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45 minutes ago, Palfy said:

I’m hearing Trump has tested positive is there any truth in this, or am I just dreaming. 

I think it's just speculation because he was in close contact quite recently with a Brazilian who's since tested positive...old news though if that's the case.


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I know a lot of people who are self isolating but thankfully I know no one who has been tested positive. 
It is giving me a sense of you know it’s happening but I feel remote from what’s happening, and long may that be the case. 

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1 hour ago, Romey 1878 said:

I'm on day three of total isolation (underlying health condition) and I'm pissed off already :lol: 

Can't even imagine how much weight I'm going to put on by the amount of eating I'm doing just for something to do. I have read two books though, so there's that.

Where you getting all the food from have you been panic buying 😉 hopefully you’re be alright mate after your isolation all be it a couple of stone heavier and no clothes that fit😂

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3 hours ago, RPG said:

Emirates Airline suspending all passenger flights effective 25/3/20 and a sliding scale of pay cuts for 3 months depending on current position/salary. Presidents take a 100% pay cut, middle management 50% and juniors 25%, in an honest attempt to try to avoid a single job loss.

Stay safe out there.

wow that's altruistic and wonderful.

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This is beginning to feel like a disaster movie; I watch the TV and can't get my head around the fact that it's a real thing. The strangest part of it is that I'm quite impressed by Johnson at the press briefings as much as I hate the guy, he's Churchillian in comparison to the absurd Trump, "we have the greatest" nonsense.

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The nearest I've been to this previously was in 1956 in Singapore. We had a lad in  our barrack room was taken ill and rushed into the military hospital.  The info came back that he had a type of encephalitis. He was so bad that the Army refused to fly his parents out as the flight took 4 days and they didn't think he would live that long.  They found that the infection was caused by a mosquito bite from a mosquito that had been on a rat.  We were all put on lock-down and the Army came in and disinfected the whole area. We were ordered to sleep with mosquito nets, something we didn't usually bother with.  We were only on lock-down for about 4 days but we were mighty relieved when it was over.  Not knowing was the worst thing. Delighted to say that the lad recovered and was shipped back to blighty.

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1 hour ago, holystove said:

UK health ministers are refusing to attend European health ministers conference calls because it doesn't rhyme with brexit.. ffs.

I haven’t seen anything reported to support that here, but it wouldn’t surprise me that that has happened, this government has been pushing for self isolation before the breakout of the Coronavirus. 

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My older daughter is a physician assistant (whom you see when you visit a 'doctor' in the US), and my oldest son and his girlfriend are nurses. My son texted us the other night because they are seeing a rush a new patients in the ICU where he works, and they're not just older patients: some are in their 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s. He's urging us to stay at home for as long as it takes. They're already working longer hours and on their days off. I really hope they don't get sick: If doctors and nurses go down with this, who helps patients then?

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2 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

Trump may have tested negative, but Rand Paul is the first US senator to test positive. This is the guy who voted against the government offering free testing and financial support to those affected.

I hope he plans to pull himself up by his bootstraps and invent his own vaccine/treatments.

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Johnson made out it was only flu and has dawdled over every decision. Very much playing catch up with hesitation as every necessary step shits all over tory policy. NHS funding, low skill workers showing they are the foundation, and most of all the piss-poor social aid. Any other government would have acted faster and more efficiently. Why shut theatres but leave pubs open?! Meanwhile heartless businesses are laying staff off. The government shouldn't have given them the chance and should punish those who did. Look at us compared to any other country and it is telling we are ran for companies, not for the people. 

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11 minutes ago, pete0 said:

Johnson made out it was only flu and has dawdled over every decision. Very much playing catch up with hesitation as every necessary step shits all over tory policy. NHS funding, low skill workers showing they are the foundation, and most of all the piss-poor social aid. Any other government would have acted faster and more efficiently. Why shut theatres but leave pubs open?! Meanwhile heartless businesses are laying staff off. The government shouldn't have given them the chance and should punish those who did. Look at us compared to any other country and it is telling we are ran for companies, not for the people. 

I was commenting purely on the basis of the press briefing I watched yesterday and his demeanour which I thought was in stark contrast to...

1. His normal buffoonery and...

2. The contrast with Trumps' idiocy.

At least he seemed to be listening to the "experts" rather than making nonsensical suggestions. Time will tell whether all decisions made were right or wrong; actually time probably won't tell because we'll never know how things would have turned out had we done things differently

Anyway this is beyond politics now.

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2 minutes ago, MikeO said:

I was commenting purely on the basis of the press briefing I watched yesterday and his demeanour which I thought was in stark contrast to...

1. His normal buffoonery and...

2. The contrast with Trumps' idiocy.

At least he seemed to be listening to the "experts" rather than making nonsensical suggestions. Time will tell whether all decisions made were right or wrong; actually time probably won't tell because we'll never know how things would have turned out had we done things differently

Anyway this is beyond politics now.

That's a pretty low bar to start from tbf. 

For anyone stuck at home audible have free books to listen to. 


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42 minutes ago, pete0 said:

Look at us compared to any other country and it is telling we are ran for companies, not for the people. 

the above statement is applicable to the bill the republicans just tried to pass to "offer support".  all it was was handouts and free money for corporations leaving the families and middle/poor classes left behind.  it makes me sick that with everything going on certain segments of politicians are still trying to use it to THEIR gain, and not the gain of the people hurting most. 


for a balanced view from me though, i would like to note that although i'm usual republican bashing here, my state Ohio has a republican governor who has done exceptional.  we are now the 4th state to shutdown and we don't have it anywhere as bad as the other 3, he has been ahead of the federal government on all things, and really is proactive and not reactive (like trump).  so here i am waxing lyrical about a Republican, lest people think i am some commie left winger stuck in an echo chamber, well done Mike DeWine keep it up and you'll get my vote for re-election.

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