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These other Americans and Indian investors reportedly interested in Everton are a couple of months to late. If there was much substance to their interest surely they would have poke their heads up a lot earlier than now. 

To me it looks like 777 Partnership is on the home straight. I think as soon as the FFP punishment becomes known, then I think contracts will be signed and new owners will be on board within weeks if not days. 

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20 minutes ago, RuffRob said:

These other Americans and Indian investors reportedly interested in Everton are a couple of months to late. If there was much substance to their interest surely they would have poke their heads up a lot earlier than now. 

To me it looks like 777 Partnership is on the home straight. I think as soon as the FFP punishment becomes known, then I think contracts will be signed and new owners will be on board within weeks if not days. 

It's never too late if the inks not on the final paperwork. Any cancellation fees you include in the price of the highest bidder. 

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33 minutes ago, Matt said:

That hurt my brain. Is anyone more mentally with it than me do a quick summary?

Basically it’s saying in a long winded way that they haven’t got the money to pay Moshiri and to pay off the club’s debts then have the money to take the club forward. So what if he can’t tell us of any one who wants to buy us who has the capital to cure all our problems then don’t waste our time with the bullshit. 

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8 minutes ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

He is drawing attention to the fact 777 could be a disaster for us and backing up his opinion with cold hard facts so it’s a million miles from being bullshit

I don’t get why he gets so much stick, he predicted this mess we are in a long time ago and just got abuse from the ‘it’s not your money’ brigade 

He was right then and looks to be right now

It’s fair enough if you are not arsed about this type of thing but I think he is dead right to be drawing attention to it

The bullshit for me is he’s stating the obvious and telling most of us what we already new, but he doesn’t have another option than the one the club are pursuing, so for me it’s nothing new every rag has been writing the same story about 777 for months.  

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1 hour ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

He is drawing attention to the fact 777 could be a disaster for us and backing up his opinion with cold hard facts so it’s a million miles from being bullshit

I don’t get why he gets so much stick, he predicted this mess we are in a long time ago and just got abuse from the ‘it’s not your money’ brigade 

He was right then and looks to be right now

It’s fair enough if you are not arsed about this type of thing but I think he is dead right to be drawing attention to it

I seen Everton fans calling him a grass for asking the fca to investigate 777,  I would like to think if I was savvy enough to understand this stuff then I would do my best to protect the club 

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1 hour ago, Palfy said:

The bullshit for me is he’s stating the obvious and telling most of us what we already new, but he doesn’t have another option than the one the club are pursuing, so for me it’s nothing new every rag has been writing the same story about 777 for months.  

Most of the tabloids have been quoting him so what he is doing is working 🤷🏻‍♂️

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6 hours ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

Most of the tabloids have been quoting him so what he is doing is working 🤷🏻‍♂️

Okay fair enough Dunc you are obviously of the same mindset as him in the fact that you don’t want 777 to buy the club, so let’s say you both get your wish what then, where is our chance for the future. It’s easy to pick holes in any new potential owners like I said it’s been going on for months. If this deal goes through that proves they have passed the stringent test set down by PL and the FSA as credible owners. They may not have the funds to do everything that’s required but throwing money about like confetti is what has got us into the position we are in now. My hope is that they start running the club as a business in a sustainable way and steadily get us back on a sound financial footing through good business practices and allow the football people such as the DoF and the manager to make the football decisions within reasonable parameters a good example being like Brighton but on a bigger scale being that we are a bigger club with more potential if run correctly. So let’s not just look at 777 financial clout let’s look at whether they have what it takes to turn us around. 

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1 hour ago, Palfy said:

Okay fair enough Dunc you are obviously of the same mindset as him in the fact that you don’t want 777 to buy the club, so let’s say you both get your wish what then, where is our chance for the future. It’s easy to pick holes in any new potential owners like I said it’s been going on for months. If this deal goes through that proves they have passed the stringent test set down by PL and the FSA as credible owners. They may not have the funds to do everything that’s required but throwing money about like confetti is what has got us into the position we are in now. My hope is that they start running the club as a business in a sustainable way and steadily get us back on a sound financial footing through good business practices and allow the football people such as the DoF and the manager to make the football decisions within reasonable parameters a good example being like Brighton but on a bigger scale being that we are a bigger club with more potential if run correctly. So let’s not just look at 777 financial clout let’s look at whether they have what it takes to turn us around. 

Well yes the fairy tale ending is that they come in and run the club superbly and get us back to where we belong but that doesn’t mean we should all just bury our heads in the sand, ignore the many red flags associated with 777 and just hope for the best

I wouldn’t even say that I don’t want the deal to go through, as you say if they pass all the regulatory checks then fair enough if they are effective checks then they would indeed be credible owners

But calling it rubbish to highlight concerns before it is too late is beyond flippant to me


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3 hours ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

Well yes the fairy tale ending is that they come in and run the club superbly and get us back to where we belong but that doesn’t mean we should all just bury our heads in the sand, ignore the many red flags associated with 777 and just hope for the best

I wouldn’t even say that I don’t want the deal to go through, as you say if they pass all the regulatory checks then fair enough if they are effective checks then they would indeed be credible owners

But calling it rubbish to highlight concerns before it is too late is beyond flippant to me


So you’re in the camp of I told you so if it goes wrong and keep quiet if it succeeds, give me a credible solution other than 777, and where you believe we will be if this deal doesn’t happen, and where you believe we will be in if the deal does happen. The harsh reality is the club are in perilous state financially have openly been for sale for over two years had numerous players wishing to buy and after due diligence walking away, not because we are such a great investment but because we are a huge gamble that they don’t believe is worth the risk. We now have a buyer who is prepared to take the risk and believes can turn us around has already been bankrolling the club because the current owners are not prepared to put another penny in the club and on that basis would be prepared to see us go into receivership, yet people are still rehashing old news about 777 to try and stop the only option available to save this club from going through. They may not be the perfect option but fortunately they are an option far better than declaring ourselves bankrupt, people like yourselves and esk need to come up with solutions rather than just poo poo the only way out that is available to us, unless of course you believe unconfirmed paper talk of other American and Indian buyers waiting in the background if the 777 deal falls through. Where were these buyers 24 months ago, 18 months ago, 12 months ago, 6 months ago, just more bullshit to be added to all the other bullshit that has been written and regurgitated for months and months. I haven’t seen or heard of supporters demonstrating against 777 buying the club because most sensible supporters know deep down in their heart of hearts that they form our own real chance of survival, yet a minority who don’t have another answer or solutions would want to destroy that. Wake the fuck up for fuck sake we aren’t the dream team that everyone is fighting over, we are fucking mess that’s had one serious offer in 2 years and people want to kick that into touch.


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1 hour ago, Hafnia said:

I want us sold. But I want us sold to owners who are fit and able to run us.  Moshiri has proven that he doesn’t give a shit about the club, 

I think it’s a bit harsh to say he doesn’t give a shit about the club, the amount of money he’s thrown at it, the new stadium.

I think it’s more likely that he’s just had enough. He’s blatantly failed in many regards and I suspect now he just wants out. Especially with Kenwright gone.

But I think everyone is fine with that. We realise he’s took us as far as he can. Admittedly, league wise we’ve gone backwards but the stadium is a huge thing.

But like you said, with a new stadium we’re prime for investment. And as for 777, my position is what other option do we have? Maybe they will end up fleecing us but we need to do something and new owners are not easy to come by.

I'm resigned to seeing how it all plays out because what else is there to do? Protest? I think that will neither help or change our situation.

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6 minutes ago, Wall Writer said:

I think it’s a bit harsh to say he doesn’t give a shit about the club, the amount of money he’s thrown at it, the new stadium.

I think it’s more likely that he’s just had enough. He’s blatantly failed in many regards and I suspect now he just wants out. Especially with Kenwright gone.

But I think everyone is fine with that. We realise he’s took us as far as he can. Admittedly, league wise we’ve gone backwards but the stadium is a huge thing.

But like you said, with a new stadium we’re prime for investment. And as for 777, my position is what other option do we have? Maybe they will end up fleecing us but we need to do something and new owners are not easy to come by.

I'm resigned to seeing how it all plays out because what else is there to do? Protest? I think that will neither help or change our situation.

Nah he doesn’t give a shit mate. It’s a play thing. Barely celebrated us scoring. 

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2 hours ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

Why do supporters need to come up with the solutions????

My stance is quite simple, I’m all for us getting sold but I think it’s right and proper that any red flags are highlighted and investigated before it’s too late and we end up as the new Blackburn Rovers or Sunderland

it is then up to 777 to allay those fears and provide evidence to the powers that be that they are credible owners and that it’s not a leveraged buy out which would put us even further in the shit

If they do that then fine we will all be happy but if they can’t then the deal should and will be blocked

No Idea why you are getting arsey about it, you are clearly happy to sell to any Tom, Dick or Harry no matter the consequences whilst others want to make sure we get this right and do full due diligence so let’s just leave it there


The due diligence as already been done with 777 but some can’t except it. 

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3 hours ago, Hafnia said:

I want us sold. But I want us sold to owners who are fit and able to run us.  Moshiri has proven that he doesn’t give a shit about the club, 

What do any of us really know about who’s fit to run us, we all myself included where creaming our pants over Moshiri buying the club and what a cunt he turned out to be now everyone thinks their an expert when it comes to who’s right for the club, based on speculation and what others have said about 777 other businesses they aren’t good enough to be able to buy us yet they’ve kept us a float for the last 4 months because Moshiri has refused to pay for the clubs general monthly expenditure, which means he’s prepared to see the club go into administration and all the damage that would cause than pay the bills. 

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My head hurts after that catch up. 

A few points. 
Moshiri wouldn’t let the club go into administration or bankruptcy. If he sells the club he has a chance of getting quite a bit of money back to offset his losses. If the club goes into administration or bankruptcy then he’ll get fuck all. He may be shit at running a football club, but he’s not a complete idiot. He’s cashing out before he’s all out of chips. 

777 don’t need to have all of the money upfront. It was reported a while back that the deal they negotiated with Moshiri is incentivised. He gets more money should milestones be reached and his payments will be spread over a few years. 
Just like when Bill brought him in, he’s found buyers that are best for him, not the club. That said, I don’t see why anyone thinks they would come in and just fuck everything up. They are in the business of making money, badly run football clubs lose money. If they get the club they need to do a good job unless they want the asset to depreciate. 

There may be other buyers waiting in the wings to see what happen, as rumours suggest. These buyers might also be in cahoots with 777, they are an investment firm after all. They may want to buy the club and bring in others to support the funding.


There is plenty more excitement (madness) to come yet. 

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On 10/11/2023 at 06:22, Hafnia said:

I seen Everton fans calling him a grass for asking the fca to investigate 777,  I would like to think if I was savvy enough to understand this stuff then I would do my best to protect the club 

I like the Esk. I think his reviews of our accounts are very detailed.

However I do believe he has connections (not sure if financial) to MSP and has been biased towards them for a long time and rubbishing any other bid. So I take his rhetoric about 777 with a pinch of salt. 

not saying he is making stuff up but the thing analysis is you can rubbish any idea you want by only presenting the data that supports your narrative. 

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