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Axel Witsel

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I think we all have to be realistic and concede defeat to our principles. We've moaned for ages were skint blah blah. Now we have the dough which is what we all have wanted were moaning that we are spending it. When you see palace reportedly offering benteke 100k plus we have to realise that is now the life. Look at American footballers they earn fortunes. I think the new owner knows a lot more than us and has a clear vision of where we want to go. Can u imagine witzel,shneirderlin,Barkley,mata, Gerry/kev in midfield?


One thing in life I've never done, and never will do, is compromise on principles. It's a very sad day when, in an attempt to win short-term glory, principles fly out the window. Everton ought to stand for something - integrity, creativity, community, professionalism - and it shouldn't be "money trumps all". These are only rumours for now, so I don't mean to overreact, but the change in conversation that's become evident since the new manager was installed is disappointing, to put it mildly. The soul of the team is important and not to be dismissed with the excuse that "everyone else does it".

Edited by Cornish Steve
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I think we all have to be realistic and concede defeat to our principles. We've moaned for ages were skint blah blah. Now we have the dough which is what we all have wanted were moaning that we are spending it. When you see palace reportedly offering benteke 100k plus we have to realise that is now the life. Look at American footballers they earn fortunes. I think the new owner knows a lot more than us and has a clear vision of where we want to go. Can u imagine witzel,shneirderlin,Barkley,mata, Gerry/kev in midfield?


One other thing..What has money in sport done in the US? It's ensured that NBA finals go to seven games, for example. Many I've spoken with are cynical about this. When money talks, corruption becomes rife.

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One thing in life I've never done, and never will do, is compromise on principles. It's a very sad day when, in an attempt to win short-term glory, principles fly out the window. Everton ought to stand for something - integrity, creativity, community, professionalism - and it shouldn't be "money trumps all". These are only rumours for now, so I don't mean to overreact, but the change in conversation that's become evident since the new manager was installed is disappointing, to put it mildly. The soul of the team is important and not to be dismissed with the excuse that "everyone else does it".


read up on our history, that was our motto. Merseyside Millionaires.

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I think some reactions are going a bit far here! Bit over dramatic.


After all its all just rumour.


I don't think we are doing anything wrong. Man City were paying these sort of wages 5 years ago to get a foot on the ladder. So even if this 120k per week thing is true, I'm afraid it will be the norm for a player of above average quality.


It's scary. Very scary. The wages and fees being talked about for several players is just...crazy!


BUT...we are still being linked with young players too. So we will continue to develop the next set of hopefuls.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the 1990s-2010s period more of an exception than it is the rule in our history? Weren't we one of the clubs that paid players and made record signings before the Premier League era? Didn't we have a reputation as a moneyed club? So, maybe the provincial notion about us really being a club of crafty penny pinchers who know how to punch above their weight on a shoestring budget has less depth than we think.


There tends to be a correlation in this world between one's place and practices and an ideology that justifies, legitimates and rationalizes them as morally superior and just. Sure, maybe we've been convinced of our moral victories in a world gone crazy with cash, as at least we still haven't sold out. But, football is about winning and losing on the pitch. Those who manage the club need to please the fans. If they can't win on the pitch, they need to do whatever they can ideologically to make the fans continue to care about and even believe in the club. This takes the form of media campaigns that tell us how special this club is and how it's unlike those other clubs who lack the integrity (or class, understanding, belief in certain principles, etc) that we have. Thus, many of us can point to loving Everton for some reason or another that only makes sense in a field of other clubs that are unlike Everton in X/Y/Z ways. "Those clubs are soulless. They have no heart. They're plastic. Etc." But, whether or not these statements are accurate, they say more about US than they do about THEM. What I think we are dealing with and will be dealing with in this transition (from "plucky little Everton" to being a club with major expectations and money that allows us to compete in the contemporary game) is a change in culture and mindset and coming closer to what we've all trained ourselves to hate and made the butt of all of our inside jokes for years.


The soul of the club, or of any club (if there is one), has never been the players (at least not since this became a game that you didn't have to work a side job to survive in). Their job is to go out and compete as professionals and bring home a win (or a performance worthy of winning). The soul is in the people who give their days, weeks, months and years to caring about the club and its fortunes as if their own personal happiness depended upon it. The soul is in the people who go to the games (if they are so lucky), wake up early or go to bed late to watch from afar, participate in a community of other supporters, and who support the club through thick and thin as if they have a familial connection to it.


Sure, money has changed the nature of how clubs and players operate. But, it's really always been about the fans and the community. And, this is something that (for all their failings) I think Everton have recognized and done a solid job with. As long as the club remembers that it is ultimately about delivering something the fans can be proud of, then it will still have its "soul."


That said, I'm not convinced Witsel is worth what we are apparently going to pay for his services. Though, I admittedly know very little of him as a player beyond his work history and appearances in international matches, where he's looked decent but not world class.


Great post and agree with it all, I guess the fear as you note is around paying 120k a week for a player who isn't by all accounts a 120k player for me that's a truly world class player and Witsell is a step up but not a that level yet, we don't want to do a Man City and throw money at above average players.

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I can't believe people are saying the club has sold it soul just because we are now paying the same kind of wages the upper mid table sides are


If they scrapped EITC or the former players charity then yeah I would say we have sold our soul

Youth will still get its chance , that was a major factor in why the board chose Koeman



Fair enough. I know I'm over reacting because of the change, but I can't help it!

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I've seen him quite a few times against Wales as we have played them 5 times in the last 4 year or so. He was immense in the first game but he didn't really do much in the other games... Obviously he's a big name and probably be a big upgrade on what we have so he'll have my full support. Where would his signing leave Besic, McCarthy, Barry and Gibson??? Just makes that Gibson 2 year deal look more stupid IMO. Will be interesting to see if Koeman fancies Besic or McCarthy as well.

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I've seen him quite a few times against Wales as we have played them 5 times in the last 4 year or so. He was immense in the first game but he didn't really do much in the other games... Obviously he's a big name and probably be a big upgrade on what we have so he'll have my full support. Where would his signing leave Besic, McCarthy, Barry and Gibson??? Just makes that Gibson 2 year deal look more stupid IMO. Will be interesting to see if Koeman fancies Besic or McCarthy as well.


IMO he's best used as a box to box midfielder (see the game of Belgium vs Ireland; he was allowed to go forward much more and played a great game).

In all other games Wilmots asked him to just protect the back four and in possession to just pass it to KDB or Hazard, which makes for pretty anonymous performances (and a waste of a talented player).


With a decent manager like Koeman, he could be a great signing.

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I've seen him quite a few times against Wales as we have played them 5 times in the last 4 year or so. He was immense in the first game but he didn't really do much in the other games... Obviously he's a big name and probably be a big upgrade on what we have so he'll have my full support. Where would his signing leave Besic, McCarthy, Barry and Gibson??? Just makes that Gibson 2 year deal look more stupid IMO. Will be interesting to see if Koeman fancies Besic or McCarthy as well.


I have a feeling Besic may get a new lease of life under Koeman, I think he will be the type of Player RK will like.


As for Witsel, im not fussed either way. Not seen enough to be excited by him.

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