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Has Martinez got it wrong?


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once again he misses the point we like to dream this has nothing to do with the basic fact

that you drop the people out of form

can everton only be great if Howard and Barry play

he is stopping us progressing with his inability to manage and make tough decisions

he wants to be one of the lads and good managers are not one of the lads

clough, Ferguson, do you think they gave too hoots what anyone else thought

this article again shows Martinez is out of his depth

he is mixing dreams with loyalty and there is no sentiment in football

only the right decisions for the team not for the manager.

Edited by seve
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has he not been restricted with who he can drop because of injuries

near all of our bench today have had injuries this season or even the last 3 months.

no hes not been restricted in the positions everyone is talking about

I was commenting on the article In the mirror by Martinez

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A quote from Lennon ' s interview after the Newcastle game...


Weve worked hard all week at starting right, he said the first 10 minutes, getting in their faces and putting them on the back foot. We did that and it worked for us.


The lads worked hard from the first minute to the last. We knew how important it was to get the three points and thankfully we did.


The evolution of Martinez?

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A quote from Lennon ' s interview after the Newcastle game...


Weve worked hard all week at starting right, he said the first 10 minutes, getting in their faces and putting them on the back foot. We did that and it worked for us.


The lads worked hard from the first minute to the last. We knew how important it was to get the three points and thankfully we did.


The evolution of Martinez?


Well - Mr Moyes was given many years of slight evolution without ever really becoming the expansive tactician we wanted to see and this was proven when he went to a club who's resources allowed and demanded that type of flexibility.


So Martinez has had a poor 6 months where we were/are worried about his ability to adjust accordingly. He has shown some humility after his annoying soundbites.


This season could be the making of him.

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A quote from Lennon ' s interview after the Newcastle game...


Weve worked hard all week at starting right, he said the first 10 minutes, getting in their faces and putting them on the back foot. We did that and it worked for us.


The lads worked hard from the first minute to the last. We knew how important it was to get the three points and thankfully we did.


The evolution of Martinez?

We'll see....

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Taken far too long for him to 'change it up' and it worked. The cynic in me likes to think Roberto buckled under fan's pressure for a change, by playing two up top and being more direct, hoping it wouldn't work but in fact, it worked incredibly well and now, he has no choice but to continue along the same vein.



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im still worried it has taken Roberto till the middle of march to do something everyone has been telling him needs doing for 4 months

and what happens now when barry comes back

in past situations robles had 3 clean sheets and the defence looked much better he changed it for the worse

will he do the same with barry

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im still worried it has taken Roberto till the middle of march to do something everyone has been telling him needs doing for 4 months

and what happens now when barry comes back

in past situations robles had 3 clean sheets and the defence looked much better he changed it for the worse

will he do the same with barry

Pah. That's nothing. How long did it take us to realise the Earth is round?!

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Mike, this is my new favorite site. I cannot stop reading this junk when I should be working.


I'm absolutely fascinated that this a theory and by how delusional these people are. The trolls are my favorite though.

Tbh I half believe them. Half the shit we are fed through the media is propaganda and the moon landings being fake is pretty old hat, the flag is blowing in the wind (of which their is none on the moon), sun a stage light. Now they could have gone on more modern missions, not dismissing that, but I definately think the early stuff was faked, just Cold War stunts and such.

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Tbh I half believe them. Half the shit we are fed through the media is propaganda and the moon landings being fake is pretty old hat, the flag is blowing in the wind (of which their is none on the moon), sun a stage light. Now they could have gone on more modern missions, not dismissing that, but I definately think the early stuff was faked, just Cold War stunts and such.


Disagree completely. Forget techy stuff and "studio lights" and "flags waving when they shouldn't". I spent a career recording (amongst other things) actors reading scripts, actors talking naturally and non-actors doing the same things. I back myself 100% to know when someone, actor or otherwise, is working from a "script", saying what they've been told to say or talking for themselves. No way in a million years could the military personnel and scientists that made up NASA have carried off such a lie. It would be absolutely obvious from the way they talked, no matter how much they were coached.


The Royal Shakespeare company couldn't have carried it off, much less a bunch of geeks and politicians. Moon landings 100% real; no doubt.


Er.....and Roberto agrees with me B).

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Tbh I half believe them. Half the shit we are fed through the media is propaganda and the moon landings being fake is pretty old hat, the flag is blowing in the wind (of which their is none on the moon), sun a stage light. Now they could have gone on more modern missions, not dismissing that, but I definately think the early stuff was faked, just Cold War stunts and such.

There may be no wind on the moon, but there is still motion. As you're sticking the flag in the ground, the cloth will flutter.


Ever seen astronauts in zero gravity pour water out of a bottle? It doesn't come out in perfect droplets and it's shape is constantly shifting.


I've never gotten the wind argument. It's like people expect the flag to be a solid sheet or something.

Edited by TonkaRoost
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Guys I'm not a flat earth guy. I'm just saying there are arguments they make that go either way. Open your minds (if you need a psychedelic go ahead) to the possibility everything we know is wrong. That truth is a myth. That maybe the people in charge are just telling us what we want to hear.


Puts down pipe....


Okay back to football.

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