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Weirdness Abounds (or the Idrissa Gana Gueye Thread)

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1 hour ago, RPG said:

I have always maintained that politics and religion should play no visible part in sport but sport (particularly soccer) has become so commercialised in recent years that it is very difficult (just about impossible) to ensure that remains the case. I remember being told by my father before my first (legal) visit to a pub:   

'Son, you can go in there and talk about anything other than politics and religion. They are very personal and delicate subjects and people must be allowed to hold their own personal views. Discuss politics or religion in public and you will be heading for trouble'

I think the same convention should apply to sports (advertising and taking the knee etc) now as it did to pubs then. As soon as sports advertising is used to to promote anything with likely political or religious links, it automatically starts a debate and then we are back to talking about politics on a sports thread - which would be a terrible shame. I'm not saying that all the good work EITC etc does should cease of course but let's keep the football pitch itself for purely footballing matters.

Debating is healthy in my opinion. If you’re views are nothing to be ashamed of there is no reason to need to hide them. 

Taking the knee was very important and I’m glad football in our country did it. But that’s just my opinion, and was subject to a few disappointing conversations I’ve had with my dad. 

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15 minutes ago, StevO said:

Debating is healthy in my opinion. If you’re views are nothing to be ashamed of there is no reason to need to hide them. 

Taking the knee was very important and I’m glad football in our country did it. But that’s just my opinion, and was subject to a few disappointing conversations I’ve had with my dad. 

I can’t stand tokenism though, hate it.  We were taking the knee whilst countries like Montenegro were allowed to monkey chant through 90 minutes.  The authorities don’t punish hate properly but if someone doesn’t abide by gestures then they are ridiculed. 

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Has anyone been watching him at PSG since he left? (I haven't, by the way). He's at an age where he's obviously got a limited amount of seasons left in him - has he still got the same pace? I think it would be very naive to assume we're signing the same Gana that we sold 3 years ago. There must be a reason PSG wanted to let him go after a few years. 


Oh, and can we change the thread title and give the lad a fresh start please 😂

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4 hours ago, Hoof_It_Nev said:

Has anyone been watching him at PSG since he left? (I haven't, by the way). He's at an age where he's obviously got a limited amount of seasons left in him - has he still got the same pace? I think it would be very naive to assume we're signing the same Gana that we sold 3 years ago. There must be a reason PSG wanted to let him go after a few years. 


Oh, and can we change the thread title and give the lad a fresh start please 😂

Hard to say hasn’t played much in the last 6 months, but I would assume due to age his pace and energy haven’t increased. 

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5 hours ago, Hoof_It_Nev said:

Has anyone been watching him at PSG since he left? (I haven't, by the way). He's at an age where he's obviously got a limited amount of seasons left in him - has he still got the same pace? I think it would be very naive to assume we're signing the same Gana that we sold 3 years ago. There must be a reason PSG wanted to let him go after a few years. 


Oh, and can we change the thread title and give the lad a fresh start please 😂

I watched him a lot mate. Played most of their champions league and big matches. Looked completely different than when he was with us. Played more as a box to box progressive player. Looks more offensive than he was he ever was with is.

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7 hours ago, RPG said:

There are more than enough places dedicated to debating politics and religion. My point is not that these subjects should not be debated at all, but rather that they should not be debated on a sports thread (or be advertised or otherwise on show on a football pitch) and should only be debated by people who are specifically looking to debate them, and in a venue or website dedicated to that purpose. People taking part in a sports thread should not have to pick their way through a political or religious debate. I was active in the rainbow debate earlier but would have much preferred to have not felt obliged to get involved at all.

Taking the knee was not at all important to me or Wilfrid Zaha and many others and I deliberately missed the first couple of minutes of every televised game so as not to support it. If we had signed Zaha (which looked possible at one stage) would there have been similar objections because he refused to take a knee?

But that's just my view.  Not wanting to open up 'that' debate again after a very satisfying window. So I'll close with a general statement that mixing sport with politics and/or religion is not a good idea.

Agreed, said the same thing a couple of years ago and asked the mods to close the religious and political threads, it wasn’t viewed as a necessity or a good idea which is fair enough. Yet religion and politics are very much part of everyday life so hard to avoid even in sports debating, Gana’s decision not to wear the shirt once opened for debate was always going to escalate, and go down different avenues and escalate into condemnation of people who held different views, whether right or wrong that just seems to be par for the course where ever you debate these subjects. Without trying to speak for anyone else I would say we have a choice to be involved or not in any debates other than the sport threads. 

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12 hours ago, Sibdane said:

If @pete0 doesn’t speak up soon then I’m going to assume he’s ecstatic about the Gueye transfer. 

I really thought he’d pop in by now. 


On 27/04/2019 at 12:21, pete0 said:

I've nothing to be embarrassed about


On 04/04/2019 at 11:53, pete0 said:

Most on here will know I'm not fond of Gana


On 04/05/2019 at 05:15, pete0 said:

but you can't fault his passing and positioning


On 26/04/2019 at 07:28, pete0 said:

His attitude, he was a winner. He owned his area of the pitch.


On 25/04/2019 at 14:24, pete0 said:

Like Matt says we need a squad. 


On 04/04/2019 at 11:53, pete0 said:

Be happy being more organised, playing better/faster football, and sitting higher up the table. 


On 13/05/2019 at 13:27, pete0 said:

Use the money to buy... Gana


On 16/01/2019 at 04:31, pete0 said:

Enjoy the tea and biscuits. 


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One thing I noticed different in his game since he left, he moves the ball on quicker when he receives it. Not like he was slow before, but he looked like he got it and moved it before they had a chance to react. I guess that’s from playing with a higher quality of player around him. 
What he can do for Iwobi and Onana is very exciting. 

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