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Blue Bill's shiny new stadium at the docks...


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2 hours ago, MikeO said:

Other than Arsenal supporters when they went to watch a game, 95% of them would have Highbury back in a heartbeat going by people I've spoken to.

Blew everyone away at first look perhaps but then reality kicked in. Ultimately it's nice to have a great looking stadium, like most expect ours to be, but when you're sat there watching a match the aesthetics of the outside are irrelevant.

That's the one thing, the most important thing, Meis has got right. Liked the booklet they done comparing the seating to the other clubs. Us and Chelsea being the only ones to value atmosphere higher than whatever reason there is to have flatter rows. 

55 minutes ago, StevO said:

Most media outlets have commented how good it looks, from Sky, BBC, Talk sport and plenty of former players in the media, not just former Everton players. 





I googled 'Everton new ground' and these are the first three that pop up for me. Main thing I see from that is the stands are steep and it'll be good for the area. 

From memory when I went on SkySports website the news wasn't prominent either after the announcement. 

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3 hours ago, StevO said:

think there is only you (Pete) and Matt on here who don’t like it. That’s not a bad result. 

Who would have ever thought we would have seen that pairing on the same page, life’s full of surprises some more than others😀

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10 hours ago, StevO said:

The last one is a good article and puts their positive opinion across. Good to know the players won't be detracted in the tunnel by fans. 

First three are just reiterating what the club say 

Speaking on the plans, the club continued: "The concepts show a stunning brick, steel and glass design which takes its inspiration from the historic maritime and warehouse buildings nearby. 

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1 hour ago, pete0 said:

The last one is a good article and puts their positive opinion across. Good to know the players won't be detracted in the tunnel by fans. 

First three are just reiterating what the club say 

Speaking on the plans, the club continued: "The concepts show a stunning brick, steel and glass design which takes its inspiration from the historic maritime and warehouse buildings nearby. 

Are you coming around to it? 

I ask as the more I go back to the People’s Project app and look at the exterior the more I like it. You downloaded the app Pete0?

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1 hour ago, barryj said:

Are you coming around to it? 

I ask as the more I go back to the People’s Project app and look at the exterior the more I like it. You downloaded the app Pete0?

Unfortunately not. 

Not bothered with the app yet. Anything good on there? 

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48 minutes ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

Wonder how they are going to allocate the seats, if you have a season ticket in the Gwlady will you be guaranteed a seat in the South stand ?

I put a lot of detail about this in the survey.

They should offer a similar seating position. They should also try to give you the option of sitting with friends and family if it can be accommodated. I meet 9 other people at the match, I sit next to one of them. We are all in the same block though. If we could be put in the same area that would add to our experience and our atmosphere, multiply that and I think the atmosphere grows. 

I also think they could condense season tickets to the front of each stand, leaving no single or double untaken seats. That way general sales tickets will be available in bigger quantities, so better suited for groups. Say in a 35 row stand the first 28 rows could all be season tickets with 7 rows of general sale. 

These kind of things can make a huge difference, and worth noting that West Ham didn’t do anything like this. 

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1 hour ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

Dan Meis is absolutely great we are lucky as a club to have found an architect that’s become so immersed in Everton and this project. 

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2 hours ago, Sibdane said:

How dare you question Meis' love for Everton, the greatest club in the world. Once Everton has touched you...

I'll sit myself in the dark corner.


9 minutes ago, barryj said:

Enjoy the copious amount of beers your clearly having! 😉

Ha. If only. Will be next week though....living it right up, off my face, in Ibiza. With my wife and boy. Obviously.

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13 minutes ago, Newty82 said:

Will be next week though....living it right up, off my face, in Ibiza.

Watched a really interesting film on Ibiza earlier today; "Ibiza; The Silent Movie". Available on the iPlayer https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000777b/ibiza-the-silent-movie

Goes back through the history of the island through to its modern "hedonism" incarnation. We actually visited as a family in around 1967/8 when it was a very different place, up until shortly before then it was the poorest region in the whole of Spain and many people were still living on a non-monetary basis, effectively bartering. It's a good watch.

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4 minutes ago, MikeO said:

Watched a really interesting film on Ibiza earlier today; "Ibiza; The Silent Movie". Available on the iPlayer https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000777b/ibiza-the-silent-movie

Goes back through the history of the island through to its modern "hedonism" incarnation. We actually visited as a family in around 1967/8 when it was a very different place, up until shortly before then it was the poorest region in the whole of Spain and many people were still living on a non-monetary basis, effectively bartering. It's a good watch.

Sounds a cracker that mike 😳

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