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Jordan Pickford

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Need a calming influence in between the sticks. His been so erratic (Only one match since project restart where he hasn’t made a clear error?) His only saviour is the fact there are more pressing issues to deal with which says a lot more about the mess we’re in. Made two today that can only be down to concentration. I think he should be dropped for last few games.

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2 hours ago, c1982 said:

That there just now is why I’d happily sell Pickford (as he just stops a one on one!!!) almost throws one into his own goal then laughs it off. Aside from thinking he wouldn’t be that hard to replace - he just seems a bit of an idiot to me. He may not have been directly at fault for many goals but he’s very clumsy and gets away with a lot.

Sadly... my overriding feeling is he's a bit of a tit.  That's fine, be tit at home or whatever.  You are wearing the Everton shirt and fucking about like you are playing 60 seconds with your mates. 

I honestly do not understand what people are defending? He's got pope and co breathing down his neck and he behaves like he's untouchable.  A big fall awaits. 

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7 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

Sadly... my overriding feeling is he's a bit of a tit.  That's fine, be tit at home or whatever.  You are wearing the Everton shirt and fucking about like you are playing 60 seconds with your mates. 

I honestly do not understand what people are defending? He's got pope and co breathing down his neck and he behaves like he's untouchable.  A big fall awaits. 

Fans are making a mockery of the holy trinity.

Did anyone ever watch Allan Ball?

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To think we used to laugh at Liverpool and ridicule Bruce Dropalaaa... calling him a clown.  Liverpool's persevered with him because 1.  They could afford to with the outfield they had.  2. He was a good shot stopper on his day. 

Most fans still wanted a Ray Clemence in goal because of the stability he gave. 

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The way people are moaning comes across like you wanted it to go in so you can give the lad some jib. It's absolutely pathetic, that type of fumble happens every week and as long as it doesn't go in that's all that matters. Happened in one of the matches I've watched in the past week and I couldn't even tell you which one as it's really not that big of a deal. 

Pickford's not costing us comical goals, he's not costing us many goals at all. If anything he's one of the only one who's done his job this season. But no he pulls his tongue out when he gets lucky, lynch him! 

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46 minutes ago, pete0 said:

The way people are moaning comes across like you wanted it to go in so you can give the lad some jib. It's absolutely pathetic, that type of fumble happens every week and as long as it doesn't go in that's all that matters. Happened in one of the matches I've watched in the past week and I couldn't even tell you which one as it's really not that big of a deal. 

Pickford's not costing us comical goals, he's not costing us many goals at all. If anything he's one of the only one who's done his job this season. But no he pulls his tongue out when he gets lucky, lynch him! 

I’ll admit I’m one mate. Ashamed for it.

But I almost wanted us to get hammered 6-0 today, just to let those freeloaders know how it feels to be ashamed. But honestly, I still don’t think they would feel it, they don’t care enough. I’m ashamed today. 

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3 hours ago, Shukes said:

I’ll admit I’m one mate. Ashamed for it.

But I almost wanted us to get hammered 6-0 today, just to let those freeloaders know how it feels to be ashamed. But honestly, I still don’t think they would feel it, they don’t care enough. I’m ashamed today. 

Gobshites galore picking up a wedge.  Apparently a keeper with butter fingers, who has brain farts, gets beat with alarming regularity on his near post thinks it's ok to laugh and pull tongues when making errors.....  it's not fucking funny.  It's not Monday night at the astroturf with your mates sweating out the weekend ale....  it's premier league footy.

Sick of the piss poor attitude resonating through the team.  His bravado - cos that's what it is - bravado, stinks of an immature arrogant player who has got far too big for his boots.  That world cup is the worst thing to happen to him.

Not just him, but strangely he is one of our most saleable assets right now... he won't be.  Id honestly offer him to Burnley plus £10m for pope. 


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6 minutes ago, Matt said:

Some of the stuff I’m reading is truly pathetic. That’s about as much contribution as this thread deserves at the moment. 

Matt, fans are pissed off big time.  It seems certain players are ok to get shit thrown at them but others aren't?

Why does Tom Davies get so much shite thrown at him for being crap and it's ok?  The lad at least shows he cares for the shirt.  Yes he's not good enough and most of us accept that and understand that his inclusion is down to previously overpaid transfers being moved on or benched because they are shite with bad attitudes.

Pickford if he showed an ounce of humility would probably get a bit of slack but it doesn't takeaway the fact that statistically he is a poor keeper. There is absolutely nothing in his stats that show him as being a good keeper.  Look beyond that and you can see how much he unsettles his defence, they don't trust him. 

Yet some fans on here seem to think he's is off limits cos he's England's number 1?  He isn't and he won't be much longer. The decline started after the world cup and nothing has happened to change it.

No way will Ancellotti persevere with him.

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5 hours ago, Sibdane said:

 I have to agree that Pickford is a bit overrated, but like others have said, we have bigger priorities to tackle before looking at replacing him. 

Overated by who? Pundits are lining up to have a pop at him and have been for months; the only person (Ancelotti aside) whose opinion matters is Gareth Southgate and so far he's stuck with him.

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32 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

Anyone want  a £10 charity bet then? Pickford will be dropped for Pope or a.n other for England by next 3 internationals? 

No one else is that arsed about if your opinion is right or wrong to put their own money on it mate. 

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2 hours ago, StevO said:

No one else is that arsed about if your opinion is right or wrong to put their own money on it mate. 

There seems to be a high level of confidence that Southgate knows what he's doing and us moaners just can't see what a top keeper he is. So much so he will keep his England jersey.....

Just thought I'd test the level of confidence. I don't need to know if I'm right.... im pretty sure my opinion is solid and the facts back it up.  Makes too many mistakes, not enough saves, and not much of anything else. 


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50 minutes ago, Matt said:

Now there’s bets against one of our players failing? Embarrassing.

No. The bet is to test how convinced people are that Southgate rates him and he's England's best.

Laughing at making mistakes when 2-0 down is failing...   

As they said on toffeetv, the only thing he seems to give a shit about is the England shirt.  Doesn't try half the antics, gobbing off at his defenders, goading opposition fans, laughing at mistakes when he's got the 3 lions on.  

Michael Ball wrote a damning piece about the players and in particular Pickford.  Tough to disagree with any of it. 

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10 hours ago, c1982 said:

Not sure what Carlos on about.... he's Jordan pickford - England's best keeper.... doesn't make mistakes any more than other keepers. 

I'd probably be looking at rightmove if i was pickford.  No way is Ancellotti not going to sign a keeper. 

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10 hours ago, c1982 said:

He has been poor of late and he obviously recognises that, but the manager also knows he has got ability and is willing to give the opportunity to get back to were he should be, but that won’t be for ever so a reaction is required from him, he as point to prove, and I believe he will 

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