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Weirdness Abounds (or the Idrissa Gana Gueye Thread)

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24 minutes ago, Palfy said:

None of the above he’d be in the U23s out of the way, I wouldn’t want him polluting the team, we never had a good midfield with him in it, and we don’t have one now without him in it, we need wholesale change in this area and bringing someone back who’s 30 years old as zero ability on the ball runs around like a headless chicken leaving ache's of space behind him is not something I want to see again, our best spell when he was in the team was when he was at the AFCON. 
Call me clueless then you’re a -ick -ead 😉

You know me mate.... your both... a clueless dickhead haha!

Thats fair enough. Just wandered if you rated Davies and co more or not. You would rather stick with what we have than have him, but obviously have a better choice available.

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43 minutes ago, Palfy said:

None of the above he’d be in the U23s out of the way, I wouldn’t want him polluting the team, we never had a good midfield with him in it, and we don’t have one now without him in it, we need wholesale change in this area and bringing someone back who’s 30 years old as zero ability on the ball runs around like a headless chicken leaving ache's of space behind him is not something I want to see again, our best spell when he was in the team was when he was at the AFCON. 
Call me clueless then you’re a -ick -ead 😉

We had a good spell whilst he was at the AfCON but we were also in decent form before he went and he came back straight into the team and scored in a 2-0 win. Based on the other 2 years 10 months he was with the team he was an integral part and rarely injured. I’m not saying we should go back but and I rarely advocate that but I think it needs to be reviewed in the whole. 

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27 minutes ago, barryj said:

We had a good spell whilst he was at the AfCON but we were also in decent form before he went and he came back straight into the team and scored in a 2-0 win. Based on the other 2 years 10 months he was with the team he was an integral part and rarely injured. I’m not saying we should go back but and I rarely advocate that but I think it needs to be reviewed in the whole. 

Actually we improved when he went when he came back he got in due to injuries, he’s also been dropped on numerous occasions and not even making the bench sometimes, but to be fair non of that really matters anymore, it’s in our past and done with now. 
Leornado and Touchell are shipping him out because they know there’s a lot more to the game of football than just winning the ball and losing it,  they may have thought when they bought him they could coach some football nouse and ability into him obviously that was a bridge to far and his PSG career looks over before it barely started and rightfully so. 
I would be very very surprised if Ancelotti was in the slightest interested in him for the reasons mentioned, Ancelotti wants people who can play football are comfortable on the ball, look at how he expects his defenders to be able to play out and pass it around, why would he want a midfielder who can’t receive or give a pass, Ancelotti wants players who are committed and can play, Gana is neither of these, he held the club to ransom so he could leave, that shows lack of commitment to Everton and he can’t play football. 

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1 hour ago, Palfy said:

None of the above he’d be in the U23s out of the way, I wouldn’t want him polluting the team, we never had a good midfield with him in it, and we don’t have one now without him in it, we need wholesale change in this area and bringing someone back who’s 30 years old as zero ability on the ball runs around like a headless chicken leaving ache's of space behind him is not something I want to see again, our best spell when he was in the team was when he was at the AFCON. 
Call me clueless then you’re a -ick -ead 😉

Yeah we definitely need to keep him well away from the first team , we wouldn’t want any of our midfielders to suddenly start putting a shift in closing down the opposition, winning back possession by intercepting or even doing any of that tackling stuff !

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2 minutes ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

Yeah we definitely need to keep him well away from the first team , we wouldn’t want any of our midfielders to suddenly start putting a shift in , cl

Can I ask you and anyone else who wants him back, if it is true that PSG want rid why do you think that would be. It’s not through his own choice a month or so ago he did an article saying he didn’t want to leave he wanted to stay and fight for his place, he new then the writing was on the wall.

 I find it amazing that someone who is as good as he has been portrayed on here is being shown the door, could it be he isn’t as good as PSG and yourselves thought, just why are they calling it a day before he even got started. 

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one good point pete did bring up is why are people allowed to call others a cunt?  that's never sat right with me, maybe being an american it holds a more insulting tone to it (for lack of a better word) than it does in the British use of the word, but i don't get that one.  any chance we can just remove all personal attacks/insults?  



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38 minutes ago, markjazzbassist said:

one good point pete did bring up is why are people allowed to call others a cunt?  that's never sat right with me, maybe being an american it holds a more insulting tone to it (for lack of a better word) than it does in the British use of the word, but i don't get that one.  any chance we can just remove all personal attacks/insults?  



Pretty sure those people aren’t here anymore and, again, that wasn’t the problem it was just on top of something else. No we cannot remove personal attacks from the guidelines 

last I’ll comment on it in open forum, happy to discuss in PM/Group Pm 

edit; a small correction to be clear 

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4 minutes ago, markjazzbassist said:

one good point pete did bring up is why are people allowed to call others a cunt?  that's never sat right with me, maybe being an american it holds a more insulting tone to it (for lack of a better word) than it does in the British use of the word, but i don't get that one.  any chance we can just remove all personal attacks/insults?  



Cunt is classed as the worst swear word to use in this country as well, but to stop all insults would be great but in reality won’t happen, you will always get a weasel who looks for a cheap shot to insult someone then it escalated and the rest is history. 

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2 hours ago, Palfy said:

Can I ask you and anyone else who wants him back, if it is true that PSG want rid why do you think that would be. It’s not through his own choice a month or so ago he did an article saying he didn’t want to leave he wanted to stay and fight for his place, he new then the writing was on the wall.

 I find it amazing that someone who is as good as he has been portrayed on here is being shown the door, could it be he isn’t as good as PSG and yourselves thought, just why are they calling it a day before he even got started. 

He’s played more than 75% of their matches... your argument is based on your own opinion mate and not facts. They have even refused to accept offers at the moment due to being in Europe.... says a lot doesn’t it?

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1 hour ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

Nobody in here has ever made out he is some sort of world class complete all round midfielder  but he is certainly a damn sight better than you give him credit for and he is excellent at what he does

PSG can go out and get virtually any player in the world they want so maybe they have their eye on that said complete world class midfielder. You are trying to make out he has flopped over there when the reality is he has been a virtual ever present for them, he played 33 times before their season was cut short, including 6 in the Champions League , where I have seen him totally boss games, so Tuchel clearly trusted him 

I would rather we went out and got Allan or Mckennie but the fact that Gana excels at all the things our midfield is screaming out for is the reason I would gladly welcome him back





Ouch! That’s gotta hurt P’s! 
Think they call that a SHUTDOWN! 😉

Though to be fair you will still try arguing back. If only Wverton players had the spirit of Palfy and PeteO for a fight, we would be top four.

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53 minutes ago, Shukes said:

Ouch! That’s gotta hurt P’s! 
Think they call that a SHUTDOWN! 😉

Though to be fair you will still try arguing back. If only Wverton players had the spirit of Palfy and PeteO for a fight, we would be top four.

Wverton who do you think you are Johnathan Ross😂

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2 hours ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

Nobody in here has ever made out he is some sort of world class complete all round midfielder  but he is certainly a damn sight better than you give him credit for and he is excellent at what he does

PSG can go out and get virtually any player in the world they want so maybe they have their eye on that said complete world class midfielder. You are trying to make out he has flopped over there when the reality is he has been a virtual ever present for them, he played 33 times before their season was cut short, including 6 in the Champions League , where I have seen him totally boss games, so Tuchel clearly trusted him 

I would rather we went out and got Allan or Mckennie but the fact that Gana excels at all the things our midfield is screaming out for is the reason I would gladly welcome him back





So why buy him at all if he was never that world class midfielder that they could have bought like most they fell for the stats, but now they realise he can’t play. You don’t put a player on the transfer list if you rate him, that would be crazy no matter what team you are if you don’t need the money you keep him on the bench and they definitely don’t need the money, so that can only mean he’s not good enough and what they expected he would be when they bought him. 

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Been reading some articles on his time at PSG had one stand out game against Madrid but to counter that had some real stinkers as well particularly against Dortmund, it is unanimously believed that Leonardo and Touchel want him out because of his lack of consistency, that sounds very familiar was the same here and at Villa, also he’s not rated on the terraces, and the reaction that he could be sold in a few weeks has gone down well with supporters. 

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6 hours ago, Palfy said:

Read them H says please try to avoid to much swearing since when has calling someone a dickhead been to much swearing, it doesn’t say you can’t swear.  

As Matt said, the issue is guideline F, not H. No issue with swearing, issue with abuse. It’s not hard to work this out, come on. 

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4 hours ago, markjazzbassist said:

one good point pete did bring up is why are people allowed to call others a cunt?  that's never sat right with me, maybe being an american it holds a more insulting tone to it (for lack of a better word) than it does in the British use of the word, but i don't get that one.  any chance we can just remove all personal attacks/insults?  



If someone is being called a cunt in an abusive way then it should be removed and action should be taken. We’d all agree with that 100%. 
If, like above with Shukes making a joke, then it’s not a problem. 

I honestly see no reason why anyone would get abusive on here. It makes no sense. 

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1 minute ago, Palfy said:

So why didn’t you mention the abuse delivered to me, doesn’t that matter. 

Is the abuse still here? Or have I removed it? I deleted nine posts from five different posters. 
If the posts are still here please show them and the same will be done. 

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4 minutes ago, pete0 said:

But not abuse towards Palfy and myself 👍

Are there any posts still here where you are being abused? If so please let me know and action will be taken. 
As I’ve just said to Palfy, I removed nine posts from five different posters. 

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1 minute ago, StevO said:

If someone is being called a cunt in an abusive way then it should be removed and action should be taken. We’d all agree with that 100%. 
If, like above with Shukes making a joke, then it’s not a problem. 

I honestly see no reason why anyone would get abusive on here. It makes no sense. 

But I did and you accepted it, yet I call him a dickhead for doing so and get shot down, I find that hard to comprehend could you explain your reasoning behind that please. 

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Just now, Palfy said:

But I did and you accepted it, yet I call him a dickhead for doing so and get shot down, I find that hard to comprehend could you explain your reasoning behind that please. 

You mean the clueless comment? 
I already explained that I don’t think clueless is abusive, where I think dickhead is. 
As I also said, if you disagree you should take it up with Louis. As of yet I’m sure no one has taken it up with Louis, so why carry this on?

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3 minutes ago, StevO said:

Is the abuse still here? Or have I removed it? I deleted nine posts from five different posters. 
If the posts are still here please show them and the same will be done. 

The one which started this whole thing off which was to call me clueless, I found that abusive which caused me to react you left that post and didn’t even warn him for it. 

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Just now, Palfy said:

The one which started this whole thing off which was to call me clueless, I found that abusive which caused me to react you left that post and didn’t even warn him for it. 

As I’ve said on at least three occasions, I don’t consider clueless abusive.
So if you disagree you should take it to Louis. 

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3 minutes ago, StevO said:

You mean the clueless comment? 
I already explained that I don’t think clueless is abusive, where I think dickhead is. 
As I also said, if you disagree you should take it up with Louis. As of yet I’m sure no one has taken it up with Louis, so why carry this on?

What is your training and credentials that make you an expert on what someone finds abusive, I’ve said that the way that was said to me I found and felt abused, are you saying that you know more than me about how I felt about that remark. 

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12 minutes ago, Palfy said:

What is your training and credentials that make you an expert on what someone finds abusive, I’ve said that the way that was said to me I found and felt abused, are you saying that you know more than me about how I felt about that remark. 

No training or credentials needed, but myself, Matt, Mark and Mike are all here to make judgements calls on these things. 

Again, if you disagree you should speak to Louis about it instead of arguing with me over it. 
So, please leave it here on the thread as it’s just becoming a mess of a thread and send Louis a message with you disagreement of my decision. 

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