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Jordan Pickford

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10 hours ago, barryj said:

Don’t think he was at fault for either. They were both on Mina. He was poor for a number of games last year but I’m shocked how many Evertonians want to knock him or find fault in the littlest thing or even with nothing at all. He’s England’s number one and plays for our club he should be supported not heckled. There are better goalies out there but not at the price we will be paying. The terrible lob on first minute was for me the only real shocker he had in the game and that wasn’t helped by an atrocious back pass.

No-one heckles him.  He got full praise after his spurs game. No-one wants him to fail, we want Everton to do well and he's vital to that. 

The problem with him seems to be concentration/decision making and its a concern. 

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On 20/09/2020 at 19:00, Aidan said:

I wish i could share that view. Im not getting involved with if he should or shouldn't have saved the goals, but Pickford set the tone quite literally from minute 1 yesterday. He still seems to be making those silly mistakes he did last season and I'm genuinely fearful of how many points hes going to cost us over the course of this season. 

We need a reliable shot stopper as back up who will get in the squad off the back of Pickfords inevitable poor form. Foster wouldn't be a bad shout, nothing flashy and but reliable until we can get a real keeper in next summer. 

He saves us as an individual more points than he costs us, already this season in the first 2 games he has saved us at least a minimum of 2 points possibly 3 with 2 top class saves against Spurs, which many keepers in this league wouldn’t have made I believe. 
What will cost us more points this season is shit defending that we witnessed from Mina, that’s what people should be more concerned about, not Pickford he’s more consistent than our CB’s. 

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10 hours ago, Palfy said:

He saves us as an individual more points than he costs us, already this season in the first 2 games he has saved us at least a minimum of 2 points possibly 3 with 2 top class saves against Spurs, which many keepers in this league wouldn’t have made I believe. 
What will cost us more points this season is shit defending that we witnessed from Mina, that’s what people should be more concerned about, not Pickford he’s more consistent than our CB’s. 

Every keeper in the league has those those 'unexpected' saves almost every single game. I will admit he had a good game against Spurs, but those have been few and far between this year. 

Since pickford arrived according to official PL stats no keeper has made more errors leading to a goal than JP. 

Hes erratic, not the slightest bit commanding or confident when claiming balls, a poor diver, hot headed, arrogant and has questionable decision making at times. He's more interested in looking like a top goalie than actually being one.

The only thing I think he excels in is his reflex saves which are outstanding. You could argue his distribution is superior too, but even that seems to have slipped away. 

Above all, he's not the goalkeeper to take us to the next level IMO. 

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Getting a lot of stick on Sky in the post match analysis - deserves it too. First goal - Keane doesn’t help but, when he receives a ball like that, just launch it - similar to Mina pass on Sat. 2nd goal - inexcusable - so poor. I hope he can prove me (and others) wrong but I just don’t think he will.

The £15m-20m Villa have just paid Arsenal for Martinez looks very cheap.

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5 minutes ago, Matt said:

Another shit back pass but he had time to leather it first time. Should’ve done better with the second too, though compliments to the guy who tried the overhead kick. 

A lot of back passes aren't great because for a player to choose that option means they were under pressure in the first place. 

Having said that ... The ball was rolling to him on the floor, not bouncing, and not at pace.  The reason he is supposed to be England number 1 is because of his feet and his ability to kick.... An amateur keeper would have leathered that away so would a world class keeper. 

I personally think his arrogance/ego got the better of him. "I'm not launching it against these yard dogs".... He had a view of everything in front of him.  No excuses, stupid decision and piss poor execution.  Used to get that in 5 a side matches, opponents get cocky and refuse to take safe options.


The second goal .... I'll start off by saying this.  Has anyone else noted he has a trait to do an unnecessary movement when someone is about to strike the ball?  He was midway through doing a jump as the player connected with the ball ... Whilst in the air with his feet off the ground he had no ability to pull off a standard catch.  Against West brom he took a step backwards before diving which completely reduces the ability to spring. (try it... Step forward and jump, then step backwards and jump....you can't get off the ground)


Later on a player took a shot from 30 yards.... Went well wide but he did some weird move as the player struck it and he slipped on his knees in the same spot 

It's just odd, really erratic "hyperactivity" traits that just give no confidence at all. 

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1 hour ago, London Blue said:


Big Nev seems to have something to say on the subject...


Bless him.  His humanitarian efforts know no limits.  LGBT, Animal welfare, sex workers, mental health, addiction and now he's standing up for Jordan Pickford... The man has a good heart. 

In all seriousness I don't think Southall has it in him to be critical of anything other than the government and injustice in the world and that's why he's a top man. 

As a club we can't keep doing the whole "let's give X manager more time cos let's remember what happened with Howard Kendall"  it's the same with players...  The league moves so quick now - no time for sentiment 

As Nev says further on down "it's for Pickford to find his way out, it's his concentration that impacts his confidence".... I don't know what the answer is for that. 


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1 minute ago, Hafnia said:

Bless him.  His humanitarian efforts know no limits.  LGBT, Animal welfare, sex workers, mental health, addiction and now he's standing up for Jordan Pickford... The man has a good heart. 

Knows a bit about goalkeeping, and if he says Pickford should get our support then maybe we should listen. 

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40 minutes ago, London Blue said:

Knows a bit about goalkeeping, and if he says Pickford should get our support then maybe we should listen. 

He's the best goalkeeper I've seen in my lifetime, I would listen to him all day about goalkeeping.  My mate was at Everton as a youth player and trained with Southall and Kearton on one occasion.  Southall was a relentless, hard, cold animal who had my mate spewing.  That's why he was the best. 

What Southall thinks of Pickford as a keeper is secondary to how he wants human beings to feel - he's supporting him - it's the goalkeepers union (Pickford forgot that when he jumped on Allisons first error for Liverpool).  Be under no illusions, if Southall was his manager or coach he wouldn't be getting the arm round the shoulder behind closed doors. 

See the new keeper rumours are out.... The bloke at man United and donnarumma

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I think we should support Pickford as he is an Everton player and the best goalkeeper I have ever seen (granted it was towards the end of his career) thinks we should too.

If we sign a new keeper I will support them. However given Carlo's statements on the matter and the fact we have much more pressing needs I doubt we will.

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10 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

See the new keeper rumours are out.... The bloke at man United and donnarumma

Ideally, Romero comes in now and puts a rocket up Pickford’s arse. Donnarumma is out of contract next summer but a lot of teams are going to be in for him... Juventus probably at the top of the list. If Carlo could somehow work his magic... think we’d need to be in at least the Europa come next season. I would happily see Pickford leave though - just not a fan of his.

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11 minutes ago, London Blue said:

I think we should support Pickford as he is an Everton player and the best goalkeeper I have ever seen (granted it was towards the end of his career) thinks we should too.

If we sign a new keeper I will support them. However given Carlo's statements on the matter and the fact we have much more pressing needs I doubt we will.


Its not about not supporting them - that goes without saying.... I support Tom Davies and I like the lads integrity.... But I don't think he's good enough and don't like seeing him play cos he's not good enough. 

Same with Pickford, I want him to do well cos he is an important role..... I just don't think he's good enough 

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9 minutes ago, c1982 said:

Ideally, Romero comes in now and puts a rocket up Pickford’s arse. Donnarumma is out of contract next summer but a lot of teams are going to be in for him... Juventus probably at the top of the list. If Carlo could somehow work his magic... think we’d need to be in at least the Europa come next season. I would happily see Pickford leave though - just not a fan of his.

Either of the two.  I actually think Pickford could do with time out for his own good if I'm honest. 

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17 hours ago, London Blue said:

To be fair Haff your concern for Pickford's welfare really comes through in your posts about him.

Ok... are we to all be really lovely and glowing about players even if they've had stinkers?  I'm not sure that's gonna work.

if posters start getting personal about players and wish them harm like some dickheads do then that's one thing.  Talking about why their performances aren't up to scratch is another.

If my opinions of him were being read by him my advice would be "get off the internet Jordan, don't read the papers or internet forums whether you have a good game or bad game cos you will read things you don't like"

You can look at my comments after the spurs game if you want balance? 

Fact is I do care about humans, no-one should go through stress because of their job.  I do actually think Pickford could do with time out, he doesn't need to be told his confidence looks shot and he's making bad decisions. .... He will know this. 

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“He is a great goal keeper he has my total confidence” the words of the Don, that’s good enough for me and when he thinks it’s time for a change in any position to keep the team moving forward that will also be fine with me. 
So let’s back the manager's judgment and get behind the team. 

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1 minute ago, Palfy said:

“He is a great goal keeper he has my total confidence” the words of the Don, that’s good enough for me and when he thinks it’s time for a change in any position to keep the team moving forward that will also be fine with me. 
So let’s back the manager's judgment and get behind the team. 

A good manager is going to say that, he’s not going to slag him off in public if we’re looking for a keeper as prices will rise, or trying to sell him as Pickford value would drop.

The past two games he’s had poor back passes which seem to have given him a head wobble and caused him to loose concentration, Carlo will have picked up on that and will be working on it, both with Pickford and the defenders.

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