performance, its almost certain he already knows he's gone and they are just trying to negotiate a settlement, had a bit of a look around at the contract law on those types of contracts this morning and it's plausible that they are disputing whether its termination for convenience or for breach of contract. (would makes sense, were not Abramovich, Bill's a nice guy but a tightarse by nature and his new accountant mate would be the same)


Also read this interesting paper on the study of Managerial Performance.




This below conclusion is certainly true of all three seasons if you look at them in isolation.


"It is evident that managerial performance can plausibly be gauged after 10 games with outstanding managers shining right from the start and the underperforming managers rarely being able to reverse their teams’ early failures. Managers who begin as mediocre performers tend to remain there as well, although their future fortunes could also go into either extreme. The lesson, therefore, is that managers who perform below expectation usually remain that way and therefore it may be optimal to remove them from office sooner rather than later; on the other hand, those managers who are merely somewhat disappointing should be given time to further develop their teams."



Right to have been given the third season, but on performance metrics definitely time to go now.


It would have been so much easier if we hadn't taken the ridiculous decision to offer him a new 5 year deal after his first season!




Now blaming the FA Cup on league results???


Last year it was the Europa, now it's a cup distraction. How do other teams manage it?


There's always an excuse with him. That way it's not his responsibility.

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Martinez is a nice guy with a few fatal flaws:

1)Bad player management and team selection - treatment he gave Mirallas and Deulefeu was shocking

2)No clue with substitutions - too late and senseless - Osman is prime example

3)Ignoring the importance of defense - should be first priority for any mid table or lower team

4)Preocupation with silverware while neglecting league position

Sorry - time is up Roberto. I hope you have learnt a few lessons at Everton.

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