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What Grinds Your Gears...


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Sorry I could have helped you with this but I've only just seen it.


If you want advice from someone who used to have a business that involved owning and maintining 17 vehicles NEVER put brand new tyres on your car. You curb it, get a puncture by the wall (which you have) the brand new tyres ruined.


Part worns or at best remoulds. Get 4 at the same time. When the front are getting a bit low, swap them with the back once they're really low the back wil of worn evenly. Rinse and repeat every time.

Mdepending on the size of your wheels say 16" you can get 4 part worns for £80 they'll last you 12-18 months minimum.


On average your yearly tyre bill will be about £60.


It works, I promise you.


Sounds a good idea actually; there are a couple of "part-worn" places started up locally in the last year or two, I've just always used the same local people since I've been here. I'll bear it in mind next time, ta.

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Sounds a good idea actually; there are a couple of "part-worn" places started up locally in the last year or two, I've just always used the same local people since I've been here. I'll bear it in mind next time, ta.

Using local businesses is brilliant and I fully endorse it BUT.... You can only use them as long as it's not costing you money. I'm passionate about putting back into your local economy but you have to draw the line when it starts becoming expensive to the point you'll be better off going elsewhere.


The only thing that negates this is the quality. If you're paying for something like locally sourced fresh organic meat, eggs, veg etcand it's real quality produce then it's worth every penny of the extra money but tyres are just tyres, they're all much of a much unless you buy brand new and then if it's the same brand it's the same quality but part worns are part worns they're all much of a much.


You may find one tyre place charges £20-25 a tyre and another will charge 10-15, avoid the cheaper end they're the unscrupulous bastards that will fix punctures to the walls and sell them on. You should never repair a wall of a tyre. There was a yard by us that we started using as he was cheap like that, we just thought he was under cutting as he was a new kid on the block, turns out he was buying split wall tyres and repairing them. It's a fucking death sentence waiting to happen.


We swiftly moved back to our regular garage who showed us all the tricks and stunts these charlitans pull and explained why we were paying what we were paying for our tyres.


All made perfect sense.

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(sorry for the wee sweary word but just now that is how I feel)


Company are going to demote me to a lower paid position because of my illness. If I don't accept it they will take me through a disciplinary proceedure and have me dismissed.


To be honest I didn't think that was legal but they seem to have found a loophole.


So excuse me one more time.



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(sorry for the wee sweary word but just now that is how I feel)


Company are going to demote me to a lower paid position because of my illness. If I don't accept it they will take me through a disciplinary proceedure and have me dismissed.


To be honest I didn't think that was legal but they seem to have found a loophole.


So excuse me one more time.



Pretty sure that is illegal. Have we got an HR or legal expert here?

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Thanks guys, bit calmer tonight.The Personnel manager took suddenly ill today asdid the Contract manager and the T1 Manager. Surely I am not that scary?


Anyway I should explain it a bit better:


(Oh PS I have been searching online for help, found a government site that helps)


A couple of years ago (2013) I took ill with a pretty bad condition. Bybad I mean I am still counting my blessings at being an Oulfella.

Anyway I was unable to return to work for some time (Lots and lots of surgery) BUT despite being told it could take up to 5 years to return to work, (And here I feel really proud of myself and my stubborn attitude) I was able to return to work within a year. Sadly, I was not able (physically) to return to my normal duties BUT I did my best. AND I still am. However it is not enough for my boss. He sent me to the company doctor for a second opinion last week. He was upset when the doctor confirmed in writing what I had told him. So upset in fact he called a meeting to which I was invited yesterday. Present were himself, The Personnel Manager and the company nurse. (Plus me of course) The upshot of all this was I either took a pay cut and a demotion (I can not do my job at a lower grade) OR I will be taken to a disciplinary hearing where they will arrange for me to be sacked.

I have worked there with NO complaints and plenty of compliments for 20 years I have been in the industry for 40 years. Iam not the best in the business but I am pretty damned good. Good enough to be one of only 6 in the entire world who was qualified to do the job a couple of years ago.

And now I have the heartbreaking choice on whether to apply for a lower paid lower grade jobor wait to be sacked, which at my age and medical history would be the end!

On the good side though, it was sunny today smile.png:rofl:

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news here Rubes but we've got a situation similar to this in our place. Ours is slightly different as the guy they're doing it to is just a lazy fat fuck who can't even be arsed to press a button on a keyboard but they cranked the pressure up on him a bit and (as they knew he would) he went straight down the illness route, along with depression.


They're about to get him on him not being able to do his job properly. Just because someones ill doesn't mean they get a walk over. If it affects their ability to do a job to the standard the company require they can dismiss you.


They HAVE to offer to retrain you first then a couple of more times after that but if they can prove you can't do the job to a required standard they can move you to s more "suitable" and obviously less paid duty, if you refuse you can be dismissed.


I don't know your circumstances mate they may be entirely different to this (I'm sure ur not a lazy fat astard for 1) but they can do it so be ultra careful how you play it.


Hope it works out for you though.

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Rubes, you really need to talk to someone who specialises in employment law. From what you have said, it does not appear to be legal. If it was, I would be very surprised. Does your employer value their 'image'? Summarise the whole situation and tell the personnel manager that you will be talking to the Echo.

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Rubes, you really need to talk to someone who specialises in employment law. From what you have said, it does not appear to be legal. If it was, I would be very surprised. Does your employer value their 'image'? Summarise the whole situation and tell the personnel manager that you will be talking to the Echo.


Sadly he lives in Anglesey John; they don't have newspapers there, just a town crier.

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Why do things always go wrong on a Bank Holiday? This morning I found that non of the taps, except those connected direct to the mains, worked. I know what the problem is but it is in the loft and I can't get up there now. Can't get anyone out being a Bank Holiday so will have to wait till tomorrow. That has screwed up my appointments for tomorrow which I have to rearrange. Maybe its my punishment for gloating over Liverpool getting walloped 4 -- 1.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry (and potentially dangerous) to bring it up but; David Cameron. Slime.


The others aren't much better, and where I am my vote is meaningless anyway (staunch Tory area) which annoys the hell out of me also. Why should people in 100 marginals decide who governs us while those in the other 550 constituencies go through the motions? My mum's in a marginal and has been bombarded with leaflets and people knocking on her door while we've had nothing.


Our electoral system stinks.

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Sorry (and potentially dangerous) to bring it up but; David Cameron. Slime.


The others aren't much better, and where I am my vote is meaningless anyway (staunch Tory area) which annoys the hell out of me also. Why should people in 100 marginals decide who governs us while those in the other 550 constituencies go through the motions? My mum's in a marginal and has been bombarded with leaflets and people knocking on her door while we've had nothing.


Our electoral system stinks.


i heard about this the other day. so the parliament dissolved and there will be an election to pick the ruling party correct? what happened to cause this? could cameron be back as prime minister if his party re-aligns with different parties?


your system fascinates me because you vote a party, ours is the person and they have personal agendas, yours seems slightly less corrupt and less cronyism.

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i heard about this the other day. so the parliament dissolved and there will be an election to pick the ruling party correct? what happened to cause this? could cameron be back as prime minister if his party re-aligns with different parties?


your system fascinates me because you vote a party, ours is the person and they have personal agendas, yours seems slightly less corrupt and less cronyism.

It always has to be dissolved before an election, it's nothing special.

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