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Martinez - Direction?


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Really? Running out of words now. Get a grip.

I want my team to win and not be hindered by the incompetence of a man with the conviction of a soggy tissue and the stubbornness of a mule. He's a joke and should have resigned months ago. The man is single handedly destroying our club and if he stays in we will be relegation candidates next season

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I want my team to win and not be hindered by the incompetence of a man with the conviction of a soggy tissue and the stubbornness of a mule. He's a joke and should have resigned months ago. The man is single handedly destroying our club and if he stays in we will be relegation candidates next season


So you want him to get hit by a bus? Madness.

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Okay lets get some perspective here please. I want a different manager next season as much as anyone, but do I want any harm coming to Martinez no don't be ridiculous.

He's tried his best and it wasn't good enough, he managed to convince Kenwright he was the man he isn't.

Remove him after the Norwich game and move on. It's as simple as that isn't it?

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I wouldn't wish harm on the man he seems a genuinely decent bloke I'd just like him replaced, I can understand people's frustrations but it's a poor call to wish him harm


I did have a worry that Kenwright may have been keen to play the buddy card and hold onto him but I'm convinced come the end of the season he'll be on his way there's been to much discontent and public scrutiny for it to pan out any other way


Koeman seems to have been making noises lately about leaving if he has to sell on his best players etc I didn't realise he only had one year left on his contract aswel, he'd be a great option IMO

Edited by EFC-Paul
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What the fuck am I reading here? Wishing bad things to a human being? It's his job... he has a wife, a daughter. Get the fuck off this forum you fucking dick heads...


I want him sacked, I'd like to see his lovely delusional yet honest maybe arrogant face on tv talking football and having a career in the game. Not as a manager of our club.... That's it say no more.


Give your heads a wobble... embarrassing and pretty sickening.

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I wouldn't wish harm on the man he seems a genuinely decent bloke I'd just like him replaced, I can understand people's frustrations but it's a poor call to wish him harm


I did have a worry that Kenwright may have been keen to play the buddy card and hold onto him but I'm convinced come the end of the season he'll be on his way there's been to much discontent and public scrutiny for it to pan out any other way


Koeman seems to have been making noises lately about leaving if he has to sell on his best players etc I didn't realise he only had one year left on his contract aswel, he'd be a great option IMO

Spot on, just read an article about koeman wanting promised his players aren't sold and financial backing. Not sure he will get it. I would love him here. Knows a player and then some, some serious signings he made. Also the ups and downs of the last couple of seasons shows he can adapt and weather a rough patch and start winning again. Tactically he plays a nice game as well. Not afraid to call out Sadie mane and pelle for being lazy and they straightened up

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I'm still watching the matches but I don't give a toss anymore. Thanks for the terminology you Scousers!


Seriously, I am just numb to the whole thing. I don't wish ill-will on Roberto but he can go fuck himself right off and get out now. If he doesn't, then this endless cycle of shite will just continue and I'm sure folks like me will just become numb to the whole thing. I'm WAY beyond anger at this point - its all a big joke. I actually am starting to clap ironically now when teams score against us - that is how terrible this whole thing has become. I just don't care and have come to accept getting spanked week after week. I'm disgusted and yet becoming more and more detached.

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What the fuck am I reading here? Wishing bad things to a human being? It's his job... he has a wife, a daughter. Get the fuck off this forum you fucking dick heads...


I want him sacked, I'd like to see his lovely delusional yet honest maybe arrogant face on tv talking football and having a career in the game. Not as a manager of our club.... That's it say no more.


Give your heads a wobble... embarrassing and pretty sickening.


Yep. I went off on one last night because, as I found out the hard way, the mental health team gave me the wrong meds. They gave me a lower dose than I usually have and it was why I went out of control. Normally I wouldn't say or do that shit. When I read that Bob was getting abuse off fans when he was with Beth, that made me angry because she has nothing to do with Everton. Leave her out of it. It's also why I hope we don't have the lap of honour, because the players have their kids with him, and how's Bob going to feel, with his daughter hearing hundreds of people shouting abuse at her dad? It would just be uncomfortable all around.


End of the day, there was a fuck up with my meds. Venlafaxine is a horrible, horrible drug to withdraw from. I was feeling very sick last night as well, so I knew something was wrong.


Managers are just people at the end of the day. I wouldn't want to be in Bob's brown shoes no matter how much he earns.

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There is an article in today's Sunday Times by Rod Liddle. The heading is 'Here's a thought - why not get the ball and do something with it'. It is not specifically about Everton and Martinez but could have been written for us. The article ends: The managers who underperformed? Van Gaal, Mourinho. Roberto Martinez at Everton, for whom a lagoon of goodwill is rapidly draining away. And Wenger, who this season has allowed his principles and stubbornness to teeter into arrogance.

I wonder if Martinez ever looks at stats which show that Leicester often have less than 40% possession but still win games.

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I think Roberto lies to himself as much as he does us, if I'm honest. I wonder if him talking about how disappointing the team's performance was was a way of saying 'fuck it, I know I'm going to be sacked soon, might as well just be honest now, nothing to lose'.


I don't think he's evil or anything and I admit some of the anti-Martinez comments I've seen have made me uncomfortable - I at least had the excuse of going batshit as a result of a mix-up with my meds. I think some fans need to get perspective. End of the day, he's not ISIS, he's not a rapist or a murderer or a paedophile, he's a football manager who's not very good at his job. I think he'd be great as a commentator or with EITC though. He has done a lot for EITC.


Incidentally, I don't know if anyone's familiar with TV Tropes but the Stepford Smiler trope describes Roberto to a T.


Also, there are rumours about Frank de Boer. I don't know much about him, but he sounds promising as a replacement.

Edited by Kankurette
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Martinez appears to be a warm, sweet, humane fellow, who found in Everton a special club, and in Kenwright an owner who totally bought into his project, vision, and emerging football brilliance. As did I. I thought Martinez was a brilliant new mind, and that he and Everton made a highly promising pairing. His first season seemed to point in the direction of success -- European football and challenging for top 4 in the league.


Until the second half of this season, my main concern was whether injuries and inconsistent play would derail his project, because several emerging young stars would be tempted to go to a big club, and because Martinez would be unable to persuade them to have faith in his vision. Until the second half of this season, his public analyses of the team's performances were puzzling, irritating, but not a deal-breaker.


But in the last several months, I have reluctantly come to the view that Roberto's sweet personality has diverted (my) attention from the probability that, as a football mind, he is an utter fanatic, literally obsessed with his theories of how to play attractive football. Usually, or so I had thought, obsessed fanatics have a bit of the glint in the eye, a hardness, a sort of off-center look or personality. Roberto's smile is trustworthy, not off-center.


His words, though, gradually struck me as something more than an odd take on the reality of the team's play and results. His explanations became not quaint but bizarre. Then inaccurate. Then delusional. Then lies.


He now strikes me as an odd combination of a calm, warm, genuinely good human being, but a mad-scientist of a manager, obsessed with perfectionist theories detached from footballing reality. It appears he has yet to concede that his theories are not applicable to every assembled squad, including one that he continues to assemble. He will hope to persuade the owners to stick with his vision.


Whether they will think his vision genius or madness, I'm not sure, though he's clearly lost the fans, and many of the players. His promising project almost worked, maybe, but it's past the point of no return. I suspect the owners will by now have been unsettled by Martinez's repeated public self-humiliations.


I do wonder whether they will be thinking of the best way to save Roberto from himself. Undoubtedly Roberto doesn't think he needs saving. He's wrong.


Really interesting well thought out post :worship[1]:.

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