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On 24/09/2021 at 00:42, dunlopp9987 said:

Watching season 3 of Sex Education on Netflix. One thing this show has always been so great at is addressing issues that are current and relevant to what teenagers are facing right now.

For example, in this season, there's a new character who is non-binary, and is struggling to see where they fit in a traditional British school system.

Which made me think, anyone on here who has kids that are that age: is this something that is being addressed in schools today? We don't have things like head girls or head boys over here in the states, so I'm wondering how things are being addressed with something like a non-binary student who doesn't fit into either category.

Honestly I've tried to understand the non-binary part and I can't get my head around it, and not through lack of trying. I hope schools are as willing as I am but a lot more capable. 

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2 hours ago, Matt said:

Honestly I've tried to understand the non-binary part and I can't get my head around it, and not through lack of trying. I hope schools are as willing as I am but a lot more capable. 

I personally think there will be a movement to demand more and more and it will never stop when demographic groups become "less exclusive" 

I treat all humans as humans unless they behave like subhumans.  Important things can get lost in box ticking exercises.

My knowledge of a local school is that there was a disproportionate number of girls saying they were gay.  When I say disproportionate, it was very much a trend.  I have personally seen a parent of a child under the age of 5 push them into the non binary bracket.  In a child's mind under the age of 7 they are naturally indifferent to gender.  

I'm all for acceptance but I fear there are alot of children being incorrectly exposed to things they don't need to be processing.  If and when they find they are struggling with their identity then absolutely, throw the arms around them and protect them, help them ensure they are ok. But there are far too many people out there with agendas that are not helping.... Internet forums being one area that is causing serious mental health issues with children who are delving into a subject that requires expert help. 

I try my very best to understand this as it is critical society get it right.  Far too many suicides and severely unhappy people.  Correcting people's approach to diversity needs to be handled correctly.  There are far too many attention seekers/grifters who are making this such a tough thing to tackle. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, dunlopp9987 said:

Still waiting to see if anyone on here has watched Squid Game yet. Just finished it. Netflix just announced that it's well on its way to being the most popular Netflix original show they've ever produced.

I haven’t yet but plan to start on it this week. I’m reading stuff about it everywhere now. 

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On 28/09/2021 at 03:31, dunlopp9987 said:

Just watched the first episode of Squid Game on Netflix. Don't want to say much, but I am VERY excited to see where this series goes.

It goes through all the children's games, each episode is a different game and in a similar vein lots of people get to play the game and a lot are obliterated.  A bit samey but certainly worth a watch.

I believe Series two is on the horizon.

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On 09/10/2021 at 21:27, dunlopp9987 said:

Still waiting to see if anyone on here has watched Squid Game yet. Just finished it. Netflix just announced that it's well on its way to being the most popular Netflix original show they've ever produced.

Watched the first three episodes tonight, intriguing stuff.

Has anyone watched Fortitude? Been recommended by a friend.

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On 09/10/2021 at 21:27, dunlopp9987 said:

Still waiting to see if anyone on here has watched Squid Game yet. Just finished it. Netflix just announced that it's well on its way to being the most popular Netflix original show they've ever produced.

Heard that there's issues with the subtitling so I've not been that interested to be honest. 

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58 minutes ago, Matt said:

Heard that there's issues with the subtitling so I've not been that interested to be honest. 

That's the same for all Netflix shows, Lupin (French) is subtitled incorrectly which was a bit annoying. 

I'm two episodes into Squid Game, didn't see the appeal in it but absolutely hooked. Fantastic show, unbelievably acted and directed.

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On 11/10/2021 at 14:01, dunlopp9987 said:

My default was set to dialogue in English, which I immediately changed. I did it with English subtitles and didn't have any issues at all.

Seriously some clunky stuff in it, eg people "drinking" in masks (why the masks?) when there's no way they'd have been able to without seriously contorting. Guy falls off off huge cliff and sound effect is a splash a second later like he's just jumped off the edge of a pool, but I did enjoy it and look forward to the next series.

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On 13/10/2021 at 14:49, Matt said:

Wife and I finally got around to moving in to the new house so can now watch Sex Education (without fear of a parent walking in). It's so much better than we expected and address so many topics in such a brilliant way. 

Yep, it's one of my favorites. It handles a lot of things that teenagers are currently grappling with but (more often than not) isn't heavy-handed in it's execution.

There's a moment in season 2 and a moment in season 3 that are some of the best couple minutes of tv I've ever seen.

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Anyone else on here watch You?

The new series is out on Netflix however I am going back through the previous two series again and I have forgotten how good it is. There is an episode in each series that is probably up there with my favourite ever episodes of any series of all time.

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9 minutes ago, Bailey said:

Speaking of best episodes of TV shows. This is probably my favourite ever intro to an episode ever made!



Very good.

Just finished the first series of Guilt (needed to use subs at times due to Scottish accents😂) and enjoyed it a lot. Will start series two later.

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