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I don't think the BBC should be lowering itself to use those tweets as a news story. It just doesn't seem right.


He scored in a 3-1 win, but was banned from a loan spell at Villarreal.


If it was an English club-related article, they'd use the term "cup-tied". It's odd that they didn't here.

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Toxic club. Clearly he fell out with Terry and we know what happens there.

Fabregas and hazard have been appalling, that is something to do with the doctor I think....

I doubt any possible falling out with Terry has had any bearing on it tbh. Now, the apparent breakdown of his relationship with Hazard? That'll be the big problem. Belgian media actually reported he'd faked his injury against Leicester to boycott Mourinho.

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About time we found something to dislike about klopp about.

Yes but coming from that odious twat doesn't sit well with me. Like Russell Brand in football boots "ooohhh look at me being all moralistic" Whilst bagging millions of quid.


He probably has some romantic notion that he is being like Muhammed Ali or the two olympians raising their fists for black power. He isn't, he clearly hates the United Kingdom - which is fine! But please fuck off and stop using the sport that makes you rich playing for English clubs to make your statement.


I am half Irish so I feel perfectly placed to call this knobhead head out. He played for ROI vs England and faced the flag and respected the national anthem, the knob head chose to use a friendly over in USA to get all militant.


Klopp didn't do anything wrong, I don't see why he needs to talk about another clubs manager.

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