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On 08/05/2021 at 19:36, MikeO said:

Wish I lived up there, two pints for a fiver? £4.40 in my local.:crying:

Remember well my first visit to Liverpool in 1991 in a minibus full of Woking fans for the FA cup game, saw Everton in London dozens of times but was 30 before I got to my fist home game. We were staying overnight (Liverpool were at home on the Saturday and some of the lads wanted to go to Anfield and then Goodison Sunday, I wasn't bothered:rolleyes:) and checked in (Campanile by the docks) and then found a pub; I got the first round in, there were probably twelve of us, and I can't remember the numbers but it cost about half what I'd have paid at home, I thought they'd made a mistake!

Other side of the coin was my "work local" in Wimbledon was the second closest pub to Plough Lane so we'd get a lot of away fans in on matchdays, can remember one comment (among many), "Bloody hell lads you need to take out a mortgage to get a round in here!":D

Before the last lockdown I was in one of these craft ale pubs. Its main offering is pale ale which I am not a huge fan of but its wet and its a pub that is always on my way out or back home so I stop in a lot. As the taps change quite a lot I usually start by trying to pick one that sounds nice and then once I am a couple in I get reckless and pick whatever I see first.

I was a couple in and decided to pick whatever took my gaze first. They come in random sizes but I was drinking pints so went with it. I took a sip whilst the bartendr brought the card machine over and almost spat it back out again when it came up as £9.25! It also turns out it was 9% and tasted like it. No beer should ever be that expensive!


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2 hours ago, Bailey said:

Before the last lockdown I was in one of these craft ale pubs. Its main offering is pale ale which I am not a huge fan of but its wet and its a pub that is always on my way out or back home so I stop in a lot. As the taps change quite a lot I usually start by trying to pick one that sounds nice and then once I am a couple in I get reckless and pick whatever I see first.

I was a couple in and decided to pick whatever took my gaze first. They come in random sizes but I was drinking pints so went with it. I took a sip whilst the bartendr brought the card machine over and almost spat it back out again when it came up as £9.25! It also turns out it was 9% and tasted like it. No beer should ever be that expensive!


Could get four pints for a pound note when I first started visiting pubs, though Bill and John would probably call that pricey. There's a seriously outdated song lyric from 1973 (It's Only Money by Argent)..

"Going for a drink and it's always dearer than you think
Spend another pound it's time to buy another round"

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Had to delete that email from the fans forum, was screwing up the page. Let's try again...


Dear Matthew,

As the Chair of the Everton Fans' Forum, I wanted to update you on the progress we have made since the Club’s Chief Executive Denise Barrett-Baxendale wrote to supporters to explain how we, as Evertonians, can make our voices heard; ahead of the fan-led review into football by the UK Government and the inevitable internal review of the game that will be undertaken by the Premier League and the FA.

The reaction we saw following the breakaway attempts by six Premier League clubs to form a European Super League was incredible. Every section of football was united in agreement on the issue and, like the rest of our fanbase, I was proud of the Club's swift and unequivocal response. The Forum’s focus has now turned to what comes next - ensuring we play our part in safeguarding the future of football, by ensuring supporters are respected and our voices are listened to.

As the independent and democratically elected group representing Evertonians, the Fans' Forum is committed to fulfilling our role as the voice of fans. During my time as Chair, the Club has always listened to and engaged with supporters and I am pleased that we will all be able to help shape and inform the Club’s participation in any review of football in this country.

As a Forum we meet with the Club on a monthly basis and have continued to do so throughout the pandemic. We have also been working alongside the Football Supporters Association - the representative body for football supporters in England and Wales - to make our voice heard nationally. What is clear is that the relationship between Evertonians and their club is a healthy one that includes two-way dialogue, as evidenced from the Premier League fan survey results released last month.

We have been engaged in important projects that impact supporters including Season Ticket and match ticket pricing; branding at Goodison Park; consultation on our new stadium; the return of fans to Goodison Park; fan engagement and international fan growth; helping to further improve our retail and catering offer; as well as commemorative plaques for supporters and statues to celebrate some of our greatest ever players. What we have ahead of us now, is an opportunity for us as fans, to have a say in the future of football in our country and that is something we should not let pass us by.

Thank you to the hundreds of fellow Blues who have already been in touch with the Forum following Denise’s email to provide comments, thoughts, opinions and questions. We’ve had many good ideas, recommendations and passionate opinions covering a range of issues; including the Club’s reaction to breakaway proposals, action that the relevant authorities might consider, ownership models, reform of European competitions and how the Club listens to and interacts with supporters. For those of you who have already been in touch with us, please be assured every comment has been conveyed to the Club and will be used to help shape the next steps of Everton’s consultation with supporters.

This is a collaborative process, and we are keen to increase the feedback that we present to the Club. Therefore, over the next couple of weeks we’ll be convening a series of workshops with different sections of our fanbase including Supporters’ Clubs from across the globe and the various stakeholder groups, associations and societies that represent or have an interest in Everton. Our aim is to share a summary of the feedback we have received to date and to generate discussion on how best to get further insights on key areas around football governance, regulation, fan engagement and the wider state of the game we love.

Once all the workshops have been completed, the Fans’ Forum, alongside representatives from each of the groups we have met, will present our findings to the Club. It is these findings and data that will help Everton devise the series of consultation surveys that will be sent to every supporter on the Club's database.

These surveys will be really important as they will provide our chance to give the Club a full and true picture on the thoughts and desires of Evertonians, on key matters relating to the future of our game and ultimately our beloved Everton.

Ahead of receiving these surveys from the Club, if you have any strong views or ideas in relation to matters of the past few weeks or the state of our game, I would encourage you to contact me at chair@evertonfansforum.com. Your ideas and your feedback will be taken on board and passed to the relevant people at the Club.

Finally, in what is a busy period for the Forum as we head towards an election of new members, I wanted to thank my colleagues for the time and effort they have put into representing you all, making sure that your views are heard and the ongoing work with this consultation; they have done you proud.

Stay safe and best wishes…


Jazz Bal
Chair, Everton Fans’ Forum

© 1878 - 2021 Everton 

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1 hour ago, Romey 1878 said:

Great column that, agree with everything he's said.

The faults as he points out fall on both Carlo's tactics going into games and the players.  We may not have the players that Carlo wants to play the football he wants but we must surely be able to adapt better to prove a greater threat against teams like Sheffield United.

Bottlers indeed, they've shown time and time again how up for it they are against the "big boys" putting in good hard working performances to get the unexpected result, but when we are expected to win and the challenge is to break a team down and create chances they don't seem to  be up to doing it, or up to the fight of just outplaying the opposition.

I'm not sure about the coaching aspect but certainly could be something to be addressed in there.

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14 hours ago, Btay said:

Shame because I read somewhere that finishing 7th would have been an extra £17 million - not that the players really care about that.


2 hours ago, Btay said:

That’s it! @MikeO

That doesn't say £17m "extra" on top of finishing 9th or 10th though, which is how I read what you were saying.

The relevant paragraph actually makes no real sense, "Finishing 12th saw them pocket £17m from their merit share. Everton finishing sixth would be worth £28m, while seventh would see them pick up £17m. Finishing in eighth would still be worth £7m more than last season, the figure standing at £24m."

So what that says, unless I'm being really thick (very possible), is the merit payments this year will be..

6th-£28m, 7th-£17m, 8th-£24m.

Going on last years figures the merit payment for 7th was £27m, so unless I'm mistaken my guess is that the writer made a typo and whoever wrote the headline just took the £17m figure (out of context) and didn't check it.



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12 minutes ago, MikeO said:


That doesn't say £17m "extra" on top of finishing 9th or 10th though, which is how I read what you were saying.

The relevant paragraph actually makes no real sense, "Finishing 12th saw them pocket £17m from their merit share. Everton finishing sixth would be worth £28m, while seventh would see them pick up £17m. Finishing in eighth would still be worth £7m more than last season, the figure standing at £24m."

So what that says, unless I'm being really thick (very possible), is the merit payments this year will be..

6th-£28m, 7th-£17m, 8th-£24m.

Going on last years figures the merit payment for 7th was £27m, so unless I'm mistaken my guess is that the writer made a typo and whoever wrote the headline just took the £17m figure (out of context) and didn't check it.



Ah mate I don’t know I’ve had far too many reds tonight to really remember. Maybe he is right though and the players do care that 8th gets us more £££..... 🤷‍♂️

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I see confirmed as the worst home season in the history of the club, we've had less points at home but only when a win was only worth two points, and when you adjust them to three for a win we would've got more points. We got 22 points at home this season; when we were relegated (finishing bottom) in 1929/30 we would've got (with three points for a win), 25, though admittedly a forty-two game season so we had two more games. But points per game this season we were still worse.

1950/51 relegation season we got 26 points finishing last.

Nobody can say that this is the worst Everton team in history so I think the conclusion you have to draw, 'specially given the fact that the three home league games we had with fans in we won, is how important the crowd is to us. How important we are to on-field performance, seemingly more so than any other club. That actually makes me smile a bit.


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26 minutes ago, MikeO said:

I see confirmed as the worst home season in the history of the club, we've had less points at home but only when a win was only worth two points, and when you adjust them to three for a win we would've got more points. We got 22 points at home this season; when we were relegated (finishing bottom) in 1929/30 we would've got (with three points for a win), 25, though admittedly a forty-two game season so we had two more games. But points per game this season we were still worse.

1950/51 relegation season we got 26 points finishing last.

Nobody can say that this is the worst Everton team in history so I think the conclusion you have to draw, 'specially given the fact that the three home league games we had with fans in we won, is how important the crowd is to us. How important we are to on-field performance, seemingly more so than any other club. That actually makes me smile a bit.


Hopefully it puts to bed the ludicrous myth that playing at Goodison is bad for the players because of the fans. It's absolute bollocks.

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