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John Stones

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Every credit for the board sticking to their word in todays push and shove world from these mega rich clubs you have to hand it to them


In saying that we need to strengthen it's pointless keeping hold of players if we're not going to build on it as we simply won't move forward and we're lacking in a few area's


Hopefully the next few days we see some good additions if we manage to land some real quality after the strain from this whole saga I will be very impressed with Kenwright and Co and gladly tip my hat

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Anyone else think the board would have sold, but RM forced their hand by saying he'd reject the transfer?


If we had no intention they should have come out at the start of the season with a statement.


How could the manager reject the transfer if the people who pay his wages sanctioned it?


Be happy ffs, forget conspiracy fantasy.

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A guy in the office just sent this across to me. If you want a laugh read this - http://screamer.deadspin.com/are-everton-really-dumb-enough-to-turn-down-tons-of-mon-1726991842


Ill informed and embarrassing, stopped reading at this...clueless.


"For one, Everton are much closer to last season’s 11th place in the league than they are to the prior year’s overachievement of 5th. That season should be looked at like a fortuitous fluke in their natural cycle of upper-midtable finishes followed by 10th-15th place ones."

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Lawrenson...wrong as ever.


"I can understand why they don't want to sell but I would be saying the same if he was at Liverpool - when you are offered around £30-£35m for a centre-back, especially someone who is only 21, then you have got to take it.

Everton could sign three or even four quality players with that money, and could improve their whole team."

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Absolute disgrace of an article.




It is the S*n so watch out but they've completely fabricated an article based on tiny snippets of info.


Absolute scumbags. This never happened and to insinuate it did is painting an allntoo familiar picture again. Are we back to 1989?


Sick fucks.

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Absolute disgrace of an article.




It is the S*n so watch out but they've completely fabricated an article based on tiny snippets of info.


Absolute scumbags. This never happened and to insinuate it did is painting an allntoo familiar picture again. Are we back to 1989?


Sick fucks.

Won't let me see the whole article (says I need a subscription... no thanks!) but that's fucked up.

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Absolute disgrace of an article.




It is the S*n so watch out but they've completely fabricated an article based on tiny snippets of info.


Absolute scumbags. This never happened and to insinuate it did is painting an allntoo familiar picture again. Are we back to 1989?


Sick fucks.

See why I'm so skeptical of written media?


Dear me....

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Absolute disgrace of an article.




It is the S*n so watch out but they've completely fabricated an article based on tiny snippets of info.


Absolute scumbags. This never happened and to insinuate it did is painting an allntoo familiar picture again. Are we back to 1989?


Sick fucks.

Fucking morons! They've got this story from someone who posted the service station video on you tube, claiming it was him and Naismith going home.


Good research as per normal from the scum.

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this supposed "massive club" - basically operated out of what looks like Ellesmere ports grey hound track (behind cheshire oaks for those who fancy a closer look - I played sunday league there, not nice!")


Roll on just 12 years and Matthew Harding a true fan who put his money where his heart is more or less bailed them out, had a stand built and enabled them to buy decent players. That enabled them to attract Abromovich after his tragic death.


The point is - before they had money invested in them they were small time, and in historical terms 1982 isn't that long ago.


They are a rich club, not a big club. Personally I feel Harding would be a little disappointed in the way they conduct themselves.

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Matt the interview where Martinez said he would reject the transfer was on EvertonTV, it was in the post match interview after Barnsley, I watched it and he clearly said what people were quoting.


I'm not going to go and find the links as I'm busy but it was there, post match and talked about in the final minute of the interview.

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Matt the interview where Martinez said he would reject the transfer was on EvertonTV, it was in the post match interview after Barnsley, I watched it and he clearly said what people were quoting.


I'm not going to go and find the links as I'm busy but it was there, post match and talked about in the final minute of the interview.

I posted 2 different interviews, he said no such thing. Transfer Request wasn't even mentioned, he said he is not for sale. Different thing.


Anyway, been clarified since.

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Guest rusty747

As a slight side issue I think Roberto is getting more and more impressive and authoritative in his press interviews. The way he managed to convey his utter contempt for that 'other' premiership club without ever mentioning their name or sounding anything other than composed and in control of the situation was absolute class.


There is an inner belief in Roberto that is starting to shine brighter and brighter. And it is infectious.

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I think Martinez has realised that playing the affable spaniard is ok at Wigan, at Everton he needs to show some steel.


Seriously, has anyone looked at any Chelsea forums??? Possibly the biggest bunch of thick, arrogant, misled fans i've had the displeasure to witness.


I will say this now - we hate the likes of Liverpool, Man United and to a degree Arsenal, but I know for a fact that if they went through tough times they will get at least 75% of their current attendance.


Chelsea on the other hand??? dont make me laugh. A bunch of deluded fans who think they actually support a club - its something for a london businessman to say to his mates "oh yes, off to the bridge on Wednesday, to watch Lionel Messi". I would love for them to drop like Parma. I would absolutely love it.

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I think Martinez has realised that playing the affable spaniard is ok at Wigan, at Everton he needs to show some steel.


Seriously, has anyone looked at any Chelsea forums??? Possibly the biggest bunch of thick, arrogant, misled fans i've had the displeasure to witness.


I will say this now - we hate the likes of Liverpool, Man United and to a degree Arsenal, but I know for a fact that if they went through tough times they will get at least 75% of their current attendance.


Chelsea on the other hand??? dont make me laugh. A bunch of deluded fans who think they actually support a club - its something for a london businessman to say to his mates "oh yes, off to the bridge on Wednesday, to watch Lionel Messi". I would love for them to drop like Parma. I would absolutely love it.

They will. Did the same in the 60s when Racquel Welch (spelling?? Before my time...) started turning up because she fancied Peter Osgood. For a short period they were oh-so-fashionable then plummeted like a stone.


Strip away the businessman faux supporters and we all know what their 'real' fans are, horrible neo-nazi thugs who take a Millwall-like perverse pleasure in being hated. Post Abromivich, good luck to them, they have been a cancer on the Premier League the last decade and will deservedly rot again.

Edited by nogs
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