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Weirdness Abounds (or the Idrissa Gana Gueye Thread)

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4 hours ago, pete0 said:

Not happy with that. So you can call people clueless but not a dick head? As for me being called clueless is much more offensive or are you just taking cause with swear words? What's the reasons why mine and Palfy's have been deleted? 

No mention to the dick head for being abusive only the reactors? Is this your choice alone or mods concencus? 

As for the politics snipe it was completely relevant in the context. 

I completely agree with Steve’s actions. You were way out of line again. Take it to PM with the mods if you’ve got an issue. 

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7 hours ago, StevO said:

Yes, you are not allowed to call someone a dickhead. Does that even need stating?
Someone calling you clueless is based on your opinion of something, a disagreement. Calling someone a dickhead is abusive. You’re a grown adult, you should know the difference and I shouldn’t have to spell it out.

Not different at all. If clueless wasn't abusive it'd not get the reaction of did from me and Palfy. 

The posts were deleted because you both started with name calling. Again, it’s pretty obvious. If it helps, I deleted nine posts in total, from five different members. Not just you two.

Not started. We reacted. You've left the cause, what message does that send? 

This was my choice and I’m pretty sure the other mods have no issue with it.

So your now dictating what can be on the site. You gonna stsrt deleting all of the mods posts calling people a cunt. Funny how you've not took issues with that eh. 

the political comment was relevant? How does politics come into someone’s opinion on a footballer?

Clearly relevant in regards to the clueless comment. What bit you struggling to follow? 

keep your politics to the politics thread. I’ll make this very very clear for anyone; if I see politics, especially used offensively, in any football threads I will delete them. 

But feel free to call people clueless. No issues at all with that, just don't swear... 

If you, or anyone else, have a problem with that then get in touch with Louis and complain. 
This is a football forum, we have political threads, use them if you wish. 

Massive problem. Not the first time you've overstepped. One rule for us, different for you. Sound.



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10 minutes ago, pete0 said:



Your response to that can only make me think of one word, but you would find offence. 

This isn’t the first time mods have had to step in, we have to quite often. It’s also not the first time we’ve had to step in with you. I don’t know why you’ve never learned to be honest. 

Ive told you what will happen if politics gets thrown around in football threads, as Matt said, if you don’t like it take it to PM. 
I honestly advise that if you don’t agree with my actions here you should take it to Louis. He owns the site, it’s his final decision at the end of the day. 

I won’t comment further. 

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13 minutes ago, pete0 said:



Come on, the political comments were over the top and bears no relation to the "clueless" comment. You just took being called that personally. 

Let me say that for the record I have no problem with the "dickhead" response either. 

Personally, I don't want to see political comments in any football thread. I'm here for Everton and not politics. 

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3 minutes ago, Sibdane said:

Come on, the political comments were over the top and bears no relation to the "clueless" comment. You just took being called that personally. 

Let me say that for the record I have no problem with the "dickhead" response either. 

Personally, I don't want to see political comments in any football thread. I'm here for Everton and not politics. 

I had no problem with the dickhead comment either Ive been called much worse certainly wouldn't cry over it.

I didn't get what political party Bedford voted for had to do with anything 

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51 minutes ago, StevO said:

Your response to that can only make me think of one word, but you would find offence. 
Don't be a shit bag. Say it. I take offence to clueless but you don't have a problem with that. Do you realise you were clueless considering both mine and Palfys responses clearly showed it was offensive. Given it's offensive how can you defend the initial post and only take issue with the responses. What are you thinking there as it makes no sense to me. 

This isn’t the first time mods have had to step in, we have to quite often. It’s also not the first time we’ve had to step in with you. I don’t know why you’ve never learned to be honest. 
You say mods but it's mostly you. You don't know lot of things, once you recognise that about yourself you'd be better for it. 

Ive told you what will happen if politics gets thrown around in football threads, as Matt said, if you don’t like it take it to PM. 
I honestly advise that if you don’t agree with my actions here you should take it to Louis. He owns the site, it’s his final decision at the end of the day. 
I'm not one to go crying off like yourself. Or did you get a warning when we were both as bad as each other? 

I won’t comment further. 

Probably for the best. 


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11 hours ago, StevO said:

Lads, this is a topic about football, not politics. Carry this crap on and I’ll just delete it all. 


actually read it back and it’s getting deleted. 
Pete & Palfy, stop with the getting abusive and personal. You can have different opinions without calling someone a dick or telling them to fuck off. 

Or without calling them clueless in a derogatory way, if you think that’s acceptable then so is dickhead after all dickhead is a term that is synonymous with Liverpool and used by many on a daily basis. 
I find it unbelievable that a scouser would find that offensive language, call me clueless and I’ll call you a dickhead, don’t call me clueless and I won’t call you a dickhead, personally I’m not fussed either way, but please don’t expect me to not react when someone insults me in a public domain, because I’m telling you now Steve that’s not going to happen mate. 

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13 minutes ago, Palfy said:

Or without calling them clueless in a derogatory way, if you think that’s acceptable then so is dickhead after all dickhead is a term that is synonymous with Liverpool and used by many on a daily basis. 
I find it unbelievable that a scouser would find that offensive language, call me clueless and I’ll call you a dickhead, don’t call me clueless and I won’t call you a dickhead, personally I’m not fussed either way, but please don’t expect me to not react when someone insults me in a public domain, because I’m telling you now Steve that’s not going to happen mate. 

Just like to point out I mentioned no names in the clueless post you guys really need to chill

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8 minutes ago, Palfy said:

Or without calling them clueless in a derogatory way, if you think that’s acceptable then so is dickhead after all dickhead is a term that is synonymous with Liverpool and used by many on a daily basis. 
I find it unbelievable that a scouser would find that offensive language, call me clueless and I’ll call you a dickhead, don’t call me clueless and I won’t call you a dickhead, personally I’m not fussed either way, but please don’t expect me to not react when someone insults me in a public domain, because I’m telling you now Steve that’s not going to happen mate. 

The lad called you clueless because of your opinion. Yours and Petes response was to call him a dickhead and tell him to fuck off, and strangely start giving him grief over how the people in his area voted. That’s not ok. That never been ok on TT, this isn’t a new rule.

You could have disagreed with him in many ways without getting abusive. Me and you disagree on many things on here I’ve the last few years, but you’ve never started calling me a dickhead or telling me to fuck off. Don’t see any reason why you would get into that with Bedford.

To clarify, I didn’t call if offensive language. I called it abusive. Because calling someone a dickhead is abusive and not needed on here. Why be abusive with someone who has a different opinion? 

To add into this, TT isn’t in Liverpool. Just because the club is in Liverpool we aren’t in the Beehive in town, or the Brick, we are on an Internet forum with members from all over the world. Just because language in Liverpool might be ok it doesn’t mean it’s ok here. When I’m at my Liverpool office in work someone might tell me to get to fuck. The same thing won’t fly if I’m in Tamworth. 
We also have lot of members on who who will have voted Tory. It doesn’t matter, because they are here for football. 

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5 minutes ago, StevO said:

You could have disagreed with him in many ways without getting abusive. Me and you disagree on many things on here I’ve the last few years, but you’ve never started calling me a dickhead or telling me to fuck off. Don’t see any reason why you would get into that with Bedford.

I could have if he had posted why he thought my opinion of Gana didn’t match his, but no he chose to be a smart arse and insult me by calling me clueless, because I don’t agree with the majority, that isn’t debating by doing that you are insulting my intelligence not arguing or debating, I haven’t called you dickhead before and we have had plenty of different opinions, but trust me Steve if you had insulted me in that manner then it would have been a different conversation between us. 
Your getting to stuck up on the fact I called him a dickhead and can’t see why I reacted that way, if he’s offended by that then tough maybe he might consider that calling someone clueless in a derogatory fashion is going to get an unfavourable reaction. 

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11 minutes ago, Palfy said:

I could have if he had posted why he thought my opinion of Gana didn’t match his, but no he chose to be a smart arse and insult me by calling me clueless, because I don’t agree with the majority, that isn’t debating by doing that you are insulting my intelligence not arguing or debating, I haven’t called you dickhead before and we have had plenty of different opinions, but trust me Steve if you had insulted me in that manner then it would have been a different conversation between us. 
Your getting to stuck up on the fact I called him a dickhead and can’t see why I reacted that way, if he’s offended by that then tough maybe he might consider that calling someone clueless in a derogatory fashion is going to get an unfavourable reaction. 

We’ve got rules Palfy. Read them. 


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9 minutes ago, Palfy said:

I could have if he had posted why he thought my opinion of Gana didn’t match his, but no he chose to be a smart arse and insult me by calling me clueless, because I don’t agree with the majority, that isn’t debating by doing that you are insulting my intelligence not arguing or debating, I haven’t called you dickhead before and we have had plenty of different opinions, but trust me Steve if you had insulted me in that manner then it would have been a different conversation between us. 
Your getting to stuck up on the fact I called him a dickhead and can’t see why I reacted that way, if he’s offended by that then tough maybe he might consider that calling someone clueless in a derogatory fashion is going to get an unfavourable reaction. 

Mate I was not offended by you calling me a dickhead your opinion means nothing to me so its impossible for you to offend me you need to let it go

 And technically I never called you clueless has I never mentioned any names 

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7 hours ago, Isaiah said:

This thread has made me randomly remember how hot Alicia Silverstone was in Clueless.

What gorgeous? 

For the record, this thread did seem to go from 0 to 100 in 3 seconds.

Guys it did seem to turn nasty once the names started, it felt like people had taken a real offence to it. And I understand that. But someone needed to put a stop to it that’s all, for the sake of everyone else reading. 

Deep breaths all around and let’s get back to insulting ea........ I mean being nice to each other!

Palfy/PeteO would you pick Davies, Siggy and Gomes over Gana if he was still here? Would he be a bench player for you?

Or could he be a bit better than Davies and compliment Gomes and his range of passing?

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17 minutes ago, Shukes said:

Palfy/PeteO would you pick Davies, Siggy and Gomes over Gana if he was still here? Would he be a bench player for you?

I don't think this is a very relevant question. I could probably list a hundred midfielders who would improve our midfield that you wouldn't like to sign. Just because someone is better than what we have doesn't mean we should sign him.

And this is not a comment on whether we should sign Gana or not.

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2 hours ago, Makis said:

I don't think this is a very relevant question. I could probably list a hundred midfielders who would improve our midfield that you wouldn't like to sign. Just because someone is better than what we have doesn't mean we should sign him.

And this is not a comment on whether we should sign Gana or not.

But if we’re linked to him, it makes it relevant doesn’t it? We are in the transfer rumours section, sub section Gana 😉

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48 minutes ago, Shukes said:

But if we’re linked to him, it makes it relevant doesn’t it? We are in the transfer rumours section, sub section Gana 😉

No, that argument is not relevant because that argument alone doesn't make him a good signing.

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3 hours ago, Makis said:

No, that argument is not relevant because that argument alone doesn't make him a good signing.

Not sure where your going with this mate. 
People are discussing the possibility of Gana returning. I’m just asking if those that don’t want him, would prefer to have our current midfield, or if Gana was here, would he be a better fit.

As you can see above, it simply is relevant as people are discussing it. 
It doesn’t mean he would be a good signing, or a bad signing, or that anyone else would be better or worse.... it’s simply asking an opinion, so it’s relevant. 

But I’m happy if you dont have an answer, it doesnt matter either way 🙂

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3 hours ago, Hafnia said:

Anyhow... Gana. Good at what he does, and what he does has been missing big style from our side. If the numbers make sense then it's a no brainer. 

Exactly. I would have him on the side rather than Davies if I’m honest. I think Gana could do the work for Gomes, which would free up Gomes to concentrate on his strengths, passing, vision, and linking.

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14 hours ago, StevO said:

We’ve got rules Palfy. Read them. 


They're guidelines not rules. 

15 hours ago, StevO said:

To add into this, TT isn’t in Liverpool. Just because the club is in Liverpool we aren’t in the Beehive in town, or the Brick, we are on an Internet forum with members from all over the world. Just because language in Liverpool might be ok it doesn’t mean it’s ok here. When I’m at my Liverpool office in work someone might tell me to get to fuck. The same thing won’t fly if I’m in Tamworth. 

How fucking precious are you? 

It's a forum on the Internet and defending yourself has never been an issue other than when you're involved. If you can't handle a swear word then get off the Internet.

Bedford got a similar reaction from two posters. How the fuck can you not see an issue with that post and only the reactions? 

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7 hours ago, Shukes said:

Palfy/PeteO would you pick Davies, Siggy and Gomes over Gana if he was still here? Would he be a bench player for you?

Or could he be a bit better than Davies and compliment Gomes and his range of passing?

None of the above he’d be in the U23s out of the way, I wouldn’t want him polluting the team, we never had a good midfield with him in it, and we don’t have one now without him in it, we need wholesale change in this area and bringing someone back who’s 30 years old as zero ability on the ball runs around like a headless chicken leaving ache's of space behind him is not something I want to see again, our best spell when he was in the team was when he was at the AFCON. 
Call me clueless then you’re a -ick -ead 😉

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1 hour ago, pete0 said:

They're guidelines not rules. 

How fucking precious are you? 

It's a forum on the Internet and defending yourself has never been an issue other than when you're involved. If you can't handle a swear word then get off the Internet.

Bedford got a similar reaction from two posters. How the fuck can you not see an issue with that post and only the reactions? 

Are you for real? We can change the title to rules if you need even more clarity. you brought politics into a discussion that didn’t warrant it as a way of insulting another member. Now stop being an idiot (That’s not meant as an insult, it’s a simple statement of fact in this situation) and move on

Under no circumstances will topics on following be considered acceptable:



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