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1 hour ago, patto said:

The Covid not a hoax it’s out there the hoax is that the masks and vaccines stop it.

you can’t stop a virus it will probably be around forever big pharma has made billions out of this and some MPs. 
The best treatment is Ivermectin but it’s too cheap no billions to be made,I wear a mask it makes me more comfortable and other people more comfortable but they can’t stop a virus. 

Patto - i'm all for questioning Big pharma - ive already been on here way before Covid and stated that Vitamin D deficiency is a huge cash boost to big pharma.  If everyone was sufficient in Vitamin D then there would be less requirement for drugs and it would cost pharma a large chunk of money.  But vitamin D doesn't act as a superdrug.

I've already said that alcohol addiction can potentially be treated by addressing the opiate receptors in the brain (see sinclair method) - and rehab is a big money spinner.  It would likely work for many if treatment protocols change their views.

However - it seems that a load of Johnny come lately pissed off facebook/twitter researchers are going all in on conspiracies around covid and quite frankly its ridiculous and dangerous.   These people do not like change or being told what to do so conspiracies and the sources are a great source of confirmation bias and it's dangerous.  Armed with nothing more than an ability to enter a few words in a search bar they come up with shit that is costing people their lives.

IF MASKS DO NOT WORK:- explain how my wife who is a nurse has treated covid positive patients over a period of weeks in an unventilated room and not caught it - but when my son who never wore a mask in class passed it to all of us (as we clearly don't wear masks in the house)?  I'm not saying they 100% work but I would say without doubt that they significantly reduce the viral load and potentially reduce infection in less virulent strains and potentially the depth of infection. 

VACCINES DO NOT STOP IT:-  who said that vaccines do stop it?  I was double jabbed and caught it - fever lasted a day or so, no cough, no breathing issues on the surface of it, and just horrible tiredness.  The vaccine as published is highly likely to prevent serious illness - fingers crossed that seems to be the case for me.


Whilst questioning Big Pharma isn't unwise - reading absolute bollocks that isn't fact checked is just plain stupid.

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1 hour ago, patto said:

The Covid not a hoax it’s out there the hoax is that the masks and vaccines stop it.

you can’t stop a virus it will probably be around forever big pharma has made billions out of this and some MPs. 
The best treatment is Ivermectin but it’s too cheap no billions to be made,I wear a mask it makes me more comfortable and other people more comfortable but they can’t stop a virus. 


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7 minutes ago, MikeO said:

Sadly this will be wasted on many who have fallen into the conspiracy community ...... There is a huge sense of belonging among them like they are in a club that know better. 

It's very sad that misinformation has been able to be peddled.  

Brilliant minds who aced exams with years and years of study across all continents are having their ethics challenged by people who likely gazed out the window in the middle of their biology and chemistry classes.  Because they can tag in someone who was or is linked to the medical profession who has also gone a bit wayward. 

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The battle raging here in the States is currently on to require/not require masks for some 50 million school children or not. And as always the pro-con is so clouded by politics and special interests, it's maddening. Luckily mine are past that age, and my wife who taught 3rd graders for 26 years was forced to retire last year last fall (forced back into classroom against Dr. advice), so as she says "not my circus, not my monkeys. Shit-show regardless. 

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2 minutes ago, Ghoat said:

The battle raging here in the States is currently on to require/not require masks for some 50 million school children or not. And as always the pro-con is so clouded by politics and special interests, it's maddening. Luckily mine are past that age, and my wife who taught 3rd graders for 26 years was forced to retire last year last fall (forced back into classroom against Dr. advice), so as she says "not my circus, not my monkeys. Shit-show regardless. 

my kids are school age and are required to wear masks, not a big deal really.  if it helps save lives or makes people feel safer i don't see what the big deal is.

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1 minute ago, markjazzbassist said:

my kids are school age and are required to wear masks, not a big deal really.  if it helps save lives or makes people feel safer i don't see what the big deal is.

I've actually stopped wearing one now, might have mentioned it before, but I always have a written explanation of why I'm not wearing one in my pocket in case anyone says something. Thus far nobody has.

Four weeks today (all being well) I'm flying out to Greece and the airline says you have to wear a mask at all times unless you bring a doctor's letter saying you're exempt. I'm in two minds whether to bother or not.

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5 hours ago, patto said:

The Covid not a hoax it’s out there the hoax is that the masks and vaccines stop it.

you can’t stop a virus it will probably be around forever big pharma has made billions out of this and some MPs. 
The best treatment is Ivermectin but it’s too cheap no billions to be made,I wear a mask it makes me more comfortable and other people more comfortable but they can’t stop a virus. 

Masks and vaccines are not a fucking hoax. They are not miracle cures either. They are the most effective way of reducing transmission and preventing serious illness. 

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3 hours ago, markjazzbassist said:

my kids are school age and are required to wear masks, not a big deal really.  if it helps save lives or makes people feel safer i don't see what the big deal is.

"the science" doesn't tell us that. There have been zero cases of a child infecting a teacher in the US that I am aware of. It does certainly inhibit learning and teaching at the minimum. I really don't feel we should be making kids, especially younger ones wear masks in school, there isn't much to support it's necessary besides the sentiment you shared - however, I don't feel strong enough about to make a federal case over it - but if kids(their parents) or staff want to wear a mask, then by all means they should. 


3 hours ago, MikeO said:

I've actually stopped wearing one now, might have mentioned it before, but I always have a written explanation of why I'm not wearing one in my pocket in case anyone says something. Thus far nobody has.

Four weeks today (all being well) I'm flying out to Greece and the airline says you have to wear a mask at all times unless you bring a doctor's letter saying you're exempt. I'm in two minds whether to bother or not.

I might be inclined to wear it, just to avoid the hassle. airlines seem pretty aggressive, and even if you are "in the right", you will be right, but likely still removed from the plane. And that's a shitty way to start a holiday!  I had not worn a mask (besides very sporadically) until the Mrs and I took a trip to Panama last month. Wore it 24/7 when not in our room down there. Their country, their rules, and all in all, air travel included, a small price to pay for a great time exploring a new country. Well, to be fair, Panama isn't that new, but it was to us :)  

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4 hours ago, Ghoat said:

The battle raging here in the States is currently on to require/not require masks for some 50 million school children or not. And as always the pro-con is so clouded by politics and special interests, it's maddening. Luckily mine are past that age, and my wife who taught 3rd graders for 26 years was forced to retire last year last fall (forced back into classroom against Dr. advice), so as she says "not my circus, not my monkeys. Shit-show regardless. 

I was reading an article which was saying the State’s are heading for another wave of infections. 

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1 hour ago, Ghoat said:

"the science" doesn't tell us that. There have been zero cases of a child infecting a teacher in the US that I am aware of. It does certainly inhibit learning and teaching at the minimum. I really don't feel we should be making kids, especially younger ones wear masks in school, there isn't much to support it's necessary besides the sentiment you shared - however, I don't feel strong enough about to make a federal case over it - but if kids(their parents) or staff want to wear a mask, then by all means they should. 


I might be inclined to wear it, just to avoid the hassle. airlines seem pretty aggressive, and even if you are "in the right", you will be right, but likely still removed from the plane. And that's a shitty way to start a holiday!  I had not worn a mask (besides very sporadically) until the Mrs and I took a trip to Panama last month. Wore it 24/7 when not in our room down there. Their country, their rules, and all in all, air travel included, a small price to pay for a great time exploring a new country. Well, to be fair, Panama isn't that new, but it was to us :)  

im confused, everything i can find from reputable medical professionals says masks work (i work for a hospital).  so why don't masks work?

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1 hour ago, Palfy said:

I was reading an article which was saying the State’s are heading for another wave of infections. 

yeah the delta is raging over here, it is sad, governor for my state released the data, 98% of all hospitilizations in our state are unvaccinated.  you can't fix stupid.  they value their "freedom" more than their life.

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6 minutes ago, markjazzbassist said:

im confused, everything i can find from reputable medical professionals says masks work (i work for a hospital).  so why don't masks work?

Is the CDC reputable? They have told us both they work and they don't work. And when the whole country was wearing masks, cases still climbed. Do they work? I'm sure. How effective? I don't think there is a consensus on that at all.


However, my point was more on the fact that children, even before shots were available,  represent the very lowest percentile across the board on infections, hospitalizations and mortality rate. 

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12 minutes ago, Ghoat said:

Is the CDC reputable? They have told us both they work and they don't work. And when the whole country was wearing masks, cases still climbed. Do they work? I'm sure. How effective? I don't think there is a consensus on that at all.


However, my point was more on the fact that children, even before shots were available,  represent the very lowest percentile across the board on infections, hospitalizations and mortality rate. 

i see studies from Harvard, Mayo Clinic, etc all proving they are effective.  These are the best institutions in the country for health.  now can you argue how effective?  sure.  but they are more effective thank no mask.  that is not in doubt.

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39 minutes ago, markjazzbassist said:

i see studies from Harvard, Mayo Clinic, etc all proving they are effective.  These are the best institutions in the country for health.  now can you argue how effective?  sure.  but they are more effective thank no mask.  that is not in doubt.

You realize I'm not disagreeing that masks, overall, have some benefit right? 

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19 minutes ago, Ghoat said:

I wore my Everton mask to the Florida Cup, even tho I am fully vaccinated :)

I’m fully vaccinated yet still caught Covid, I was advised by my local health authority to go to hospital on 4-5 days in a row, after the Covid call centre reported me as a risk to my local health authority, they sent me by a courier equipment to test my Oxygen levels and heart rate. The recommendation at rest is 95% plus oxygen in your blood below 93% they want you in hospital mine was 88%, they want your heart rate at rest to be between 50-90 bpm mine was between 118-130, please don’t think you’re safe because you’ve been double jabbed.  

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7 hours ago, markjazzbassist said:

Palfy your double jab comment roused my curiosity.  How long do people think till it’s 3rd jab time?  

Winter booster shot is my understanding.

I believe they are finding better results by mixing vaccines too. 

My own personal experience has been that the fatigue was awful.  Really crappy.  I have forced myself to play golf, which isn't too hard as I love it.  Getting out and playing had done me wonders.  I feel like my energy is back.

I do need to go the gym though, out some weight on in the 3 weeks isolation.... Ate like a machine. 

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17 minutes ago, patto said:

Lads I’m sorry I put that post up regarding the masks and Vaccines I know it’s an emotive subject but it’s only what I believe.

ive had Covid my wife’s had Covid my grandson has had Covid and I’m talking full blown Covid not the 2day hit mine was for a full 2 weeks my wife’s went to 3 weeks we struggled to get up the stairs we never ate we did make sure we had drinks anything we needed was delivered to our front door by my daughter we were adamant not to go to hospital lots of people were dying there,my Grandson got it 3 months after us and ended up in ICU we were worried we could lose him but thank god we all recovered but all suffering long covid especially my wife.

we all wore a mask religiously so as I said I’m sorry if I upset anybody.

It’s strange and effects people in different ways, like you hospital was the last place I wanted to be, for a couple of reasons one being I’m bloody minded and secondly 3 kids 8 grandchildren it would have sent the family into meltdown. You wearing your mask is the right and sensible thing to do you are helping to protect others, those who don’t wear a mask are helping to infect others. I hope you the recovery is going to plan and you are all well. 

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8 hours ago, markjazzbassist said:

Palfy your double jab comment roused my curiosity.  How long do people think till it’s 3rd jab time?  

They have been planning for the 3rd jab for sometime in the UK but as yet haven’t released a time frame of when and how. 

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@Palfy yeah I have read along the thread for a bit and am aware of your Covid experience - you should buy a lottery ticket with the odds you have hit with all this  are pretty incredible 😕  

No need to apologize @patto it's a subject we all have to deal with. Besides, Mark and I will usually disagree on most everything non-USMNT related, but civilly so. 

My guess is this may become the new flu shot, that has a booster every year. Except the flu has a season, this does not. I am curious if other folks have gotten the J&J one-shot vaccine? I got that a couple/few months back, both my neighbors got it a month or so ago, and all had minimal reactions to it, I actually had no reaction to it.

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30 minutes ago, Ghoat said:

@Palfy yeah I have read along the thread for a bit and am aware of your Covid experience - you should buy a lottery ticket with the odds you have hit with all this  are pretty incredible 😕  

No need to apologize @patto it's a subject we all have to deal with. Besides, Mark and I will usually disagree on most everything non-USMNT related, but civilly so. 

My guess is this may become the new flu shot, that has a booster every year. Except the flu has a season, this does not. I am curious if other folks have gotten the J&J one-shot vaccine? I got that a couple/few months back, both my neighbors got it a month or so ago, and all had minimal reactions to it, I actually had no reaction to it.

I think you’re right it will be the new version of the flu shot. It never seems to amaze me how as humans we constantly seem to mess up and cause havoc with the world we live in.

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