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Ross Barkley

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He's a delusional old prick who obviously can not handle or embrace one of this country's best emerging talents, it's a typical response from an old school English manager of his ability.


Great way to give one of your better young players confidence going into a major tournament Roy you old cock

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I didn't catch the game yesterday, on some obscure channel in the US and subscription at that but I was shocked at reading the comments from Hodgson about Ross. I hope it really is expectation management and he turned round to Ross and said I'm going to say this prior to the interview.


Would have loved to have seen RM's response, he must have had a word in the meantime by text or phone.

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Hodgson can fack off that old twat. I think this makes everton look better. We nurture talent and have positivity. Other clubs it's doom and gloom and the old boys club.


Hopefully ross is thinking that's what it would be like at any other club, best if I stay at everton where they appreciate me and aren't dumb as a rock.

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The best piece of business advice I was ever given is to "feed success and starve failure." When a company has one very successful business unit and a failing one, the temptation is to take the profit from the former to rescue the latter. To be successful, however, you must do the complete opposite: invest profits back into the successful unit and cut back or even shut down the failing unit. It may not sit well with unions and others who are focused on the short-term reward of everyone; however, for the long-term, it's the best way to succeed. Much better that the successful are unleashed to succeed more, even at the cost of jobs for those who are failing, than for everyone to die a slow death in mediocrity.


I'm thinking that the same holds true here. I'm guessing that Roy Hodgson wants all his players to feel valued and to create team spirit. This is all well and good, but it won't lead to success. To win, the good must be encouraged (praise Barkley, not criticize him) and the poor must be cut (out with Jones and Smalling). It's undoubtedly a reaction to the media's praise of Barkley, and Hodgson doesn't want Jones to feel "bad", but now is not the time to cow-tow to personal feelings. Hodgson needs a ruthless streak, not a sensitive one, otherwise England will finish bottom of their group.


Feed success, Roy, and starve failure. Praise Barkley, and hammer Jones for a poor performance. If you don't, you'll be another Salieri - the prince of mediocrity.

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Can't believe everyone in here thinks Jones was shit. Ok he had a shakey start but I thought he grew into the game and was decent in the end. I was hoping he would have been crap or even pick up an injury for Stones' sake but it just didn't happen . In fact IMO after Ox and Ross I would have said he had a decent shout for MotM

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Can't believe everyone in here thinks Jones was shit. Ok he had a shakey start but I thought he grew into the game and was decent in the end. I was hoping he would have been crap or even pick up an injury for Stones' sake but it just didn't happen . In fact IMO after Ox and Ross I would have said he had a decent shout for MotM


Given that it was Jones' first game back after an injury I would have said Smalling was the bigger disappointment of the pair. Actually 'disappointment' is the wrong word because I've never rated him and have no idea why he's in the squad, so I can't be disappointed! Jones was OK, but the presumably fully match-fit Smalling was a shambles. Don't understand Roy's praise for Wilshere either - he spent more time on his arse crying than anything else.

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It's easy to get carried away with what is said to the media. Remember, the media is a circus. Managers will often 'play' the media. Cut them down. Give them a taste of their own shit. Either to slow the media bullshit train, or stop it all together.


I'm sure that Barkley got plenty of praise behind closed doors. From fellow players, coaches and Woy.

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So, in conclusion, Woy is the only one who wants to play him down whilst the rest of the world want to celebrate his success rather than build up expectation...

But by celebrating his success, you do build up expectation.


Woy was maybe over the top protective, but his reasoning is dead right.


The press of this country can't help but pick a national prospect and build him up to the God's. It sells papers. Then us dumb arse fans get overly excited. We all focus on the new saviour of our game. When they have the inevitable below expectation game, we spit venom at the poor lad. We forget that the expectation was too high in the first place and that also there is a young man involved who now has to put up with utter shit.


So, fair play Woy. Protect and play.

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Pissed me off royally that any little mistake by Barkley was picked up on by the commentators, but other players do it and there was a curious silence. Lallana must have lost the ball four or five times during the game; nothing. Glen Johnson fucked up a couple of times; nothing. Wilshere did it and somehow Townsend managed to say it had been "stolen" rather than given away!


I have no problem with them picking up when he gives the ball away etc but fucking be consistent!

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