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49 minutes ago, Romey 1878 said:

Eric Cantona, eat your heart out.

Yes, at the time that bemused most people but opened up debate, mainly whether he was the full ticket or not. Yet it proved people who have different opinions and don’t voice them in the way you are I would doesn’t mean they are less valid or shouldn’t be heard, so to be ridiculed by others who think they’re opinions are more important or valuable is borderline disrespectful and ignorant. If you disagree with someone just say you disagree, if you don’t want to give a constructive opinion you don’t have to, but if you disagree with a personal attack rather than a different opinion, then you are better off saying nothing. 

Paul Palfreeman following the wisdom’s of Eric Cantona 😄

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21 minutes ago, Palfy said:

Yes, at the time that bemused most people but opened up debate, mainly whether he was the full ticket or not. Yet it proved people who have different opinions and don’t voice them in the way you are I would doesn’t mean they are less valid or shouldn’t be heard, so to be ridiculed by others who think they’re opinions are more important or valuable is borderline disrespectful and ignorant. If you disagree with someone just say you disagree, if you don’t want to give a constructive opinion you don’t have to, but if you disagree with a personal attack rather than a different opinion, then you are better off saying nothing. 

Paul Palfreeman following the wisdom’s of Eric Cantona 😄

If someone talks to me about the world being flat, I will 100% ridicule them. The same with antivaxxers or any other conjob nutter. 

Everyone is absolutely entitled to an opinion. If there's no evidence to back it up though, you should expect to be challenged appropriately.

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1 hour ago, Matt said:

If someone talks to me about the world being flat, I will 100% ridicule them. The same with antivaxxers or any other conjob nutter. 

Everyone is absolutely entitled to an opinion. If there's no evidence to back it up though, you should expect to be challenged appropriately.

Do you consider a personal attack verbally or physically appropriate, that’s the question 🙋‍♂️ 

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30 minutes ago, Matt said:

Sorry, manic day and misread. Where's the personal attack?

Whether there was a personal attack in the Dyche incident we cannot be sure, that depends on what story you believe, it happened or it didn’t happen. 
But on here it has started to descend into personal attacks on the differing opinions, and I don’t find that healthy or helpful for the discussion 🤷‍♂️

I get frustration when you believe you are 100% right, and someone else refuses to accept your opinions, but where we can we need to try and keep it civil and on point. 

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5 hours ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

Haf you seriously need to get over yourself, it’s attitudes like yours that got the Buffoon Union laughed out of town

You constantly peddle rumours as facts to suit your agenda the swiftly resort to name calling as soon as anyone disagrees with you

This started with a none story about Dyche allegedly slapping Patterson on the head and you’ve shifted target to BK so you can’t start saying I told you so , sometimes I think you are delighted that things are going badly so you can revel in it

Show me a single post where I have apologised for BK

I don’t want to go over all the BK bollocks again but IMHO he was not the evil, lying parasite you make him out to be

Did he make mistakes? Most definitely but I honestly believe he always made decisions he believed were right for the club 

Why do all ex players and staff , people with actual knowledge of the inner goings on of the club speak so highly of him?

Moshiri is the main reason we are in this mess and his failings dont suddenly make all the shite you have spouted over the past 10 years  right and factual

Its a forum mate, we are allowed to have a different opinion to you



Not sure why you are putting words in my mouth Dunc.  Never called anyone evil.

i stated kenwright was a liar, incompetent, egotistical and put himself before the club. Pretty accurate???

Clear as day that he charmed the pants off you when you met him and earned an inordinate amount of credit.

"all ex players" speak highly?..... well I guess that depends on what their motivation is doesn't it. If they like free tickets and a job then he was quite clearly the person to like. 

Alan Stubbs and Wayne Rooney told some very telling truths about Bill didn't they. 

Buffoon union? Dave Kelly had done more for this club than kenwright.  His latest letter an example of this.   I'll do some archiving mate... got a memory like an elephant but yeah you were a big bill fan. 


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19 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

Not sure why you are putting words in my mouth Dunc.  Never called anyone evil.

i stated kenwright was a liar, incompetent, egotistical and put himself before the club. Pretty accurate???

Clear as day that he charmed the pants off you when you met him and earned an inordinate amount of credit.

"all ex players" speak highly?..... well I guess that depends on what their motivation is doesn't it. If they like free tickets and a job then he was quite clearly the person to like. 

Alan Stubbs and Wayne Rooney told some very telling truths about Bill didn't they. 

Buffoon union? Dave Kelly had done more for this club than kenwright.  His latest letter an example of this.   I'll do some archiving mate... got a memory like an elephant but yeah you were a big bill fan. 


I will save you the time and effort of searching the archives, you won’t find anything because I’ve never once apologised for him and as I said I can’t be arsed going through all that bollocks again

David Kelly was not the problem with the Blue Union it was all the tits who jumped on the bandwagon who were self proclaimed super blues who claimed to be speaking for all of us then got abusive and resorted to name calling the second anyone disagreed with anything they said, ring any bells?

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15 hours ago, Hafnia said:

I'm happy to believe the alleged story because Joe Thomas from the echo confirmed it did happen. 

if people on here believed a person who lied about:-

* fortress fund money 

* kings dock money ring ended

* the reason to move to Kirby was a failed safety certificate - we needed to move there...

* Rooney apparently wanting to leave when kenwright actively tried to sell him to Chelsea before the euros - only when he found out did he take charge and demand move to United

* Phillip Green being a friend to Everton when in fact he loaned the money through a proxy - see other operating costs 

* last but not least him belittling and smearing fans who protested against the board that overseen us breaching psr. 

Thats just a handful from over many years.  He was incapable of running the club as much as he was telling the truth.   Extremely charismatic and sadly for us - charismatic enough to fool a good few. 

Wow! You should've mention these before🤯

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On 13/08/2013 at 10:27, Matt said:

Haf - this means you can copy paste all those prepared speeches here and be done with it :P

Some things never change:D

On 13/08/2013 at 11:50, Matt said:

its clear in all the financial statements that neither he, nor any of the board of directors, have taken a penny in a loooong time, cant remember if its 6 or 10 years. They actually signed an agreement not to take a wage.

Matt was the snivelling apologist it seems.

15 minutes ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

I will save you the time and effort of searching the archives, you won’t find anything because I’ve never once apologised for him and as I said I can’t be arsed going through all that bollocks again

"Apologist" in Haf-speak is anyone who didn't want the man dismembered in front of the Gwladys.

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1 hour ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

I will save you the time and effort of searching the archives, you won’t find anything because I’ve never once apologised for him and as I said I can’t be arsed going through all that bollocks again

David Kelly was not the problem with the Blue Union it was all the tits who jumped on the bandwagon who were self proclaimed super blues who claimed to be speaking for all of us then got abusive and resorted to name calling the second anyone disagreed with anything they said, ring any bells?

Dunc.... you know when I said apologist - it doesn't mean you've apologised for him.  It means you are a person who offers an argument in defence of something controversial...

which you have.


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1 hour ago, MikeO said:

Some things never change:D

Matt was the snivelling apologist it seems.

"Apologist" in Haf-speak is anyone who didn't want the man dismembered in front of the Gwladys.

I'm genuinely in stitches -  thinking of mikes face when his grammarphobia was triggered.

bit like when shaggersilk reviewed moshiris statements 

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2 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

I'm genuinely in stitches -  thinking of mikes face when his grammarphobia was triggered.

bit like when shaggersilk reviewed moshiris statements 


I seriously have no idea what you're talking about. Where did grammar come into it for a start?

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On 21/03/2024 at 18:37, Hafnia said:

Aka pedant.  The very fact I called it grammarphobia will burn your head.  

still chuckling 

The day your good self "burns my head" will be when I call it a day.

You fail to remotely understand my "pedant" badge, I own it, its a standing joke. The very rare occasions I ever pull anyone up it's purely dependent on the person in question being able to take the joke, it's never done seriously or maliciiously, and I'm also totally able and happy to laugh at myself when Cornish comments on my mitakes (<<see what I did there).

You misread me completely, most people don't fortunately, but you keep chuckling...no problem

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49 minutes ago, MikeO said:

The day your good self "burns my head" will be when I call it a day.

You fail to remotely understand my "pedant" badge, I own it, its a standing joke. The very rare occasions I ever pull anyone up it's purely dependent on the person in question being able to take the joke, it's never done seriously or maliciiously, and I'm also totally able and happy to laugh at myself when Cornish comments on my mitakes (<<see what I did there).

You misread me completely, most people don't fortunately, but you keep chuckling...no problem

You misread my post.  I knew you had in the first instance. 

No in the politest way possible Mike - you like to be a smart arse.  We wouldn't have you any other way though. 

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Another uninspiring match day conference, well over half the questions were about PSR then another 25% about Forest, what’s the fuck is up with these journalists their there too ask questions about the Bournemouth game, and put him on the spot about tactics player selections ect, not ask him bunch of questions he knows fuck all about. 
I get more fucked off with what’s happening around this club as days and weeks roll on, and when there’s an opportunity to change the narrative and actually talk about football and how and why about the Bournemouth game we don’t, everything is so fucking depressing day in day out I’m getting fucking bored 🥱 shitless with it. 

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3 minutes ago, Palfy said:

Another uninspiring match day conference, well over half the questions were about PSR then another 25% about Forest, what’s the fuck is up with these journalists their there too ask questions about the Bournemouth game, and put him on the spot about tactics player selections ect, not ask him bunch of questions he knows fuck all about. 
I get more fucked off with what’s happening around this club as days and weeks roll on, and when there’s an opportunity to change the narrative and actually talk about football and how and why about the Bournemouth game we don’t, everything is so fucking depressing day in day out I’m getting fucking bored 🥱 shitless with it. 

Guilia Bould asked a great question around attacking play and chances creation and practicing ....... drew a very uninspiring answer.

ths club did release footage of our strikers beating statues and scoring against youth keepers 

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37 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

the tumbleweeds on this thread...... 

im pretty sure this thread would be alive with "daily mail full of shit as usual" shouts if it wasn't for dyches interview today.

It’s been moved to the longest thread for Everton for some reason as you well know because you’ve been commenting on it 🤷🏻‍♂️


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1 hour ago, Hafnia said:

the tumbleweeds on this thread...... 

im pretty sure this thread would be alive with "daily mail full of shit as usual" shouts if it wasn't for dyches interview today.

You're saying the same thing about him in 3 different threads.

Surprised you didn't bring it up in the "What are you eating/drinking" thread just for shits.

You're boring me, Haf.

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2 hours ago, dunlopp9987 said:

You're saying the same thing about him in 3 different threads.

Surprised you didn't bring it up in the "What are you eating/drinking" thread just for shits.

You're boring me, Haf.

Care to continue your thoughts on it? Had plenty when you started saying it was bollocks cos it's the daily mail.

what did you make of his "yeah I did it like a big brother but he didn't get the joke". Genuinely interested, I assume you will say it was all about nothing but clearly dyche stated Patterson wasn't happy. 

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1 hour ago, StevO said:

Do you think the tumbleweeds might be your fault?

Not everyone fancies a constant battle, Haf. It’s draining enough supporting the club without coming on here to read about you trying to prove you know better than everyone else. It’s exhausting. 

I suppose that depends on how accurate your initial thoughts were doesn't it Steve. 

what's draining is sitting waiting for 20 minutes for a press conference and seeing dyche become a cross between a college jock and David Brent but ......  Patto neeeds to man up . 

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6 hours ago, Hafnia said:

Care to continue your thoughts on it? Had plenty when you started saying it was bollocks cos it's the daily mail.

what did you make of his "yeah I did it like a big brother but he didn't get the joke". Genuinely interested, I assume you will say it was all about nothing but clearly dyche stated Patterson wasn't happy. 

So, hang on... You'll quote and use part of Dyches words to defend your "case" (being generous there) but you'll ignore the other bits which don't? Like where he's said there's nothing in it? 


To be honest, I'm shocked. It's so rare for you to selectively choose bits of information and you never exaggerate to try and emphasise your clearly correct point... Never seen you do it with the same sentence like, that's genuinely impressive. 


Imagine being so smug and desperate for misery in our club that you exaggerate to the point of misinformation because a Daily Fail "article" suggested the guy you've got your latest hard on for tried a prank that didn't go as expected. So desperate for it to be a big deal because you don't like the guy, when it just isn't, that you select part of a sentence and ignore the rest. Imagine being so absolutely determined to win a non-argument that you search for 10+ year old individual out of context posts as some kind of proof of your own superior agenda and then post them as if they actually carry weight in the modern day...


I'm off to Florida, this should keep me chuckling for the 2 days of travel so thanks.

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