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Our police force are an absolute joke. Whole institute is riddled with arrogant, narcissistic, bully victims in it for the power. Should scrap it and start again. 

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1 hour ago, pete0 said:


Our police force are an absolute joke. Whole institute is riddled with arrogant, narcissistic, bully victims in it for the power. Should scrap it and start again. 

Some of them are a disgrace. Most are not. 

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13 minutes ago, Matt said:

Some of them are a disgrace. Most are not. 

A lot more than some. If one kicks another will follow. How often do you see an officer stop another one for being too aggressive? Never, they stick together. They even still stick together after killing people in cold blood.

Look at schools who are doing more and more to protect kids from paedophiles. What are the police doing to stop power hungry abusive vermin from joining the police? Nothing, if anything they actively encourage it. 



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2 hours ago, pete0 said:

A lot more than some. If one kicks another will follow. How often do you see an officer stop another one for being too aggressive? Never, they stick together. They even still stick together after killing people in cold blood.

Look at schools who are doing more and more to protect kids from paedophiles. What are the police doing to stop power hungry abusive vermin from joining the police? Nothing, if anything they actively encourage it. 



Ok. Well I can't deal with that amount of paranoia. I'm going on what my brother in law is saying, and his integrity is not to be questioned. 

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9 hours ago, Matt said:

Ok. Well I can't deal with that amount of paranoia. I'm going on what my brother in law is saying, and his integrity is not to be questioned. 

Paranoia? I can still hear the screams from watching a video of a group police murdering a defenceless man. Not one of them try to stop one another, however they do try and stop or should I say intimidate someone to stop recording them. You can hear from the squeals they've damaged his brain yet they don't even take him to hospital straight away, instead putting him in a cell. If that was in America we'd be bending a knee. Over here it's hard to even find when googling. 


It's no one off either, it's institutional. Look at any video on Facebook, Twitter or wherever isn't controlled by the billionaires/government, our police are no better than gangs, if not worse.

Since you know someone, ask them how often there are delays as the officers are too lazy or thick when making requests to judges. Your average officer doesn't know, nevermind understand, the laws they are supposed to be enforcing/following. 

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10 hours ago, pete0 said:

Paranoia? I can still hear the screams from watching a video of a group police murdering a defenceless man. Not one of them try to stop one another, however they do try and stop or should I say intimidate someone to stop recording them. You can hear from the squeals they've damaged his brain yet they don't even take him to hospital straight away, instead putting him in a cell. If that was in America we'd be bending a knee. Over here it's hard to even find when googling. 


It's no one off either, it's institutional. Look at any video on Facebook, Twitter or wherever isn't controlled by the billionaires/government, our police are no better than gangs, if not worse.

Since you know someone, ask them how often there are delays as the officers are too lazy or thick when making requests to judges. Your average officer doesn't know, nevermind understand, the laws they are supposed to be enforcing/following. 

"Look at any video on Facebook, Twitter or wherever isn't controlled by the billionaires/government"

I gave up trying to write a response reading this. If you can't see the contradiction in your statement, there's absolutely no point in discussing anything with you. 

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3 hours ago, Matt said:

"Look at any video on Facebook, Twitter or wherever isn't controlled by the billionaires/government"

I gave up trying to write a response reading this. If you can't see the contradiction in your statement, there's absolutely no point in discussing anything with you. 

They don't control the content posted. But you're smart enough to know what I was getting at.

Watch the video. Then tell me it's only some and not institutional.

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1 hour ago, pete0 said:

They don't control the content posted. But you're smart enough to know what I was getting at.

Watch the video. Then tell me it's only some and not institutional.

Yes. Yes they do. They're actually being actively criticised for not policing the content more and have promised to do so. That's why people get banned from posting on those platforms. Seriously Pete, its a ridiculous statement. 

I don't need to watch a video to know that a minority of the forces doesn't represent the entirety. Question for you- do you think the actions of a few represent the many? 


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1 hour ago, Matt said:

Yes. Yes they do. They're actually being actively criticised for not policing the content more and have promised to do so. That's why people get banned from posting on those platforms. Seriously Pete, its a ridiculous statement. 

I don't need to watch a video to know that a minority of the forces doesn't represent the entirety. Question for you- do you think the actions of a few represent the many? 


You're contradicting by saying they get criticism for not controlling the content. My whole point is you will see that uncensored content that British media doesn't shout about. 

Minority. It's a whole squad. Watch any video and you see the same. Bullies hiding behind a role their not fit for.

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48 minutes ago, pete0 said:

You're contradicting by saying they get criticism for not controlling the content. My whole point is you will see that uncensored content that British media doesn't shout about. 

Minority. It's a whole squad. Watch any video and you see the same. Bullies hiding behind a role their not fit for.

What are you talking about?! :rofl:

I'm not saying that at all. I said policing more. MORE. key word there. Im saying that they (social media) do control content already, but people want them to do it even more. Was that not clear? Or are you being deliberately obtuse? Honest question, I truely can't tell. 

As for using Twitter and other social media as "evidence"... some of it is genuine, some of it is staged, some of is it deepfake. So it's often very far from a reliable source and is much more dangerous in my opinion. 

A squad. Ok... but you do realise there's 132000-ish police officers in the force, right? A squad is a handful of people. I'm not saying for one moment that there's only a handful of people who are the problem, there's probably thousands and they need to be found and prevented from doing these horrible acts. But that's still the minority. Put it this way... if what you were saying was accurate, all media, traditional and social, would have 1000s of murders a day every day if the violence was institutional. 

Please don't think I'm trying to undermine the horrible things that happen. Im not. Im simply saying that tarring a group of people with the same brush is a dangerous and irresponsible thing to do, and only adds to the violence. 

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8 minutes ago, Matt said:

What are you talking about?! :rofl:

I'm not saying that at all. I said policing more. MORE. key word there. Im saying that they (social media) do control content already, but people want them to do it even more. Was that not clear? Or are you being deliberately obtuse? Honest question, I truely can't tell. 

As for using Twitter and other social media as "evidence"... some of it is genuine, some of it is staged, some of is it deepfake. So it's often very far from a reliable source and is much more dangerous in my opinion. 

A squad. Ok... but you do realise there's 132000-ish police officers in the force, right? A squad is a handful of people. I'm not saying for one moment that there's only a handful of people who are the problem, there's probably thousands and they need to be found and prevented from doing these horrible acts. But that's still the minority. Put it this way... if what you were saying was accurate, all media, traditional and social, would have 1000s of murders a day every day if the violence was institutional. 

Please don't think I'm trying to undermine the horrible things that happen. Im not. Im simply saying that tarring a group of people with the same brush is a dangerous and irresponsible thing to do, and only adds to the violence. 

So you think people shouldn't post real news and we should all be drones to the BBC? 

It's a whole squad, not just a bad apple. Not just that squad either, watch any video on Facebook or wherever and you'll see bullies and incompetence. They're a national disgrace. 

You're very much undermining it. You're making out as if it's not an issue at all. You've not even done any research. Just going off the word of one bloke who will have unconscious bias at best.

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22 minutes ago, Matt said:


No I'm not undermining it. You're just being deliberately obtuse, to stretch the meaning of that word to its limits. Thanks for confirming. 

Don't agree at all. You've consistently tried to divert the conversation away from the real issue of institutional bully culture. 

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45 minutes ago, pete0 said:

Don't agree at all. You've consistently tried to divert the conversation away from the real issue of institutional bully culture. 

No. I haven't. I've responded directly to each of your ridiculous claims, corrrected you on your incorrect statements and tried very hard to bite my tongue. But you insist on vomiting dangerous sweeping generalisations. So I'm going to stop here before I stop biting my tongue and become less polite. 

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55 minutes ago, Matt said:

No. I haven't. I've responded directly to each of your ridiculous claims, corrrected you on your incorrect statements and tried very hard to bite my tongue. But you insist on vomiting dangerous sweeping generalisations. So I'm going to stop here before I stop biting my tongue and become less polite. 

Sweeping generalisations? You mean facts. With hard proof linked, compared to your mate telling you it's fine.

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My wife's old bank have managed to "misplace" £200 when closing her accounts. Had loads of letters back and forth and getting nowhere (email contact not allowed, and obviously I can't phone) so I've plonked myself down in her branch and told them, very politely, that I want it sorted. Manager is on the phone to head office at the mo.

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46 minutes ago, MikeO said:

My wife's old bank have managed to "misplace" £200 when closing her accounts. Had loads of letters back and forth and getting nowhere (email contact not allowed, and obviously I can't phone) so I've plonked myself down in her branch and told them, very politely, that I want it sorted. Manager is on the phone to head office at the mo.

I hope you get it sorted quickly, last thing you want to be dealing with.

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1 hour ago, MikeO said:

My wife's old bank have managed to "misplace" £200 when closing her accounts. Had loads of letters back and forth and getting nowhere (email contact not allowed, and obviously I can't phone) so I've plonked myself down in her branch and told them, very politely, that I want it sorted. Manager is on the phone to head office at the mo.

smart man, just stay there, don't even have to talk to them, just being a thorn in their side they will make things right to get rid of you.

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On 24/04/2021 at 13:13, MikeO said:

Refund could only be made to cards that paid for the various bits (money laundering rules apparently) and all but £30 of the £1200+ paid out was on my wife's credit/debit cards, and despite me informing the banks of her death they still hadn't formally closed the accounts so now I'm having to faff about to get the money.....which would be pretty simple if I could do it over the phone but being unable to speak kind of hinders that. They won't let me nominate someone to talk on my behalf and don't allow email to be used in bereavement stuff so all done by post and me going into branch. All money was refunded by the 5th April and not a sniff of it yet....apart from the £30 initial deposit I paid.:mad:

Sorted, the above was the situation a few weeks back. I've had all but the £200 back but with all accounts closed and the holiday company insisting all payments had been accepted it was a bit of a dark alley. Just occurred to me this morning that the missing £200 had been paid on Debbie's credit card account but using the details on an additional card in Josh's name, so I edited the typed explanation I took in with me to suggest that maybe somehow the main account had been closed but the additional card was still active. Turns out I was right. They were most apologetic and said head office were sorting a cheque straight away. Glad that's done.

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2 hours ago, MikeO said:

Planning on going away on my own for a few days Mark, hotels are opening for leisure stays from Monday over here so I'm doing a road trip early June; route not finalised yet but I've already booked two nights by Loch Lomond. £200 will cover a fair bit of it.

Great idea.  Solitude helps me to recharge, I hope it does the same for you.  You’ve been through hell the past couple years

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 29/05/2021 at 22:04, MikeO said:

And! My fridge seems to be dying, beer in there for days far from chilled.:shakingfist:

Aha! Resorted to the universal computer fix solution yesterday and turned it off (for about six hours) and back on again; bingo this morning temp is 3°C. Small victories (Josh is pissed off, I was looking at new ones online yesterday and decided on one with a water dispenser in the door, he liked the idea. Tough).

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Schoolboy error yesterday, another fridge issue funnily enough. Drove up to Ross-on-Wye and plugged in the mini fridge that used to go everywhere with me when I lived on liquid food suppliments in the car, only had a can of Pepsi and one of Lucozade in it but it was a hot day so thinking a cold drink would be nice. Traffic was a total shambles, took me six hours to get there (only 100 miles) and was so stressed by the time I got to my hotel I forgot to turn fridge off. So this morning hit the start button and the battery is completely dead:doh:. Summon Green Flag via their app and they give me an eta of about an hour and a half later, so sit and wait. Then the app reports that they've arrived except they hadn't because their GPS or whatever sysyem they use has taken them to the wrong place so they phone me to ask where I am, which is a bit rubbish because phoning me is a pointless exercise. I've texted them three times by now with my location but they weren't reading them. Finally went back into the hotel and asked a receptionist if they'd phone them for me to explain and they kindly did. Was up and running in five minutes. Lesson learned.

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